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Application Webinar. FY 2013 Funding Total Award Amount = $1,335,635 Largest SHSP award = $140,000 Smallest SHSP award = $15,000 Average award amount.

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Presentation on theme: "Application Webinar. FY 2013 Funding Total Award Amount = $1,335,635 Largest SHSP award = $140,000 Smallest SHSP award = $15,000 Average award amount."— Presentation transcript:

1 Application Webinar

2 FY 2013 Funding Total Award Amount = $1,335,635 Largest SHSP award = $140,000 Smallest SHSP award = $15,000 Average award amount = $55,651

3 2014 SHSP Application Process Timeline (tentative) H-GAC FY2014 SHSP Application webinar—February 19 H-GAC releases FY2014 application—February 25 Application due to H-GAC with a copy to County EMC — March 12 @ 5 P. M. RHSCC meets to review and prioritize applications—March 14 Review prioritized applications and contact applicants for additional information—March 17-27 Applications submitted to SAA—April 11 RHSCC recommendations submitted to H-GAC Board for approval—April 15

4 Anticipated 2014 Guidance 24 month period of performance Continued focus on sustaining capabilities; expect justification to be required for building capabilities Funds will be competitive Continuation of allowing systems and equipment not originally purchased with HSGP funding to be sustained with HSGP funds

5 Anticipated 2014 Guidance Continued MMRS No earmarked funds Allowable under EMPG and HSGP grants CCP No earmarked funds Allowable under HSGP EOC No earmarked funds Allowable under EMPG Regional Catastrophic No earmarked funds Allowable under HSGP

6 2014 HSGP Investment Justifications All activities must support terrorism preparedness. Intelligence & Information Sharing State level fusion center (required): maturation and enhancement of baseline and analytic capabilities, based on 2011 Fusion Center Assessment gaps Facilitate the implementation of plans and procedures to work in conjunction with the Texas Fusion Center Assessment Gaps Suspicious activity reporting Other projects that enable interdiction and disruption of terrorist activity through enhanced understanding and recognition of pre-operational activity and other crimes, that may be precursors or indicators of terrorist activity Interoperable Communications For projects that build capabilities, prioritize those required to meet narrow banding standards Sustaining existing capabilities (e.g. life cycle replacement of equipment)

7 2014 HSGP Investment Justifications (con’t) Sustaining Special Response Teams and First Responder Capabilities CBRNE/WMD detection, HAZMAT response and decontamination, Urban Search and Rescue, SWAT and other tactical teams First responder equipment sustainment needs, including PPE, WMD Pharmaceuticals, Calibration and maintenance for WMD-related detection and identification systems, and closely related investments to update or sustain current first responder equipment State, Regional & Local Planning Core capability development planning, to include typing and tracking of equipment and special response teams Planning and execution of training and exercises focused on terrorism prevention, protection, and response Identifying and Maintaining CI/KR data Multi-jurisdictional operational planning to include plans for regional operational coordination of terrorism, prevention, protection, and response activities and sharing of capabilities Maintaining or updating of Emergency Operations Plans, consistent with guidance in CPG 101 v.2 and the whole community approach to security and emergency management Planning and implementation of initiatives to enhance the Citizens Corps Program

8 2014 HSGP Investment Justifications (con’t) Border Security Critical Infrastructure (additional consideration for FY2014) All activities must support terrorism preparedness.

9 Eligibility Requirements for 2014 NIMS Compliant Emergency Management Plan on file with TDEM- Current & Maintained at Intermediate level or higher TRRN Compliant A-133 Single Audit Act Compliant Additional transparency requirements: EPLS, DUNS, CCR, FFATA (Certification Form) Criminal History Reporting Cities and Counties must be complete

10 NIMS Compliance Prior to allocation of any Federal preparedness awards in FY2014, grantees must ensure and maintain adoption and implementation of NIMS NIMSCAST website has been discontinued; Survey was used last year 2014 NIMS Reporting Survey will be collected by the THSSAA

11 Preparedness Profile


13 Who must Use TRRN? Any sub-recipient who has received Homeland Security Grant funding must be registered with TRRN Has any equipment with a cost of $5,000 or more, purchased with Homeland Security Grant funds must be entered into the TRRN

14 A-133 Audit A-133 Audit (Single Audit Act)- Any jurisdiction spending more than $500,000 in federal or state grants during a fiscal year must have an outside audit conducted.

15 Criminal History Reporting Requirements The THSSAA will review the 5-year average for 2008- 2012 to ensure the completeness rates for both adult and juvenile arrests is at or above 90% by August 1, 2014. Any local unit of government or other entity located within a county that does not meet the requirement by the deadline will not be eligible for SHSP funds.

16 Transparency Reporting DUNS Number CCR Registration Executive Compensation (Recipient and Sub- recipients)

17 System for Award Management (SAM) DUNS Number/CCR Many may already have a DUNS number and be registered in CCR. If you are not sure about your jurisdiction, please contact your primary Financial Officer (City Manager, County Treasurer or County Auditor, Chief Financial Officer, etc.) to determine if the entity has a DUNS number and obtain the status of the CCR Registration.

18 Requesting a DUNS Number If they do not have a number: The fastest and easiest way is to request one online

19 Certification Form 2014 Certification Form to be released by SAA

20 Questions? Contact Information: Larry Meyer,, 832/681-2580 Faye Prevot,, 713/993-2442

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