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What are StARs? Student Academic Representatives (StARs) are students who represent their peers opinions, views, grievances and.

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2 What are StARs? Student Academic Representatives (StARs) are students who represent their peers opinions, views, grievances and feedback to the university at Student-Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC). Why should I stand to be a StAR? Enhance your employability Make your voice heard Improve your course Increase your skill base Recognition/ Accreditation Claim Volunteer Hours Student Academic Representatives (StARs) For me, being a StAR is a fantastic way to get involved with various areas of the Students’ Union and University that you wouldn’t otherwise. You have a direct input into the running of your course and will work closely with both students and staff. StAR of the Year 2013/14 – Harry Williams Biomedical Science Level 2

3 Student Academic Representatives (StARs) StARs Conference The ‘StARs Conference’ is a one day training event run by KeeleSU developed to give StARs the skills and knowledge they need to effectively represent their peers. You need to attend this training in order for your role as a StAR to appear on your HEAR. The event is held on Saturday the 25 th of October and will include lunch. Higher Education Achieve Report (HEAR) Being a StAR is a HEAR Recordable Activity so you get to prove to prospective employers that you have held a position of responsibility within your course, with the following text appearing on your HEAR for every year you are a StAR. “Acting as a voice for peers on their course, planning, negotiating change and practising public speaking with staff and students.” For more information contact

4 How to become a StAR Nominate yourself at Attend StARs Conference Engage as a StAR and get HEAR Recognition Go to and log in with your university credentials A box will then appear on the StARS Election page giving you the option to ‘Stand in Election’. Click this link. You will then either be taken directly to the nomination page or prompted to confirm your details. Once on the nomination page you can select to run as a StAR for your course. (or courses if you’re dual honours) Your details will be confirmed by the Students’ Union once nominations close. At this stage you’ll be able to add your picture, slogan and manifesto. NOTE: The system will only allow you to stand for posts that you are eligible for based on your university student status. If you think you should be allowed to represent a course and are allowed to select this, please get in touch on

5 You must nominate yourself by the 14 th of October (Nominations close at 9am) and you will be able to submit an online manifesto. Your lecturer may also offer you to do a short speech to your cohort as to why you would like to become a StAR. All students will then have until the 20 th of October to vote for their StARs. The Students’ Union will then publish a list of StARs. Students will be able to vote for all single and dual honors courses they are registered for. Any Questions? Contact

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