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STUDYING WITH CHILDREN UNDERFOOT * Workshop: Feb. 16 th, 2011. Presented by: Erik Ashby, Coordinator Student Programs & Services Weber State University.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDYING WITH CHILDREN UNDERFOOT * Workshop: Feb. 16 th, 2011. Presented by: Erik Ashby, Coordinator Student Programs & Services Weber State University."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDYING WITH CHILDREN UNDERFOOT * Workshop: Feb. 16 th, 2011. Presented by: Erik Ashby, Coordinator Student Programs & Services Weber State University - Davis

2 PLAN TASKS WITH YOUR CHILD Silly Putty Etch a sketch Blocks Coloring books *Consider allowing only particular activities only while you’re studying. This makes it a treat for your kids to play with them.

3 CHILDPROOF A ROOM TO STUDY IN AND FILL IT WITH TOYS  Set aside one room or area in your home for children.  Childproof the area for safety  Again, consider only using this area while you study

4 ALLOW FOR INTERRUPTIONS  Schedule the kind of studying that can be interrupted.  Flash card reviews / Key terms / definitions.  Save the tasks that require sustained attention for other times..  After bedtime – before the children wake up – etc.

5 BUILD STUDY TIME INTO YOUR SCHOOL SCHEDULE  Can you arrive 15 minutes before class?  Can you stay 15 minutes after class?  Study time in between classes?

6 USE TELEVISION / COMPUTERS WISELY  Television/Computers makes a great babysitter  Can you program the tv?  Do you have the children’s favorite movies?  Worried about your child becoming a “couch potato”?  Purchase educational films / tv shows or computer programs.  Ask them to color pictures about what they are listening to. Headphones can be a life saver.

7 MAKE IT A GAME  The secret is to choose the kind of studying that your child can participate in.  Example, while studying chemistry you can use funny voices and faces as you recite different elements on the periodic table.  Draw goofy pictures and make up an exciting story about the process of titration.  Ask them to hold flash cards for you. Play “school” and let them be the teacher.  Invent rhymes, poems or songs for your children.

8 ASK FOR COOPERATION  Sometimes we forget just how smart and caring our children can be. Ask them for help.  Reward and praise them when they are quiet  When children are included in the process, children are less likely to resent schoolwork as an activity that takes you away from them but something you do together.

9 PLAN STUDY BREAKS WITH CHILDREN  Take a 10 minute break every hour. Or 15 on and 10 off.. Be creative. See what works best for you and your child(ren).  Let your children in on the plan.  Plan activities with your children that you can do when you take a break.  Example.. Quick puppets out of paper sacks.  Quick science experiment such as catching a ghost in a bottle.  Children love visual reminders.  Get a colorful oven timer. Let the child decorate and paint it.

10 DEVELOP A ROUTINE  Children are creatures of habit. They love routine. This lets them feel more comfortable with the situation.  Bargain with your children. Reward them for keeping the schedule.  Children may enjoy receiving “credits” for this purpose. When they earn so many credits they earn a reward.  Ice Cream with Dad  Trip to the park  Activity sponsored by the Nontraditional Student Services/Center.  What motivates your child?

11 FIND A PLAYMATE  Sometimes children can pair off with close friends and play for hours.

12 ASK OTHER ADULTS FOR HELP  This can be as simple as asking a spouse / close friend or a neighbor to watch the child(ren) while you study for a big test.  Some parents start a baby-sitting co-op.  They’ll watch the kids for 2 hours Tuesday night while you watch them for 2 hours Thursday night.

13 FIND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES  Sometimes community agencies offer day care services  Gym (put your notes on an ipod, drop the kids off at the child care and go walking on the treadmill while studying)  Special events  Storytelling hours at the library

14 WHEN YOU CAN’T DO EVERYTHING, JUST DO SOMETHING  We all run into the mental trap of saying we can’t get everything done when the children are around. That’s OK…  When you can’t everything done, just get ‘something’ done.  Skim a chapter  Read the introduction to the chapter But if you always study this way, your education will be compromised!



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