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Washington Update Legislation Policy and Regulatory Issues.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington Update Legislation Policy and Regulatory Issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington Update Legislation Policy and Regulatory Issues

2 National Association of State Workforce Board Chairs Annual Meeting - August 21-24, 2004 Denver, Colorado Washington-NGA Update Martin Simon, NGA Center

3 Pending Legislation Workforce Investment Act Reauthorization Personal Reemployment Accounts (PRAs) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act FY 2005 Appropriations

4 WIA Reauthorization Five-year authorization up this month – No Extension required for program to continue Reauthorization legislation passed both House and Senate in 2003 with major differences House named conferees to a WIA Conference Committee in June – Senate not likely to

5 Personal Reemployment Accounts In June House passed PRA bill along party lines Senate action on a separate bill unlikely

6 TANF Reauthorization February 2003 - House passed its version of TANF reauthorization by a largely party-line vote In September 2004 - Senate Finance Committee marked up its version of reauthorization legislation - it did not make it to the Senate floor March 2004 – Failed attempt in Senate to amend bill to add $6 billion for child care 7 th Extension approved in June – Longer-term extension likely

7 Carl Perkins Reauthorization July 2004 – House Education and Workforce Committee approved bill - requires states to impose new academic standards and accountability measures - calls for states to ensure that courses are part of a coordinated curriculum - merges Perkins state grants with Tech-Prep program -includes “advanced manufacturing” as a career field to be covered under the bill

8 Carl Perkins Reauthorization July 19, 2004 – Senate introduced bill to reauthorize Perkins -Separates secondary and postsecondary performance measures - Maintains Tech-Prep as a separate program -Updates language in the law -Offers option of a unified plan between Tech- Prep and basic state grant -increases focus on career guidance and academic counseling

9 FY 2005 Appropriations House Appropriation Committee approved $492.3 billion for Labor-HHS-Education spending bill Slight increase for WIA programs (dislocated workers and youth) No funding for Administration’s new initiatives Omnibus spending package likely

10 Policy-Regulatory Issues EMILE (ETA Management Information and Longitudinal Evaluation) Reporting System Proposed Workforce Information (LMI) Core Products and Services Planning Guidance New National Emergency Grants (NEG) Priorities and Application Procedures

11 NGA Update New Leadership New Chair’s Initiative – “Redesigning the American High School” New Employment Security System Policy Integrated Performance Information (IPI) System Project 2004-2005 Workforce Development Policy Forum week of January 9-15, 2005


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