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Austin Peay State University Accounts Payable PO Box 4635 Clarksville, TN 37044 Browning Building, Room 146 (931) 221-1037.

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Presentation on theme: "Austin Peay State University Accounts Payable PO Box 4635 Clarksville, TN 37044 Browning Building, Room 146 (931) 221-1037."— Presentation transcript:


2 Austin Peay State University Accounts Payable PO Box 4635 Clarksville, TN 37044 Browning Building, Room 146 (931) 221-1037

3 What does Accounts Payable process? Payment Authorizations Reimbursements Business Meal Payment Authorizations Travel Claims & Advances Contract Payments Personal Service Agreements Stipends Journals & Expenditure Transfers

4 Accounts Payable Breakdown NamePosition/VendorContact Information Rosemary KnickerbockerManager – Accounts Payable(931) 221-7698 Geraldine GarnerTravel(931) 221-7373 Laura FinleyA-G/Purchase Cards Stipends/FedEx (931) 221-7692 Anita McKnightH-N/Contracts(931) 221-7694 Melody SmithO-Z/Utilities/Library(931) 221-7251 Kristi MooreData Entry(931) 221-1037

5 Payment Authorization

6 Payment Authorization (continued) Please fill out all required information, once items have been received, to prevent delay in payment to the vendor Obtain necessary signatures before submitting to Accounts Payable Also used for reimbursements of items purchased (except for food) If it is a new vendor, please submit a Substitute W-9 and Minority/Ethnicity forms filled out by the vendor along with payment information Payment authorizations are required for payment of items totaling less than $4,999.00 PLACING SEPARATE ORDERS TO GET BELOW THE $4,999 LIMIT IS A VIOLATION OF STATE POLICY!!!

7 Accounts Payable does NOT place orders Do not send a payment authorization to us until the items are ready to be paid for, i.e. have been received in a satisfactory manner We do not control your budgets, nor do we keep track of how much you spend Do not wait on an invoice to send a payment authorization Invoices are normally sent to A/P If you receive the invoice, then please forward it along with your PA We do not need: Duplicate copies of invoices if WE sent them to YOU Departmental purchase orders Packing slips Emails between you and your department chair/dean/VP saying it is okay to order an item and discussing budgets The only email we need is from PR stating you have print approval for logo items We cannot make payment until we have received all the necessary paperwork Please think of the environment and save a tree and your department some money! Please recycle!

8 Business Meal Payment Authorization Required when food items are purchased AND university personnel are present Can use this form OR a payment authorization when feeding students only BOTH FORMS ARE NOT NEEDED Can be used instead of a payment authorization when ONLY paying for a meal

9 Changes are coming! One Stop Shopping Online Approvals Budget Encumbrance Order Delivery Paperless

10 Geraldine Garner (931) 221-7373 PO Box 4635 Travel

11 Travel Authorization forms MUST be submitted at least two weeks before travel begins Travel paperwork must be submitted to the Business Office with the appropriate approval

12 Travel Authorization Can be found by visiting Accounting Services website Downloadable PDF file For use prior to travelling by car by airplane to conferences etc…

13 Travel Authorization What do I need to fill out on the travel authorization form? Fill out the top portion Tell us how you PLAN to travel List all expenses (or you will not be reimbursed for them) Airfare (T-numbers) Is the university paying? Lodging (Conference exception) Meals and incidentals In-State refer to TBR guidelines Out-of-State refer to CONUS - Registration If it needs to be paid in advance, please fill out the bottom portion Total Expenses

14 Travel Authorization continued… Travel Advances Not to exceed 80% List FOAP (Fund-Orgn-Account) Obtain appropriate signatures

15 Travel Claim

16 Filled out upon return from trip Original receipts are required Mileage is paid at 47¢/mile Mileage is calculated using Rand McNally Tripmaker Maximum parking fee is $8/day without a receipt Banquets/Luncheon Phone calls (business) Include FOAP (Fund-Orgn-Account) Appropriate Signatures Common Problems?

17 New and improved travel is on the way! Automated Travel Authorizations and Travel Claims

18 Anita McKnight (931) 221-7694 PO Box 4635 Contracts

19 Contact the Office of the University Attorney Phone (931) 221-7572 Fax (931) 221-7569

20 Honorariums

21 Journals & Expenditure Transfers Journals Used internally by the Business Office If a data entry error is made on a payment authorization by Accounts Payable, then we file a journal to correct the accounting information Expenditure Transfers Used when one department is charging another department If a coding error is made on a payment authorization by the department (wrong FOAP), they could file an expenditure transfer to correct the accounting information Requires appropriate signature Reason for request must be stated Attach reference material if necessary

22 Call (931) 221-1037 Questions?

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