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1 Passage 1. 2 Today we’ll talk about the following. 1.The function of the nose 2.Expressions of the nose 3.Derogatory meanings Class work.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Passage 1. 2 Today we’ll talk about the following. 1.The function of the nose 2.Expressions of the nose 3.Derogatory meanings Class work."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Passage 1

2 2 Today we’ll talk about the following. 1.The function of the nose 2.Expressions of the nose 3.Derogatory meanings Class work

3 3 What’s the use of the nose?

4 4 breathe and smell

5 5 Character?

6 6 If only I had two noses to smell this beautiful rose!!

7 7

8 8 If it had been shorter, it would have changed the whole face of the world! If Cleopatra had not been so beautiful, if her nose had been shorter, Anthony wouldn’t have loved her, he wouldn’t have married her, and there wouldn’t have been the war between Egypt and Rome.

9 9 Man has referred to the nose in many ways to express his emotions.

10 10 The expression, hold up one’s nose, expresses a basic human feeling — People can hold up their noses at _______, _______, and _______. ? pride. people thingsplaces

11 11 to be led around by the nose

12 12 The phrase, to be led around by the nose, shows man’s weakness. A person who is led around by the nose lets other people control him.

13 13 A person who follows his nose lets his ______ guide him. instinct

14 14 Sometimes phrases with nose have derogatory or bad meanings.

15 15 nosy to poke one’s nose into something to nose into something a gossip or a busy body

16 16 as plain as the nose on your face

17 17 It should be as plain as the nose on your face that the nose is more than an organ for breathing and smelling. It is quite clear that the nose plays a more important role than just being an organ for breathing and smelling.

18 18 Now let’s review.

19 19 1. to hold up one’s nose: 2. to be led around by the nose: 3. to follow one’s nose: 4. to poke one’s nose into something: 5. as plain as the nose on your face : look down upon others controlled by others controlled by one’s instinct interfere into other people’s business very clear

20 20 7. One who lets other people control him is __________________ 8. A person who _____________ lets his instinct guide him. 9. A person who_________________ or ______ to hold up one’s nose led around by the nose. follows his nose pokes into something into something gossip body. ____________ is usually a ______ or a _____ noses busy _____ 6. The phrase that expresses a basic human feeling---pride is ________________.

21 21 10. The human nose has given ___ the languages of the world many interesting ___________. 11. Historically man’s nose has had a principal _____ in _____ imagination. 12. Man has referred ___ the nose ___ many ways ___ express his ________. to expressions rolehis toin toemotions

22 22 13. Expressions ___________ the nose refer to human weakness. 14. ____ English there are a number of __________ about the nose. 15. Sometimes phrases ______ nose have _____________ or bad meanings. concerning In phrases with derogatory

23 23 16. To nose into something means to _________ into other people’s affairs. 17. The nose is part of the face that gives a person special ___________. 18. It should be as _______ as the nose ____ your face that the nose is more than an ______ for _________ and ________. interfere plain on breathingorgansmelling character

24 24 That’s all for today. Bye-bye!

25 课件作者: 作者单位: 张则玫 西安交通大学

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