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1 John Sokolowski, Ph.D. Executive Director STATE OF VMASC.

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1 1 John Sokolowski, Ph.D. Executive Director STATE OF VMASC

2 AGENDA Organization Summary Mission and Vision VMASC by the Numbers VMASC Strategic Plan Update Major Research Projects New Initiatives STEM Activities Other Areas of Interest Industry Partnership

3 ORGANIZATION University-level research center  founded in 1997  21 Researchers: 11 PhDs,10 project scientists  3 engineering service experts  7 administrative staff  2 IT Staff  7 Graduate Students Research sponsors include U. S. Department of Defense, Commonwealth of Virginia, Private Industry $6 million in annual research awards

4 TRANSPORTATION LAB – works to increase individual and group mobility and safety through the use of M&S techniques, with topics including traffic modeling, transportation network planning, behavioral influences and constraints, aviation safety, maritime operations, logistics and distribution, and training MEDICAL M&S TOOL DEVELOPMENT LAB - centered on developing training tools for both clinical and academic settings via real-time simulation of actual patient data and imagery. ADVANCED ANALYTICS & COMPLEX SYSTEMS LAB - designed to host analytic software for risk modeling and simulation, simulation-based optimization, public health and healthcare database application development and GIS tools for developing graphical and terrain databases LABORATORIES

5 HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING LAB - designed to host human-computer interface and human behavior modeling activities HUMAN DYNAMICS LAB - seeks to study humans in simulations including the theories, techniques and tools needed to model individuals and groups along behavioral, cognitive, and socio-cultural dimensions. VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENTS & ROBOTICS LAB - supports research in two major initiatives, immersive virtual environments and autonomous robotics/unmanned systems MEDICAL LAB - supports the use of M&S for medical Training, Treatment, Disease Modeling, and Management of Health Care Systems LABORATORIES

6 MISSION AND VISION VMASC Mission Engage in scholarly research in modeling and simulation (M&S), visualization, and analysis that yields significant contributions to the M&S body of knowledge, provides constructive solutions to critical challenges facing academic, government, and industry partners, and fosters the international advancement of the discipline of M&S. Promote economic development through collaboration with industry and through the continued maturation of research ideas and analysis to create tangible products and applications suitable for commercial development or public investment. Support M&S education and workforce development through classroom instruction and through active engagement of students in the research process. VMASC Vision Old Dominion University, through VMASC, is a leader in modeling and simulation (M&S), analysis, and visualization, and is recognized for its multidisciplinary approach to M&S research, education, and application.


8 SCHOLARLY CONTRIBUTIONS 294 publications in the last 6 years 7 significant M&S Textbooks

9 We are focused on the following STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Emphasize publications in high impact journals as a means of gaining recognition for quality of work. This recognition contributes to opportunities for longer term, higher levels of funding from major research funding organizations. Maintain a balance of funding sources with no one funding source comprising more than 40% of the research expenditure. Obtain funding from at least five new sponsors including NSF. Concentrate on tangible product development Increase Technical Service Support

10 Major Applied Research Areas MILITARY Focused on M&S interoperability and subject matter expertise input HOMELAND SECURITY Support to risk analysis, disaster analysis, infrastructure protection, cyber security MEDICAL/HEALTHCARE $250k base funding from Commonwealth Focus is bringing virtual reality products to the medical/healthcare industry and growing the region as a hub for medical M&S TRANSPORTATION Awarded a National University Transportation Center in partnership with the University of Maryland Established the Center for Innovative Transportation Solutions


12 Partner with EVMS Provisional patent filed for our design Will replace the stethoscope as the tool of choice for bed side diagnostics Ultrasound Training Simulation Tool

13 First model to provide detailed analysis of the number and types of individuals that need special attention during an emergency Opened the eyes of local and state officials to the magnitude of the problem along many lines (health care, economy). Underserved Population Model

14 Providing a multi-modal simulation approach to pre-deployment training and skill knowledge sustainment for military nurses accelerates time to knowledge and skill acquisition reduces or eliminates didactic course time to be replaced by simulation practice scenarios giving greater time for hands on skill practice in the simulation center and in field experiences. TATRC Immersive Training Project

15 Real time evaluation of evacuation times and options in response to emergencies Probabilistic evaluation of evacuation plans in preparation for potential emergencies Analysis of evacuation route options to mitigate evacuation challenges


17 Hot area for national funding Commonwealth of Virginia helped create CCAM – Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing Digital Manufacturing ODU is one of the organizing university partners along with UVA, VT, and VSU. Provides access to ~$2 million in annual research funding.

18 Digital Human “Big Data” modeling and analysis Increased cybersecurity effort NEXTGEN Air Traffic Control/ UAV Modeling New Initiatives


20 Hosted 3 game camps and 2 Robotics camps this summer serving over 100 middle school and high school students. Participated with Opportunity Inc. to introduce disadvantaged students to Modeling and Simulation and providing them part time employment to upgrade their STEM skills. Supported the STEAM Academy with a one week short course in cryptography. Also developed a simulation for them that will assess potential students’ non-academic skills as part of the admissions process. STEM Activities


22 Other Areas of Interest Campus Master Plan Hampton Roads Community Foundation Study Groups  Entrepreneurship  Workforce Development  Leadership  Industry Clusters


24 Partnership with Industry Two forms of engagement Transfer of intellectual property to businesses Joint efforts on collaborative work Since its inception VMASC has garnered $108 million in research funding 10% of that amount has gone to industry in various partner relationships Working at producing tangible research products that are better able to transition to the market place

25 25 Contact Information: Dr. John Sokolowski, Executive Director 757.686.6232 VMASC

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