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Fun homework and projects

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1 Fun homework and projects
How well does the school support children / young people to develop and learn? 5.1 Curriculum 5.3 Meeting learning needs Fun homework and projects Homework diaries very useful form of communication Using Outdoor equipment Very good transition between P7 and Mearns Academy and Nursery to school Open dialogue with teacher / Head Teacher or both Open door policy Good Head Teacher presence Sharing learning booklet at the start of every term very helpful Choice of topics engaging and inspiring Additional learning support More research and fun homework or projects (i.e. making things) I would like my children to get praise postcards Open sessions not always appropriate No privacy specifics re child’s learning

2 Small school / personal touch
How well do children / young people learn and achieve? 1.1 Improvements in performance 2.1 Learners’ experiences Parental Involvement Small school / personal touch Pupil voice Calm atmosphere Really well – confident and happy children Learning in different ways Community involvement Parent inclusion very good Good computer equipment Record of achievements for nursery kids Using outdoor environment Open parent sessions very enjoyable Seeing classroom Seeing child’s work Parents provide a good support group for new starts Interaction between all the classes is so positive Learning Journies Creating great opportunities through structured Friday activities Pupil engagement in learning Good discipline Praise postcards

3 Learning to be more tactile approach
How well do children / young people learn and achieve? continued 1.1 Improvements in performance 2.1 Learners’ experiences Learning to be more tactile approach Clear, overall picture of wider community projects Good work required Idiots Guide to what is required in a term (i.e. outdoor clothes, footwear, PE kit, lunch tickets, eco play piece …) More cooking for kids

4 Children coming home full of enthusiasm about their learning at school
How well does the school improve the quality of its work? 5.9 Improvement through self evaluation Variety of activities Children coming home full of enthusiasm about their learning at school Communication Learning journeys are a good way for the children to self evaluate Recent self evaluation following P1s transition Change classroom layout often Frequent viewing of learning journeys More parental involvement in the classrooms Praise and reward Encouraging others (parents and community) to be more involved School engagement with parents Feedback sessions / parent questionnaires Ensuring no gaps in learning outcome Parents to have more open sessions in the classrooms for all the years (i.e. one afternoon per session / activity afternoons) Improve time that the split years spend together Get parents into the classroom

5 Opportunities to interact With staff From children coming
How do we “Share the Learning, achievement and attainment” with parents? Opportunities to interact With staff From children coming home with their stories Learning Journeys Homework Diaries Website Newsletters End of year assembly Praise Postcards Displays Sports Day Community Events Phone calls School Reports Open sessions / Parents evenings Reception – meeting Morning and afternoon Informal end of day chats Come to play sessions Noticeboards School shows and performances Informal end of day chats Learning Leaflets

6 Approachable via telephone or in person Accident slips
What do we do to communicate with parents to support the totality of the school experience for their child(ren)? Good transition programme P1-3 teachers outside after school Leaver’s assembly Newsletters Open sessions like the circus Parent and child interaction Approachable via telephone or in person Accident slips Happy to go to school and happy when leaving Playground atmosphere School shows Reception area

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