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Presentation on theme: " In the world of sewing machines, Necchi is one of the traditional brands with products used by families for generations. In the year 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 In the world of sewing machines, Necchi is one of the traditional brands with products used by families for generations. In the year 2006 Alpian Italia SpA, already distributing Toyota sewing machines, bought the company and widened its commercial offer with the distribution of a wide range of small domestic appliances from Necchi: vacuum cleaners, ironing systems, electro-medical appliances and naturally sewing machines. The Alpian offer therefore unites the tradition of Necchi products and the avant-garde new technology sewing machines from Toyota. Positioning the two Alpian brands next to each other consolidates the company’s leadership on the national market in the distribution of sewing machines, covering the traditional market as well as wholesale. In 2010 the new Alpian Italia branch in Stradella (PV) was inaugurated, while the entire Necchi and Alpian Group logistics – which before were outsourced - was moved to one warehouse of 3500 sqm. The planned layout is dedicated to moving goods on pallets on one side and an automated picking cabinet for spare parts management on the other. Recently, at the completion of the company’s reorganisation and with the intention to identify the company with the Italian brand, the group was renamed Necchi Spa. Case history 2011

2 From the warehouse to operative logistics management "The creation of the new branch in Stradella led to some changes in the organisation of our work, first of all in the area of logistics. We went from logistics handled in outsourcing to building a proper logistics hub for the Toyota and Necchi brands, to enable us to have total control of the goods’ movements,” Fabio Ferri, Director of Necchi in Stradella, says. From this evolution regarding the company, the need for special software, entirely dedicated to warehouse and distribution management, was born. The meeting with Kirio was based on a tip by Alpian’s legendary supplier of IT services, Soluzioni Professionali, who had already experimented in other areas with Kirio’s K-Logistic solution. Case history 2011 "Our ERP is Mago.Net, the Microarea software. We tried to find a compatible solution. To us it seemed natural to go for K-Logistic, which perfectly integrates with our platform. During the software selection, the product demonstrated that it was the perfect solution for our needs," Ferri says. K-Logistic allows us to treat active, passive and transitory flows, set up by the company, in a flexible way, therefore enabling the company to gain advantages in terms of operational efficiency. The Necchi SpA personalisation: first of all supplier control Thanks to the personalisation possibilities of K-Logistic Necchi was able to cede the logistical operations to an external cooperative, while keeping constant control of quality and cost of the offered service.

3 Case history 2011 "The fact that the software is owned by the company enables us to have complete control regarding the numbers of pallets moved and managed volumes. Thanks to advanced reporting we are able to have continuous projections regarding the warehouse costs and can therefore understand if the contract we have with the cooperative is consistent or not. Consequently we can operate with a strategic decision regarding the supplier, which wouldn’t be possible with the software used by the cooperative," explains Ferri. Apart from supplier control, Necchi is also in the position to use the same software platform to manage multiple deposits and multi- movements, while always keeping the warehouse costs under control. "With K-Logistic we are able to constantly monitor the flow. Therefore we’ve got improved control of our stock. For example, our technical department now has the possibility to work with returned goods immediately, guaranteeing exceptional service for the end-consumer. Furthermore we’ve asked for our transport management to be integrated with the logistics software so that at the end of the picking we can automatically emit the transport documents and stickers, which go onto the pallet," Ferri added. The Client’s satisfaction "We are absolutely satisfied with the results obtained thanks to K-Logistic. The software’s ease-of-use, and its perfect integration into our management system as well as the continuous and punctual support by the Kirio staff are all fundamental elements, confirming that the decision was strategically correct for us" Ferri says.

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