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Human Trafficking in the context of the development state A presentation by Prof K Kondlo On Behalf Of Dr. Olive Shisana, CEO, HSRC 23 March 2010 A presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Trafficking in the context of the development state A presentation by Prof K Kondlo On Behalf Of Dr. Olive Shisana, CEO, HSRC 23 March 2010 A presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Trafficking in the context of the development state A presentation by Prof K Kondlo On Behalf Of Dr. Olive Shisana, CEO, HSRC 23 March 2010 A presentation by Prof K Kondlo On Behalf Of Dr. Olive Shisana, CEO, HSRC 23 March 2010

2 THE CONTEXT OF A DEVELOPMENTAL STATE The HSRC has a two year project which looks specifically into the issues of a developmental state in SA Two issues, related to the context of a developmental state that I will touch on and link to the theme of this conference The meaning of a developmental state in South Africa The two dimensions of it and how they relate with the strategies to combat Human trafficking in South Africa

3 Developmental State context A penetrative state that works through processes of ‘co-operative extraction’ – ‘Collaborative Connections’ (Anthony Giddens) to deliver the best in society and economy – socially embedded This is different from a state which sits over society – weak enabling powers but strong blocking powers State institutional capacity – very key

4 Developmental State Context Two dimensions seem very key to SA’s developmental state project Social and economic dimensions Social dimension – enhancing the quality of life of the citizenry through provision of education, health, rural development and other basic services Economic dimension – maximizing citizen participation in the economy

5 Developmental State An overarching framework to deal with Crime, unemployment, poverty, rural-urban disparities, economic growth, social cohesion, a well functioning public service which can deliver public goods Some of these problems – sources of human trafficking But the developmental state cannot be everything The lacking embeddedness of these ideal in the ideas of individuals; transforming the self

6 Human Trafficking: a challenge to all of us Human trafficking … Preys on the most vulnerable of our people Exploits the special vulnerabilities of women and children Worsens the impact of HIV/AIDS on families and society Feeds income to criminal syndicates and gangs

7 “ Programme of Assistance to the South African Government to Prevent, React to Human Trafficking; Provision of Services for Research on Deepened Knowledge and Understanding of Human Trafficking and Provide Assistance to Victims of the Crime” (NPA04-08/09) The Project: Research for the National Prosecuting Authority’s

8 Research for this report drew on a cluster of HSRC focus areas: Poverty and rural development Urban change, city strategies and migration Equality, equity and governance Justice and human rights State capacity and development Environment and land use Infrastructure and service delivery Tourism (including sex tourism) South Africa in relation to Africa and the world

9 Our findings highlight the sobering facts: Human trafficking is fed by the most fundamental problems now facing society and government: Poverty and Inequality Inadequate job opportunities, combined with poor living conditions, including a lack of basic education and health provision; Political breakdown and/or economic dislocation caused by armed conflict, environmental disaster, economic mismanagement, etc. economic stresses leading to housing and food insecurity, loss of subsistence, and fewer public services Family breakdown (particularly sickness/death of one or both parents) HIV/AIDS often compels remaining family members to send the children away from their homes to work and/or have better opportunities; ‘Better life’ syndrome – rumours & dreams of a better life elsewhere

10 … and special risks confront women & children: Vulnerability to the sex/prostitution industry Gender discrimination in work and social roles excludes women from other employment or professional advancement. Traditional practices arranged marriages, child labour, constricted roles Reduced educational opportunities makes women & children more vulnerable to false promises Lack of legal and political protections Children may work in areas that make them easy targets for traffickers: commercial and agricultural work; car guards; taxi related work; street entertaining; vending; begging; criminal & drug-related activity

11 Pull factors for people in poorer communities People perceive new job/income opportunities at the event and are more vulnerable to the promises of traffickers Domestic work – higher demand Prostitution and drugs – higher demand Parents send their children to the street to beg for money from tourists to sell curios, food and paraphernalia School closures will increase in the number of unattended children Heightened opportunities for human trafficking may aggravate HIV/AIDS transmission New risks may arise during the FIFA 2010 World Cup

12 Findings show that the challenges in combatting human trafficking are the same monumental tasks facing the developmental state: Reduce poverty and inequality Improve the health and well-being of all citizens Improve education - especially for women Maintain communication between state & society Build a professional civil service that provides effective service delivery and minimises vulnerability to corruption or collusion Protect civil freedoms that ensure equality and genuine democracy in developing public policy Ensure domestic, regional and global peace & stability

13 Thank you. Dr. Olive Shisana, CEO Human Sciences Research Council +27-21-466-7902

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