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RIGHTS ON – Supporting organizations’ needs for evidence-based advocacy CHAMPIONING CHILDREN’S RIGHTS A Global Study of Independent Human Rights Institutions.

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Presentation on theme: "RIGHTS ON – Supporting organizations’ needs for evidence-based advocacy CHAMPIONING CHILDREN’S RIGHTS A Global Study of Independent Human Rights Institutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 RIGHTS ON – Supporting organizations’ needs for evidence-based advocacy CHAMPIONING CHILDREN’S RIGHTS A Global Study of Independent Human Rights Institutions for Children Vanessa Sedletzki International Consultant - Human Rights, Governance, Policy

2 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON2 Today’s presentation  Ethos of the study  Facts from the world  Making a difference for children  Way ahead

3 Vanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON3 Ethos of the study

4 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON4 One central question In a political system made by and for adults What makes an institution fit for children?

5 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON5 Independent human rights institutions for children  Scope of the study: international standards  Institutions that are  Public  Independent in principle  Specific focus on children’s rights  No classification of individual institutions according to network criteria

6 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON6 What the book talks about…  World-wide expansion  Common features: independence, CRC approaches, direct engagement with children, international engagement  Common difficulties: status of children, mandate, resources, implementation of recommendations  Different contexts

7 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON7 Contents  Key cross-cutting themes analysis  Practical questions  Regional overviews  Recommendations

8 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON8 What it can do for you  Provide evidence for advocacy  Help find answers to your questions or think through issues  See how it happens elsewhere  Help you explain your role  Help others understand it  Relevance for other child rights issues

9 Vanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON9 Facts from the world

10 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON 1010 Where are they? 1996 Note: This map is stylized and not to scale. It does not reflect a position by UNICEF on the legal status of any country or territory or the delimitation of any frontiers.

11 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON1 Where are they? 2012 Note: This map is stylized and not to scale. It does not reflect a position by UNICEF on the legal status of any country or territory or the delimitation of any frontiers.

12 Vanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON 1212 Regional overviews

13 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON 1313 Development across regions

14 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON 1414 Snapshot by region  Sub-Saharan Africa  Operating in weak governance contexts  Yet making progress in several countries  Asia and the Pacific  Very diverse  Strong in South Asia and tackling difficult issues  Issues with independence and visibility of CR

15 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON 1515 Snapshot by region  Europe  Compliance with international standards  Innovative child participation but accessibility issue  Facing threats  Latin America and the Caribbean  Strong status, linked to democratization  Local presence  Regional network in progress

16 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON 1616 Snapshot by region  Middle-East and North Africa  None but broader NHRIs  Opportunities with transitions?  Australia, Canada, New-Zealand, USA  Sub-national level  Strong child protection approach

17 Vanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON 1717 Making a difference for children

18 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON 1818 Core achievements  Making children visible in policy making  Focus on environments  Equitable approaches  Child participation  Individual or specific situations

19 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON 1919 Influencing factors Effectiveness Own drive Proactiveness Legal mandate Competencies Environment

20 Vanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON 2020 Way ahead

21 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON 2121 Recommendations to independent institutions Increase awareness among children Nurture partnerships with wide range of actors Disaggregate complaint data Ensure attention to child rights within broad-based institution Foster coordination with other independent institutions nationally Promote implementation of recommendations Have clear strategic plan and communicate on results

22 Vanessa SedletzkiVanessa Sedletzki RIGHTS ON2 To find the policy summary… EnglishArabeFrançais RussianEspanolItaliano Book coming out in the fall in English

23 RIGHTS ON – Supporting organizations’ needs for evidence-based advocacy THANK YOU!

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