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KLFA Brad Neuenswander Deputy Commissioner, KSDE.

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Presentation on theme: "KLFA Brad Neuenswander Deputy Commissioner, KSDE."— Presentation transcript:

1 KLFA Brad Neuenswander Deputy Commissioner, KSDE

2 Kansas State Department of Education Kansas Assessments What are the plans now that Kansas is not part of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium?

3 Kansas State Department of Education Kansas Assessments What are the plans now that Kansas is not part of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium? Just a few changes.

4 Kansas State Department of Education Assessment Timeline  Spring 2014  Math & ELA; Transitional Assessment, NO PILOT OF SBAC  Dynamic Learning Map (DLM)  Science; Current State Assessment  History/Government; Pilot new items  Spring 2015  Math & ELA; Newly Developed CETE Assessment, and DLM  Science; Pilot new items and remove old items  History Government; Pilot new items

5 Kansas State Department of Education Math and English Language Arts  Transition assessment in Spring 2014 is the same as we have always planned  Spring of 2015, when we would have had SBAC for the first time, we will have an enhanced Kansas assessment.  By Spring of 2016, we will be very close to where we would have been with SBAC with difference due to choices made in Kansas.

6 Kansas State Department of Education Spring 2014  Transition Assessment  Delivered on KITE  Aligned with Kansas College and Career Ready Standards for math, reading, and writing conventions  Follows similar blueprint to SBAC  Machine-scorable items only No performance task No writing prompt No listening items

7 Kansas State Department of Education New Development in 2014–2015  The transitional test will serve as the backbone for the new Kansas College and Career Ready Assessment  Enhancements  Listening section  Writing prompt  Math performance tasks

8 Kansas State Department of Education Spring 2015  The core machine-scorable part of the test will be parallel to what was administered in 2014, but we will refresh the item pool.  We will field test the enhancements.  Accountability for 2015 will be based on the core portion of the test.  Schools and districts will receive feedback on the field-test portions to help gauge student readiness on the full set of standards.

9 Kansas State Department of Education Summer 2015  After analyzing the field-test items, we will create the best form possible that includes all features of our future assessment.  We will set new achievement standards (cut scores and performance level descriptors) based on that form.  Using those new cut scores, we will set new AMOs and communicate the new targets to schools and districts.

10 Kansas State Department of Education Spring 2016  Now we have a fully enhanced test that covers all of the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards.  We should also have sufficient numbers of items to make the test adaptive this year as well.

11 Kansas State Department of Education Adaptivity  We are considering stage adaptivity rather than item adaptivity that SBAC uses.  Benefits  More reliable estimates  Targets assessment to student level  Requires fewer items than item-level

12 Kansas State Department of Education College and Career Ready means an individual has the academic preparation, cognitive preparation, technical skills, and employability skills to be successful in postsecondary education, in the attainment of an industry recognized certification or in the workforce, without the need for remediation.

13 Kansas State Department of Education

14 Kansas State Department of Education A subset of the KCCRAAC met again August 28 to draft a plan based on conversations from the August 6 meeting. The group identified four possible paths forward: 1. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium for 3-8 and H.S. (CETE will score, administer, and report) 2. Assessment Vendor, e.g. ACT for 3-8 and H.S. 3. Hybrid Assessment Model (i.e., the state will provide a default assessment and allow districts if they so choose to use another USED approved assessment funded by the district) 4. CETE-developed Assessment for 3-8 and H.S

15 Kansas State Department of Education A final meeting was held on September 3 rd during which #3 was chosen as a path to pursue: 1. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium for 3-8 and H.S. 2. Assessment Vendor, e.g. ACT for 3-8 and H.S. 3. Hybrid Assessment Model (i.e., the state will provide a default assessment and allow districts if they so choose to use another USED approved assessment funded by the district) 4. CETE-developed Assessment for 3-8 and H.S.

16 Kansas State Department of Education

17 Kansas State Department of Education Are You College & Career Ready?

18 Kansas State Department of Education Moving from Proficient to College & Career Ready Proficient What % of Kansas Students meet grade level proficiency, and ready to move to the next grade level? Math 2012 = 85% Reading 2012 = 87% College & Career Ready What % of Kansas Students perform at a CCR level on the new assessments? 65% ??? We don’t know, but we need to be prepared to communicate that we have raised the bar.

19 Kansas State Department of Education Old vs. New Performance Old State Assessment 2002-2013 Exemplary Exceeds Meets Approaching Warning New State Assessment 2014-2015 4 3 2 1

20 Kansas State Department of Education 2002-2013 Performance A New Start 2014-2015 and Beyond

21 Kansas State Department of Education ESEA Waiver Update  All States must re-submit their waiver to extend for one more year (2015-16) or until ESEA is reauthorized.  Kansas will re-submit in Feb.-March 2014.  We will make any changes or amendments to our waiver during this process.  Move the use of student growth to inform personnel decisions until 2017-18  Assessment Changes  Recalculating AMO’s

22 Kansas State Department of Education Thanks for Caring about KIDS!!!! Brad Neuenswander 785-296-2303

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