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Morgan State University

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1 Morgan State University
Student Self-Selection Housing Application Instruction Process By: The Office of Residence Life and Housing

2 Getting to the Website Where to Begin
If you click on the banner from the link, it will bring you to this page. If you are not on the Morgan website, you can type Please Note! You can only use Internet Explorer or Firefox to connect to our website.

3 Click on the “Click Here to Log In” link
A pop up will display asking if you would like to close the main page. If you click “Yes”, it will close the page and take you into the system. If you click “No”, it will leave the main page open, and will take you into the system.

4 Logging In Your user name is the first part of your Morgan State address. If your address is you will only use mlwll16 for your username. Your password is the same password you use to access your Morgan account. If you are a new student to the University, you must wait until you have received your information from the University in order to submit your application

5 You are now on the Welcome Page of the Housing System
On the left hand side, you will click the “Application” link A sub link will open; click on “Housing Application” link

6 Click the “Next” button
The only application period you can select is Fall 2013

7 Room and Plan Preference
Use the drop down box to select your meal plan. All students must select a meal plan. Returning and transfer students assigned to Marble Hall Gardens or Thurgood Marshall complex who would like to change their meal plan to one of the other assigned meal plans for those buildings, will be able to do so during the assignment process or by submitting a Meal Plan Form after charges have been placed on their account. To select your building preference, click on the “New” hyperlink.

8 A pop up will appear. Use the drop down box for “Preference Type”; select “Building.”
Use the drop down box to select in which building you would like to reside. Click “Next” First time student may not select Thurgood Marshall Complex or Marble Hall Gardens

9 Roommate Information Type in the Student ID number of the student that you want to room with in the “University ID” window. You MUST hit the “Tab” button on your keyboard in order for the person’s name to appear in the “Roommate Name” field. Remember that YOU and ALL of your requested roommates need to request to live with each other in the system. This means that you need to possess each other’s SID numbers to enter into the system. We recommend a group meeting to select everyone’s room within the same environment; i.e., a lounge or library.

10 If you do not have a specific roommate request…
You can fill out our Roommate matching

11 Click “Yes,” “No,” or “No Preference” for each of the matching criteria.
Click “Continue”

12 Summary and Payment Page
A summary page will appear with your profile information and all preferences you selected. At the bottom of the summary page is the “Payment” link. After you click payment, it will take you to a new page. DO NOT CLOSE THE APPLICATION SUMMARY PAGE!!

13 Fill in your payment information.
Once you are at the Payment receipt page, please go back to the application summary page.

14 Click “Continue” to submit your application.

15 Thank you for submitting your housing application!
For questions or concerns contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing at Morgan State University.

16 The Office of Residence Life & Housing (ORLH)
Our Staff Has Your Back! ORLH supports and is an integral part of the educational and social development of our students. Additionally, we provide a safe and comfortable living environment that enhances the academic success and achievements of our students. The Office of Residence Life & Housing (ORLH) Tubman Hall, Room 114 Morgan State University 1700 E. Cold Spring Lane Baltimore, MD 21251

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