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EC-Variable Pay Integration

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1 EC-Variable Pay Integration

2 4/10/2017 Points of Integration Program Level Eligibility with EC Rules Engine for EC Effective Dated Records for Target Population Support for Target Basis Calculation from different sources (Job Info fields, Pay Component Group and combination of both) Support for Bonus Plan Eligibility with EC Rules Publish Variable Pay payout data to the EC side Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

3 Overall Process flow 1 2 3 6 5 4 7 9 8 4/10/2017 Setup EC Objects
Setup Variable Pay Program for EC Map EC- Variable Pay fields 1 2 3 Configure Program Config steps Employee History data pulled from EC Define Program Eligibility Rule + Basis Config Publish Data Back to EC 6 5 4 11 Configure Bonus Plan Eligibility Rules Eligibility and Proration Reports Variable Pay Bonus Calculation Variable Pay Planning for Managers 7 9 10 8 Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

4 Overall Flow – 3 Teams VP, EC API, Rule Engine
4/10/2017 Overall Flow – 3 Teams VP, EC API, Rule Engine Confluence Page Link (Warning: some information are outdated): VarPay EC API Rule Engine Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

5 EC Configurations for Variable Pay Program
4/10/2017 EC Configurations for Variable Pay Program 2 EC Configuration options are under “Employee Central Integration Settings” Indicates integration with EC Allows additional non-EC employee history import Indicates whether Global Eligibility Rule will be used for the program Indicates EC Eligibility Rule associated with the program Configuration for basis calculation from bonus target and bonus target percentage Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

6 Setup Mapping in Data Model
4/10/2017 Setup Mapping in Data Model 3 <background-element id="varPayEmpHistData" type-id="50"> <label>Variable Pay History Data</label> <data-field id="varPayProgramName" field-name="vfld5" required="true" max-length="4000" max-file-size-KB="1000"> <label>Variable Pay Program Name</label> </data-field> <data-field id="startDate" field-name="startDate" required="true" max-length="999" max-file-size-KB="1000"> <label>Job Start Date</label> <data-field id="endDate" field-name="endDate" required="true" max-length="999" max-file-size-KB="1000"> <label>Job End Date</label> <data-field id="JobTitle" field-name="vfld4" max-length="4000" max-file-size-KB="1000" hris-field-mapping="jobInfo.job-title"> <label>Job Title</label> <data-field id="JobCode" field-name="vfld8" max-length="4000" max-file-size-KB="1000" hris-field-mapping="jobInfo.job-code"> <label>Job Code</label> <data-field id="PayGrade" field-name="vfld3" max-length="4000" max-file-size-KB="1000" hris-field-mapping=""> <label>Pay Grade</label> <data-field id="BaseSalary" field-name="ffld2" max-length="999" max-file-size-KB="1000" hris-field-mapping="payComponentRecurring.[Base Salary]"> <label>Base Salary</label> <data-field id="HireDate" field-name="dfld1" max-length="999" max-file-size-KB="1000" hris-field-mapping="employmentInfo.start-date"> <label>Hire Date</label> <data-field id="basis" field-name="ffld1" hidden="true" max-length="999" max-file-size-KB="1000"> <label>Bonus Target</label> <data-field id="recordType" field-name="vfld15" hidden="true" max-length="999" max-file-size-KB="1000"> <label>Record Type</label> </data-field></background-element> Mapping are specified in “varPayEmpHistData” section of Data Model Please Note: No Mapping for varPayProgramName, startDate, endDate, basis, recordType (but these fields should be present in the varPayEmpHistData section) Warning! Please watch out for data type. For EC Integration, vfld15 is reserved for recordType 1 2 3 4 5 View Employee History 1 2 3 4 5 5 Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide. 6

7 Supported EC Elements and Mapping
4/10/2017 Supported EC Elements and Mapping 4 Confluence Page Link (Warning: some information may be outdated): Any mapping error would cause the processor job to fail or may not fetch proper data from EC. By default we get the value of the external code of the EC element. jobInfo (e.g. jobInfo.job-title) compInfo (e.g. compInfo.custom-string2) payComponentRecurring (e.g. payComponentRecurring[Base Pay] ) payComponentGroup (e.g. payComponentGroup[VarPayBasisPCG] ) personalInfo (e.g. personalInfo.first-name) employmentInfo (e.g. employmentInfo.start-date) Note: All payComponent value are annualized and converted into functional currency (Varpay uses Comp Currency Conversion table) Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

8 Eligibility Configuration
4/10/2017 Eligibility Configuration 4 Step 1: Define your rule using logical operators and conditions Include all employees active employees (not Terminated or on Long Leave of absence) who have STI flag as true Step 2: Translate into technical statement jobInfo.custom_string17 == 3954 (Picklist option Id for Yes) && jobInfo.emplStatus != (Picklist option Id for Terminated) && jobInfo.emplStatus != (Picklist option Id for LOA) && jobInfo.employmentInfo.end_date != null Enter the rule in the rule tool Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

9 Rule Definition (Old UI) – Depreciated
4/10/2017 Rule Definition (Old UI) – Depreciated 4 Admin Tool -> Generic Object -> Manage Generic Objects Select Rule as the Generic Object Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

10 Rule Condition (Old UI) - Depreciated
4/10/2017 Rule Condition (Old UI) - Depreciated 4 Admin Tool -> Generic Object -> Manage Generic Objects Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

11 Rule Definition (New UI) - Recommended
4/10/2017 Rule Definition (New UI) - Recommended 4 Admin Tool -> Generic Object -> Manage Rule Objects Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

12 Configuring Global Eligibility Rule
4/10/2017 Configuring Global Eligibility Rule 4 Enable Global Eligible Rule and pick the Eligibility Rule from the drop down list The purpose of this enhancement is to support an additional Global Eligibility Rule to determine the eligible to determine the users who are eligible for the program for incentive calculations. The global rule will apply additional filtering on the user list who are eligible for the bonus. The admin would attach this global rule to the Variable Pay program (in addition to the existing rule) and the rule will be applied to get a filtered list of users for the relevant employee history records. Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

13 Configuring Eligibility Rule with Program
4/10/2017 Configuring Eligibility Rule with Program 4 Pick the Eligibility Rule from the drop down list Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

14 Importing Employee History from EC
4/10/2017 Importing Employee History from EC 5 Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

15 Importing Employee History from EC –Trigger Quartz Job
4/10/2017 Importing Employee History from EC –Trigger Quartz Job 5 If a job is already running – it will also show an alert. Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

16 Controlling History Processor Performance
4/10/2017 5 Batch size No. of sub jobs In Provisioning -> Company Settings -> Variable Pay Default batch size: 100 Recommended batch size for history processor: 500 Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

17 Provisioning – Monitor Job
4/10/2017 Provisioning – Monitor Job 5 Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

18 Provisioning – Monitor Job
4/10/2017 Provisioning – Monitor Job 5 Quartz Server Name No. of sub jobs No. of users each sub job will process Total no. of users to be processed Rule Name Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

19 Provisioning – Monitor Sub Job
4/10/2017 Provisioning – Monitor Sub Job 5 No. of history records processed by this sub jobs Batch size Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

20 Provisioning –Email Alert for Job Completion
4/10/2017 Provisioning – Alert for Job Completion 5 Company Name: Amway VarPay-EC Duration: 2 minutes 7 seconds. Program Name:VarPay_Program_1 Employee central history processor job: ECT History Processor System Job_Fri Feb 22 18:23:15 PST 2013 completed successfully. Total number of records imported:8 ECT History Processor Job has been separated into several sub jobs for processing as following: Sub Job Name is ECTHistoryProcessorSubJob1_Fri Feb 22 18:23:18 PST 2013, and Request ID is 1,341:COMPLETED Duration: 1 minutes 21 seconds. Sub Job Name is ECTHistoryProcessorSubJob2_Fri Feb 22 18:23:19 PST 2013, and Request ID is 1,342:COMPLETED Duration: 1 minutes 19 seconds. ************************************************************ Please note that there were 8 records imported with the following errors: Field evaluation error for the user UK00116 due to: The user UK00116 doesn’t have STITargetBonus Pay Component Groups Field evaluation error for the user UK00118 due to: The user UK00118 doesn’t have STITargetBonus Pay Component Groups Field evaluation error for the user UK00110 due to: The user UK00110 doesn’t have STITargetBonus Pay Component Groups Field evaluation error for the user UK00112 due to: The user UK00112 doesn’t have STITargetBonus Pay Component Groups Field evaluation error for the user UK00049 due to: The user UK00049 doesn’t have STITargetBonus Pay Component Groups Not an exhaustive list - top 20 errors for the sub job Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

21 EC Record Mapping Based on Job Info
4/10/2017 EC Record Mapping Based on Job Info 2 The employee history is primarily driven by employee Job Information e.g. if there are 2 valid Job Information for the user (after rule execution) for the bonus period, then we expect to 2 history records with proper start and end date (the previous day of the second record’s start date becomes the end date of the first record). Please Note: If the job start date is before the program start date, then after 1305 release it is NOT defaulted to program start date. If the job end date is after the program end date, then after 1305 release it is NOT defaulted to program end date. Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

22 EC Record Mapping – Splitting of Records
4/10/2017 EC Record Mapping – Splitting of Records 2 If there are some changes in compInfo or personalInfo within the same job start and end date we split the job records into 2 parts and adjust the start and end date e.g. if there is a change in comp Information for the user, then we split the record into 2 history records with proper start and end date (the previous day of the second record’s start date becomes the end date of the first record). Please Note: The splitting only happens when there are relevant mapping for the compInfo or personalInfo (mapped in datamodel or as a part of basis mapping) Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

23 Merging Similar Records
4/10/2017 Merging Similar Records 2 During the employee history data pull from ECT, if the adjacent records are similar including the basis field (i.e. having similar values for all the fields other than record start date, end date) - the two records should be merged as one record. The start date of the new record should become the start date of the first record and the end date come from the end date of the second record. The basis value should also be merged as one if both the values are equal. If the basis values are different for the 2 records (for example: due to change in compInfo)- the records wouldn't get merged. There will an option in the Variable Pay program configuration which will control whether to merge the records or not (default value is No). Merge Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

24 Basis Configuration – Case 1a (Amway)
4/10/2017 Basis Configuration – Case 1a (Amway) 5 Bonus Target and Percentage Derived from Job Information 1.Eligible Earning Field Mapping in Job Info: jobInfo.custom-double1 2. Bonus Target % Field Mapping in Job Info: jobInfo.custom-double2 3. Bonus Earning Currency Field Mapping in Job Info: jobInfo.custom-string9 Expected Value on VarPay side: 20,000 USD Please Note: All basis value are annualized and converted into functional currency in Varpay employee history editor Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

25 Basis Configuration – Pay Range Mapping
4/10/2017 Basis Configuration – Pay Range Mapping 5 1. In the corporate data model define a custom field for the basis percentage under payRange add a custom field to capture the value. Make a HRIS association with a field or multiple fields. If the hris association is matched by a user job information - the value of the custom field in payRange will get picked up. <hris-element id="payRange">   </hris-field>        <hris-field id="custom-double1" visibility="both" required="false" pii="false">       <label>Target Percent</label> </hris-field>     <hris-associations>       <association id="id" required="true" multiplicity="ONE_TO_ONE" destination-entity="payGrade"/>                  </hris-associations>   </hris-element> 2. Define a Pay Range Object and add a value to the custom field (say 10). e.g.payGrade: SAL Plan Grd 004 (SAL004) matches the user jobInfo. 3. Add the payRange mapping to the Variable Pay program Bonus Target % Derived from PayRange in HRIS: jobInfo.payRange.custom-double1 4. The basis calculation logic works like the following: If the payRange mapping is defined then the value of the custom field in the payRange object gets picked up and considered as target percentage that needs to be applied on the amount. If the bonus target is mapped to a custom field of JobInfo in the VP program configuration- then this value willoverride the value coming from the payRange (provided the payRange is also mapped in the program). If both of the values are blank (not configured), then we consider the target percentage as blank and hence the basis is calculated and populated in the Variable Pay table as blank (or null). Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

26 Basis Configuration – Case 1b
4/10/2017 Basis Configuration – Case 1b 5 Bonus Target Derived from Earnings Data Table and Target Percentage from jobInfo 1. Import the earnings data for the employees. 2. Bonus Target % Field Mapping in Job Info: jobInfo.custom-double2 The earning data import file will have the following fields: UserId, startDate, endDate, currencyCode, bonusTarget. It will at the program level (import file for each VP program) For 1305, only import and export will be supported. Any new import will be overwriting any existing records. The earning data in the file will be the bonus target which when multiplied by the bonus target % (specified in the jobInfo custom field) will give the basis for the bonus calculation. Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

27 Basis Configuration – Case 1a Continued
4/10/2017 Basis Configuration – Case 1a Continued 5 How should we match the employee history records for the users to this table? A combination of Userid and startDate and enddate should be used to find table record. Here is an example of the table that will be imported: UserId startDate endDate currencyCode bonusTarget 123 1/1/2012 12/31/2012 USD 50000 456 2/1/2012 7/1/2012 75000 7/2/2012 Here’s sample employee job data for the user in EC: userId startDate endDate 123 5/15/2012 12/31/2012 456 2/1/2012 3/14/2012 3/15/2012 7/1/2012 7/2/2012 Based on looking up the userId, startDate and endDate , the corresponding bonus target amounts that will get populated in VarPay per employee record will be: userId startDate corresponding bonusTarget that will populated in VarPay 123 5/15/2012 50000 456 2/1/2012 75000 3/15/2012 7/2/2012 Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

28 Basis Configuration – Case 2
4/10/2017 Basis Configuration – Case 2 5 Bonus Target and Percentage Derived from Pay Component Group Pay Component Group Name in HRIS: payComponentGroup.[VarPayBasisPCG] Expected Value on VarPay side: 90,000 USD Please Note: The Pay Component Group value will be annualized and converted into functional currency Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

29 Basis Configuration – Case 3
4/10/2017 Basis Configuration – Case 3 5 Bonus Target Derived from Pay Component Group and Percentage from Job Information 1. Pay Component Group Name in HRIS: payComponentGroup.[VarPayBasisPCG] 2. Bonus Target % Source in HRIS: jobInfo.custom-double2 Expected Value on VarPay side: 18,000 USD Please Note: The Pay Component Group value is an annualized value and will appear as is in history editor and converted into functional currency. For hourly frequency we will consider the employee standard hours. If multiple sources for bonus target are selected the overriding priority will be based on the listed order Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

30 Configuring Rules for Bonus Calculation
4/10/2017 Configuring Rules for Bonus Calculation 7 Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

31 Support for Hybrid Mode - Eligibility and Basis
4/10/2017 Support for Hybrid Mode - Eligibility and Basis 7 This allows vanilla (original) employee history import (in the current supported csv format) In this case recordType = 0 (Blank) and legacy links “Import Employee History” and “Manage Eligibility Rules” links will be enabled to bring data/rules from outside EC. For EC Records, recordType = 1 will be populated by default. Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

32 Dual Import – Local and EC Rules
4/10/2017 Dual Import – Local and EC Rules 7 In this case the link “Manage Eligibility Rules” would show up The bonus plan can be configured with both Legacy (non-EC) and EC rules for dual import EC rules are used for EC records eligibility and non-EC rules are for non-EC records Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

33 Publishing- Setup Definition in Data Model
4/10/2017 Publishing- Setup Definition in Data Model 9 This is the HRIS element and portlet in Employee Central to which the variable pay data is published <hris-element id="payComponentNonRecurring">     <label>One-Time Bonus</label>     <hris-field id="pay-date" visibility="both">       <label>Issue Date</label>     </hris-field>     <hris-field id="pay-component-code" visibility="both">       <label>Pay Component</label>     </hris-field>     <hris-field id="base-pay-component" visibility="none">       <label>Pay Component Group</label>     </hris-field>     <hris-field max-length="38" id="pay-component-type" visibility="none">       <label>Amount or Percentage?</label>     </hris-field>     <hris-field id="value" visibility="both">       <label>Value</label>     </hris-field>     <hris-field max-length="20" id="currency-code" visibility="both">       <label>Currency Code</label>     </hris-field>     <hris-field max-length="32" id="tax-treatment" visibility="both">       <label>Tax Treatment</label>       <picklist id="taxTreatment"/>     </hris-field>     <hris-field id="sent-to-payroll" visibility="none">       <label>Sent To Payroll</label>     </hris-field>   </hris-element> This is the field where the variable pay will be published to Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

34 Create a Pay Component for Variable Pay
4/10/2017 Create a Pay Component for Variable Pay 9 Admin Tools -> Manage Organization, Pay and Job Structures The external code of the pay component. This value has to be Varpay or Both. Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

35 4/10/2017 Permission 9 Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

36 Setup Mapping in Variable Pay Template
4/10/2017 Setup Mapping in Variable Pay Template 9 Provisioning -> Form Template Administration <comp-ect-output-component componentType="nonRecurringPayComponent" componentName="SPOT“ effectiveDate=" "> <comp-hris-field-map> <comp-field-id><![CDATA[localCurrencyCode]]></comp-field-id> <hris-field-id><![CDATA[currency-code]]></hris-field-id> </comp-hris-field-map> <comp-field-id><![CDATA[Custom_Payout_Amount]]></comp-field-id> <hris-field-id><![CDATA[value]]></hris-field-id> <comp-field-id><![CDATA[Overall_Performance]]></comp-field-id> <hris-field-id><![CDATA[custom-double2]]></hris-field-id> <comp-field-id><![CDATA[PPM_Multiplier_Lookup]]></comp-field-id> <hris-field-id><![CDATA[custom-string2]]></hris-field-id> <comp-field-id><![CDATA[assignmentTargetAmountTotal]]></comp-field-id> <hris-field-id><![CDATA[custom-double1]]></hris-field-id> </comp-ect-output-component> 1 The priority of publishing Pay Date: 1) get pay date from entry if hris-field-id=pay-date is specified 2) use effectiveDate of ect-output-component 3) use Pay Date from UI The external code of the pay component. 1 2 Effective Date of the component. 2 User level Pay Date: Map pay-date to a custom field with lookup table, please make sure the type of the custom field is “date”.    <comp-hris-field-map>      <comp-field-id><![CDATA[lookup_custom_field]]></comp-field-id>      <hris-field-id><![CDATA[pay-date]]></hris-field-id>    </comp-hris-field-map> Validations when saving template: validate ect is enabled validate component name is required for non-recurring component validate component name is valid if available validate both comp field and hris field are valid validate both comp field and hris field are not duplicated Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

37 Publishing Data to EC 9 4/10/2017 1. Calculate Bonus Payout
2. Create the Variable Pay Manager Form 4. Complete the Manager Form Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

38 Publishing Data to EC 9 4/10/2017
1. Go to Admin Tools -> Store Varpay Data in Employee Central. 2. Select the variable pay form template and enter the date for the payout. 3. Click Check Form Status. The system checks that there are variable pay forms for this template. 4. Click Submit. You will be notified by mail when the data transfer from variable pay to Employee Central has been completed. Result: The Variable Pay data is published per user/template(if the record is existing, it will be updated). It is displayed under Employee Files -> Employment Information, in the Spot Bonus portlet (the HRIS-element ID is nonRecurringPayComponent). Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

39 Scenarios to Avoid Known issues/Limitations
4/10/2017 Scenarios to Avoid Known issues/Limitations Eligibility rules on compInfo: The base object should be compInfo for the rule to work properly EC Publishing: currently the type of numeric fields in Variable Pay is double, so we must map a numeric field in Variable Pay to a double field(NOT long) in EC. We will enhance this part in future release(ECT scheduled for 1308 release). Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

40 4/10/2017 1305 Enhancements VRP-3154: Support additional rule to filter out some users for the bonus eligibility list (Completed) The new Global rule will be used for inclusion of the user’s record for bonus calculation i.e. the user’s record must satisfy the rule condition for the asOfDate to be considered for bonus. Completed VRP-3163: Analyze ECT records selected by eligibility rules engine and combine them so only those that impact incentive calculation are included in Employee History (Completed) During the employee history data pull from ECT, if the adjacent records are similar including the basis field (i.e. having similar values for all the fields other than record start date, end date) - the two records should be merged as one record. The start date of the new record should become the start date of the first record and the end date come from the end date of the second record. The basis value should also be merged as one if both the values are equal. If the basis values are different for the 2 records (for example: due to change in compInfo)- the records wouldn’t get merged. There will an option in the VarPay program configuration which will control whether to merge the records or not (default value is Yes). VRP-3164: Simplify import and storage of data required for incentive calculations in ECT-integrated VarPay configuration (Completed) The import file will have the following fields:  UserId, startDate, endDate, currencyCode, bonusTarget It will at the program level (import file for each VP program). For 1305, only import and export will be supported. Any new import will be overwriting any existing records. Please see the feature and benefits sections on the slide.

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