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NC State’s QEP: Learning in a Technology-Rich Environment Ephraim Schechter September 23, 2004 Western Carolina University.

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Presentation on theme: "NC State’s QEP: Learning in a Technology-Rich Environment Ephraim Schechter September 23, 2004 Western Carolina University."— Presentation transcript:

1 NC State’s QEP: Learning in a Technology-Rich Environment Ephraim Schechter September 23, 2004 Western Carolina University

2 LITRE Today’s topics What’s LITRE? How we got there Tips from our experience

3 LITRE is... Applied research Technology-enhanced approaches to teaching/learning are: Explored Assessed for impact Results inform broader deployments, future projects LITRE website:

4 Major themes Students/faculty engage with technology for learning/teaching Impact on student learning outcomes Supportive technological/pedagogical environments

5 LITRE projects link to… General education goals College / department / program / course curriculum objectives Outcomes-based academic program review

6 First initiatives Monitor faculty/student experiences & attitudes Document campus classroom technology Classroom/course-based pilot projects Faculty grants for new projects Details available on LITRE website

7 Management Directed by a faculty member Experienced in LITRE areas On full released time as Special Assistant to the Provost Faculty/staff Advisory Board Special-purpose committees

8 How we got there: Choosing the topic Small planning group identified potential project areas Deans & key groups winnowed the list Executive officers selected LITRE Campus groups developed the details

9 Guidelines Related to student learning Achieves something we want to achieve Supported by assessment, with assessable impact Engages the academic community Capacity/commitment for 5+ years One topic is better than two Don’t highlight compliance issues

10 Tips from our experience Some projects are already too far along Don’t interfere with existing projects Everyone wants to be involved but umbrella topics aren’t manageable Emphasize a strength

11 Developing the details Started at same time as Compliance Team Selected topic Created “LITRE Team” to develop it Co-chairs: faculty member, IT administrator Small “Leadership team” plus Steering team Advisory committee Topical work groups

12 Developing the details Work groups Review campus resources/issues, peer institutions, literature Propose approaches, projects Areas Educational infrastructure Student information fluency Faculty engagement Learning resources / educational technology E-learning environments

13 Developing the details Faculty survey informs work group discussions Campus forums respond to work group reports Early: issues & wish lists Later: specific proposals Advisory committee / steering team winnow proposals Potential for immediate impact Existing campus involvement Probable funding constraints Provost and Chancellor decide what to fund

14 Writing the report Editorial board & writer Near the end of the development process Combine/summarize preliminary reports Adapt rationales, etc. from campus presentations Edit for consistent tone Available from LITRE website

15 Tips from NC State’s experience Everybody wants a piece of “the QEP pie” Build assessment in from the beginning Develop management structure as you go Leave plenty of time at the end to Negotiate final selections, budget details, etc. with your executive officers Get feedback on final draft(s)

16 Tips from NC State’s experience Process or project? Don’t leave “exercise for the reader” “Insiders” make assumptions Have “outsiders” review the drafts Workgroup size Small groups are easier to manage Large groups give more campus involvement

17 Think about… What does SACS want? What are your current issues? Which ones can be turned into effective QEPs? Why? What planning approach fits WCU’s style?

18 LITRE website: Ephraim I. Schechter, Ph.D. University Planning & Analysis North Carolina State University 919 / 515-2776

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