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Alaska’s 2010 Census Promotion Effort Jeff Hadland, Research Supervisor Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development SDC.

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Presentation on theme: "Alaska’s 2010 Census Promotion Effort Jeff Hadland, Research Supervisor Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development SDC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alaska’s 2010 Census Promotion Effort Jeff Hadland, Research Supervisor Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Jeff.Hadland@Alaska.Gov SDC Annual Training Conference October 2009

2 How Alaska Appears on Most Maps

3 586,400 Square Miles. 2,700 Miles East to West. 1,400 Miles North to South

4 Size, Population Density and Unique Character Present Challenges Despite its size, Alaska is 4 th smallest state behind Wyoming, District of Columbia, Vermont, North Dakota July 2008 state population of 679,720 586,400 Square Miles 2 times the size of Texas 33,000 miles of coastline Over 1/2 the world's Glaciers 3 million lakes

5 Census Count Issues Travel and communication logistics Frontier spirit Large hard to count population-24% Remote worksites and villages

6 First US Resident Counted in the 2010 Census Will be Counted in the Alaska Native Village of Noorvik Estimated 2008 Population 642


8 Noorvik


10 Noorvik…. Noorvik is accessible by plane and shallow- draft vessels. There are no roads linking the village to any other areas of the state. Travel is from Anchorage-Kotzebue (1 flight daily)--approx. 1.5 hours each way )and then Kotzebue-Noorvik (approx. 47 miles) by small plane. Average winter temperature is -10 to 15

11 Our Office Will Participate in Alaska Native Village Census Conference in Anchorage Next Week


13 Alaska’s State Data Center Located in the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Research and Analysis Section Research and Analysis includes all BLS Labor Market Information programs Major producer AND consumer of data Office of State Demographer-FSCPE

14 Leverage Labor Market Information Resources For Census Promotion Labor market and census data website Monthly Alaska Economic Trends Publication Special wage record research LED

15 LMI Resources Promoting Census Use Monthly Alaska Economic Trends publication to promote 2010 census TRENDS articles—December issue on 2010 Census Operations New Research and Analysis blog will feature 2010 Census info regularly


17 Barrow Fairbanks Palmer Anchorage Soldotna Kodiak Juneau State Data Center Affiliates

18 2010 Census Activities Alaska has 18 Boroughs with balance of state, the “Unorganized Borough”, made up of 10 census areas No “county level” government provides geographic support, so SDC responsibility

19 SDC Participated in Four Major Geographic Programs Redistricting Phase I & II LUCA—providing data for entities selected for LUCA and who were unable to participate PSAP-reviewed the CDP, Census Tracts and Block Group boundaries for 10 Census Areas and 10 Boroughs Count Review GIS staff and mapping capability

20 2010 Census Activities …. School Districts—the unorganized borough has REAAs—Dept. of Education has delegated the boundary review and updates to our office. BAS—our office reviews the boundaries and provides updates annually according to the Bureau’s guidelines, for 2010 the review will be for all incorporated places.

21 New Alaska Census Logo

22 New Alaska Census Data Web Page Promote 2010 census on Alaska Dept. of Labor website Developed State Data Center web pages with 2010 census emphasis focus on easy navigation

23 Alaska Census Data - Home Page Visit Alaska Census Data at:

24 Alaska Census Data - 2010 Census Visit Alaska Census Data at:

25 Alaska Census Data Why the Census is Important The Census Process Visit Alaska Census Data at:

26 Alaska Census Data 50 Ways the Census is Used Visit Alaska Census Data at:

27 SDC Planned Activities Drafted proclamation to be issued by the Governor’s Office in support of 2010 census Planned mailing to residents—especially post office boxes in mailout/mailback areas Establish a Toll Free Assistance Center in the State on or about April 1, 2010 for individuals to call if they did not receive a Census questionnaire Provide each Legislator and Legislative Information Office with Census materials for posting on their website or for their newsletters Include promotional information with state mailings (Public Assistance, Commission on Aging)

28 SDC Planned Activities… State Library funds through the Partnership Program will purchase Tote Bags with the 2010 Census logo for all libraries Request all State Agencies have a 2010 Census link Work with the Dept. of Education and Early Development to use the Census in Schools materials Provide 2010 census promotional materials to Alaska’s Legislative Information Offices Create regional posters for our DOL Job Centers, DMV, and other frequently visited state offices

29 SDC Planned Activities… Attend statewide conferences to promote 2010 census issues-Alaska Municipal League, Southeast Conference of local governments Include promotional information in utility bills or other local mailings. Provide a Census poster or information in areas where the “underserved” population may frequent—shelters, soup kitchens, boat harbors. Encourage local governments to be creative in promotion (community festivals, library sponsored bookmark contest

30 Fairbanks Has Been a Leader in 2010 Census Promotion Activities

31 Fairbanks 2010 Promotion Activities Website with links to US Census Bureau and SDC Public Service Announcements Met with State Legislators, Governor, US Senate and House staff to promote census Created a PO Box Survey to highlight mailout/mailback issue

32 Alaska SDC Contacts State Demographer: Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Research and Analysis Section 907.465.4500

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