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Mixed Marriages Husband and wife are of a different race, religion, economic station… Some claim God condemns these unions pointing to His isolation of.

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Presentation on theme: "Mixed Marriages Husband and wife are of a different race, religion, economic station… Some claim God condemns these unions pointing to His isolation of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mixed Marriages Husband and wife are of a different race, religion, economic station… Some claim God condemns these unions pointing to His isolation of Israel All marriages are challenging and need good communication to survive and thrive God does not endorse all marriages, but does He condemn mixed ones?

2 Is My Marriage His Business? “I am not hurting anyone else” –condemning mate’s soul –encouraging others to sin by your example “But we love each other” (committed) Then you’ll sacrifice for their good Then you’ll sacrifice for their good “We go to church, donate money, pray…” Just because a church accepts you does not mean God approves of your lifestyle or your marital arrangement Just because a church accepts you does not mean God approves of your lifestyle or your marital arrangement One good deed does not nullify an evil one

3 Enlightened Tolerance Used to condemn Black and White marriage Used to criticize children of mixed couple Used to claim the Bible forbids this union We have since become enlightened We do not care about racial differences Unfortunately we do not care about sexual sameness either The Bible does condemn homosexuality

4 God’s Boundaries On all of Israel (Deut. 7:1-4) –Intermarriage led to idolatry: 1 Kings 11:1-4 –Idolatry led to captivity: Neh. 13:23-27 Daughters of Zelophehad (tribe) Num. 36:6-7 Widow without child (brother) Deut. 25:5 Divorced man’s former wife Deut. 24:1-4 Priests: Lev. 21:13-14 –Example for others (elders’ families) –Purity within the home valued

5 God’s Boundaries Younger Widows encouraged to remarry (not of the number) 1 Tim. 5:11-15 Can a Christian marry a non-Christian? 1 Cor. 7:39 does “in the Lord” modify who she marries or how she marries? The widowed woman can remarry only as the law of God permits (Matt. 19:9) The godly woman can convert her husband if she is faithful: 1 Pet. 3:1-6

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