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Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Rogelio (Roy) Valdez Administrator Disability Determination Services Division Idaho Commerce & Labor (7/1/04)

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Presentation on theme: "Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Rogelio (Roy) Valdez Administrator Disability Determination Services Division Idaho Commerce & Labor (7/1/04)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Rogelio (Roy) Valdez Administrator Disability Determination Services Division Idaho Commerce & Labor (7/1/04) State WIA Officer NASWA EO Committee

2 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer “Top Ten List EO Duties and Responsibilities”

3 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Number 1. Who are we? Senior or Management Level Staff Administrators/Managers HR Professionals Attorneys Farm worker Advocates Disability Advocates Overall Good People!

4 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Number 2. What do we do? Adhere to EO & Non Discrimination Policies Draft & Implement MOA (review 2 years) Provide Training/Technical Assistance Main Point of Contact on EO Complaint Process Monitoring Liaison (CRC, Other State agencies, WIBs, etc) ODA (other duties as assigned)

5 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Con’t Balancing Act…. As senior level staff, represent and carry out your agency mission and services, while monitoring, enforcing, training, technical assistance……on EO and non- discrimination while considering budget issues, resources, staffing, priorities, etc.

6 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Number 3. Let the world know who you are!  Name, title, address, phone # - EO Poster  Contact information on all correspondence  Staff  Continuous training and updates  Attend conferences, meetings, other events

7 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Number 4. Maintain Complaint Log Race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, citizenship, and or participation in a WIA financially assisted program or activity. Must contain – name, address, description of complaint, grounds, date filed, disposition.

8 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Number 5. Maintain Demographic and Program data Keep records on recipients that participate in programs such as UI, ES, WIA, etc. Analyze data regarding applicants, registrants, terminees, employees, applicants for employment Provide reports to key people and CRC

9 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Number 6.The Liaison Role Work with LWIBs, SWIBs, Inform of EO policies Coordinate trainings with Voc-Rehab, other agencies, Work with One-Stop partners

10 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Number 7. Ensure Accessibility Getting the Word Out Getting the Word Out LEP Issues LEP Issues Disability related issues Disability related issues Program issues Program issues Coordinator Role Coordinator Role

11 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Number 8.Develop Resources Participate on NASWA EO Committee Attend trainings, Dept of Justice, HHS, MOA trainings, mediation, ADR, In-state trainings, networking groups

12 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Number 9. Conduct Investigations Fact finding process Develop questions Follow Checklists Review with Legal staff

13 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Number 10. Review and Monitor Develop checklist/questionnaire Develop checklist/questionnaire Understand and communicate with workforce structure partners and agencies Understand and communicate with workforce structure partners and agencies Conduct ongoing monitoring, corrective actions reports Conduct ongoing monitoring, corrective actions reports Follow up Follow up

14 Roles & Responsibilities of the State EO Officer Any Questions? Observations? Advice? Recommendations? THANK YOU and ENJOY THE REST OF THE CONFERENCE!

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