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Imagine If… What would we do without Children’s Rights?

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Presentation on theme: "Imagine If… What would we do without Children’s Rights?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Imagine If… What would we do without Children’s Rights?

2 Imagine if… You didn’t enjoy the right to this would mean that learn I cant learn new things I cant have my own life I wont know how to do things I cant get a job and make money I cant rase my children I cant learn how to feed myself I wont know how to clean myself I cant understand how things work I wouldn't have school I wouldn't be smart I cant make food Brooke

3 Imagine if... I didn’t enjoy the right to…This would mean that… Be safe and protectedSome one could steel me. I would be hungry. I would be cold. I would get hert. Bella

4 Imagine if… I did not enjoy the right to...This would mean that The right to grow *it would mean I would be small the rest of my life *I’d have no fun *I wouldn’t be able to reach the table *people would make fun of me *I would not have friends Brooklyn

5 Imagine if I didn't en joy the right to…This would mean that… Have a family-no parent’s -not a cousin or brother or sister -have a ant or a uncle -cat or dog/animals/pets -friends or step sis or brother -step cousin ant or uncle -nana and papa or grandpa/grandma -homes and shelter -you wouldn't get cared -Loved in your heart Love! Charly

6 imagine if I didn't enjoy the right tothis would mean that … Be healthyKids could get sick. Some can die. You didn’t excises. Good food clean water. There was no medicine. Devan

7 Imagine If…Imagine If… I didn’t enjoy the right to… This would mean that… Have a family You would be lonely you would have nobody to help you or care for you you wouldn’t know what love is you would have nothing or no one No shelter No money I wouldn’t smile No food No toys No one to play with No pet’s I would be afraid Jaime-Lee

8 Imagine if I didn’t in joy the rite to ……This would be that The rite to playI wouldn’t come out of my room I wouldn’t have friends It wouldn’t be fare I would be sad I would be pale and skinny because I wouldn’t have exersize Joe

9 Imagine if… I didn't enjoy the right to…This would mean… Have a familyNo parents/sisters brothers. Ants uncles cousins. Step sisters/brothers. Step cousins/ friends. Cats dogs animals/pets. Homes/shelter. Grandma Grandpa. Love You wouldn't get cared for! You wouldn't be alive. Katelyn

10 Imagine if … I didn’t enjoy the right to …This would mean that … PlayI wont get as much exercise. I wouldn’t learn how to kick a ball..don’t know how to do monkeybars. You wouldn’t make friends. If kids couldn’t make friends they wouldn’t have fun. Kurtis

11 Imagine if… I didn’t enjoy the right to…Is would mean that… The right to learn-we will not be smart! -we will not learn! -I’d feel really sad! -we’d not get a good job! -we’d not be able to read! Nathan

12 I magine if... I didn’t enjoy the right to…This would mean that… Be healthyYou could get sick and might die it is not healthy to be sick its not good. I might not have healthy food. You can get healthy by exerzising. I could not smoke to be healthy. Rodney

13 Imagine if… I didn’t enjoy the right to…This would mean that… Have a family I would not be happy I would not be loved I’d be lonely I’d be sad I’d hate life I would get sick Sydney

14 Imagine if … I didn’t enjoy the right to …This would mean that … The right to playI would be board. I will have no friends. My life will be Xbox Wii and TV. Nothing to do. Tyrin

15 Imagine if… I didn’t enjoy the right to… This would mean that… All children have the right to be treated fairly. - I’d get left out - I’d be scared -I’d feel sad -I’d be shy -I wouldn’t be able to play -People will Make fun of me Breanna

16 Imagine if… I didn’t enjoy the right to...This would mean that… playI wouldn’t have fun I cant be playful You would have no friends Life would be boring You wouldn’t know any body Colten

17 Imagine if I didn’t enjoy right to This would mean Be taken care of…No one would give me the things I would need No one would give me food or water I could dye I could get sick Logan

18 Imagine if I didn’t enjoy the right’s to…This would mean that To have the right to play.I wouldn’t have any fun. I would think siting is fun. I wouldn’t be athletic. I woud Myles

19 Imagine if… I didn’t enjoy the right to… This would mean… Express your feeling and what your thinking -you could be picked on -you could be bullied -you could be sad allot -you wont want to talk. -you wont have any friends -you would be disappointed Lexi

20 I didn’t enjoy the right to..This would mean that To have a name and nationality -I could be picked on. -You ’de feel like being someone else. -You could become more independent than usual. -You'd feel depressed. -Feeling depressed could follow they actions by going a bit insane. -You may not feel like you belong Katlyn

21 I didn’t enjoy the right to...This would mean that… playI wouldn’t have fun I cant be playful You would have no friends Life would be boring You wouldn’t know any body Katlyn

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