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Marshal Hurst LDC/MDC Coordinator Professional Development (501) 366-4342.

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Presentation on theme: "Marshal Hurst LDC/MDC Coordinator Professional Development (501) 366-4342."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marshal Hurst LDC/MDC Coordinator Professional Development (501) 366-4342

2  Beginning in 2009 the Gates Foundation supported a grant to develop a national literacy strategy that would transform the CCSS into practice.  The result is the Literacy Design Collaborative.

3 ▶ To engage students in reading, comprehending, analyzing, interpreting, and responding to complex texts ▶ To align assignments to the CCSS and to promote collaboration ▶ To help teachers personalize learning so that every student can master the CCSS ▶ To ensure that all students can be college and career ready ▶ The reading and writing skills embedded in LDC are key elements of Post-Secondary and Workforce Readiness skills

4  Students engaging in learning  Students focusing on the LDC task  Students working together  Students reading to learn content  Students persisting to complete tasks


6  A bank of reading/writing tasks  The module template Tasks Skills Instruction Results  Scoring rubrics  Local and national collaboration  Access to a community of educators with LDC modules aligned to course content and to CCSS


8  Argumentation  Informational/Explanatory  Narrative

9 1. Analysis 2. Comparison 3. Evaluation 4. Problem/Solution 5. Cause/Effect 6. Description 7. Sequential 8. Procedural/Sequential 9. Synthesis

10 Task Prompt 11: After researching speeches which use persuasive techniques, write a report in which you define persuasion and explain its impact on an audience. Support your discussion with evidence from your readings.. Write an article that persuades someone to think or do something. LDC Writing Task Previous Writing “Assignments”


12  Preparing for the Task  Reading Process  Bridging  Writing Process

13 Each skill required is defined. There are multiple skills in each cluster. Clusters 1-4 are completed in order. The Content is embedded throughout the skill clusters.


15  Teachers establish the instructional plan – and instructional ladder – to teach students the skills necessary to succeed on the task  Students are taught each skill through a “mini-task”  Mini-tasks connect across the 2-4 weeks to lead students to completing the task

16 Product If you were climbing a ladder, you wouldn’t want to miss a rung. This is also true in teaching students how to create a final product


18 ▶ Rubric ▶ Student Work Samples ▶ Classroom Assessment Task

19  A group of curriculum designers, assessment developers, professional learning specialists, and district and school networks.  The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has funded MDC to develop high-quality instructional tools and professional support services to realize its ambitious goal of having 80% of low-income and minority students ready for college by 2025.

20 Students and teachers Using evidence of learning To adapt teaching and learning To meet immediate learning needs Minute-to-minute and day-by-day

21 Formative Assessment 1. Clarifying and sharing learning intentions and criteria for success 2. Engineering effective discussions, questions and learning tasks that elicit evidence of learning. 3. Providing feedback that moves learners forward. 4. Activating students as the owners of their own learning. 5. Activating students as instructional resources for one another.

22 These five key ingredients are designed to ensure that students are engaged in a productive struggle with mathematics rather than on the receiving end of a lecture

23  Pre-Lesson Assessment  Write feedback questions based on student work  Collaborative activity based on skills and concepts  Whole Class discussion.  Student take post-lesson assessment and answer teacher-developed feedback questions.  Two to three days to implement

24  Not for grading purposes!!  Intent is for FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT

25  Looking for the OMG’s Obstacles Misconceptions Gaps in Learning

26  Questioning Techniques We do not want to GPS the students.  Do not take the thinking away from the students


28  CCSS All students will graduate from high school college and career ready.  PARCC Evidence-Based Selected Response Technology-Enhanced Constructed Response Range of Prose Constructed Responses  ESEA Flexibility Plan As our students demonstrate their increasing achievement, our schools will continue to move out of school improvement.

29  1a Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy - CCSS and Content Standards - 8 Mathematical Practices - LDC - Template and Teaching Task (What Task) - MDC – Formative Assessment Lessons  1b Demonstrating Knowledge of Students  1c Setting Instructional Outcomes  1e Demonstrating Coherent Instruction - What Skills - What Instruction  1f Designing Student Assessments - What Skills - What Results – end product and daily mini tasks  1f Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources and Technology - Reading Process – Text and Multimedia  Planning and Preparation 29

30 2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport 2b Establishing a Culture for Learning - Student Engagement - Discourse in Partners and Class Discussions 2c Managing Classroom Procedures 2d Managing Student Behavior - Student Engagement - Lesson Design (Gradual Release of Responsibility) - Transparency (leading with a task, daily mini- tasks) - Empowering Students  The Classroom Environment 30

31  3a Communicating with Students - Clearly Stated Objectives, Daily Prompts, Products and Rubrics  3b Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques - Close Reading, High Level Thinking and Discussions - Getting Reading for the Task - Transitioning to the Writing Process - Whole Class Discussion  3c Engaging Students in Learning - Cognitive Demand of Teaching Task - High Level Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening - FAL Activity  3d Using Assessment in Instruction Pre- and Post-Assessment  3e Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness - What Results – end product and daily mini tasks  Instruction 31

32 4a Reflecting on Teaching 4b Maintaining Accurate Records - Scoring Daily Mini-Task Products - Scoring Completed Teaching Task 4d Participating in a Professional Community 4e Growing and Developing Professionally - Collaborative Planning - Collaborative Scoring - Collegial Conversations  Professional Responsibilities 32

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