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Published byIsabel Haight Modified over 10 years ago
“Role of ICT in poverty reduction by addressing human sufferings”
About Us We (Nahak Overseas Ltd) are the Concept Providers and Implementers. We have provided innovative concepts and models to solve and reduce human sufferings, on two of the most vital factors concerning human health, namely Blood and Eyes, with the help of ICT and networking, which have produced amazing results As we proceed further with our story, it could be seen how the entire operation revolves, around ICT and networking application, and in what manner it has helped us, succeed in our mission We have also provided the concept for Highway accident victims rescue
Why healthcare issues ? We have taken healthcare issues because ICT have made the greatest impact on healthcare and economics are very favorable due to fast communication and logistics It is a priority areas for many governments – organizations and attracts sympathy and attention from various bodies It is easy and convenient to develop self – sustaining models It involves various stake-holders including the beneficiaries and service providers It not only generates positive results but later on the beneficiaries also take active role, as they are benefited It generates employment in rural and far reach areas, as the model have to be replicable and available to everyone Thus, reduces poverty – enables beneficiaries to be employed again – generates wealth. It is a developmental work as it solves both the purpose of poverty reduction and solving healthcare problems
Concept These projects envisages a network of various stakeholders for addressing the problems of Blood Shortages and Corneal Blindness. In all the cases, the basic problem is - lack of availability of timely information and knowledge - lack of linkage and co-operation between the victims and the providers of services as well as donors of blood and eyes The basic idea lies in using the information transmission and knowledge sharing capabilities of ICT in bridging this gap, in a timely and effective manner The project has already been taken up on pilot basis and the results are very encouraging. Expanding the pilot project to cover larger areas is the need of the hour
Significance of the problems being addressed In a developing economy, the problems of healthcare are what we have mentioned earlier rather than lack of scientific and technical breakthroughs. This is well testified by the three healthcare issues that we wish to address: · A) Shortage of Blood in a large number of cases and running around frantically by the patient’s relatives, B) Corneal Blindness for millions in developing countries, and C) Death or permanent disability for a large number of accident victims due to lack of timely treatment
Likely Impact The likely impact of this initiative would be as follows: A) Blood Shortages: This would be a thing of past, there would not be any blood shortage for any patients, anywhere, any time B) Corneal Blindness: Millions of victims of corneal blindness could have their eyesight restored by donation of eyes by normal death victims C) Accident victims would have a far better chance of survival through timely medical attention and treatment. This could be extended to cover victims of any sudden health problems anywhere, any time D) The concept and network could be extended to other healthcare areas also
“Eliminating Blood Shortage”
Mission To make “safe” and “economical” blood available to everybody, when and wherever required. - No blood shortage - No cancelled surgery for lack of blood - No emergency appeal to blood donors - Assured Quality of blood - Optimal utilization of available blood
Background India experiences shortage of blood almost in every state. Blood banking is still in the hands of private sector Government authorities, being unaware of the intricacies involved in the blood banking business, have imposed strict regulations. As a result of this, almost all the states in India are facing a deficit of blood, ranging between 20% to 50% Two of the states had to declare emergency on this account, and one of the state, had to make it mandatory for their police force, to donate blood This has resulted into shady deals, profiteering, spurious blood supply, and barter system - blood in exchange of blood – (where family members of the patient, have to donate blood for replacement).
Basic Premises Available blood is adequate to fulfill demand for blood, Provided - Componenting is used effectively - Differential demand-supply gap is balanced through networking and ICT
Our Role Worked out the demand and supply gap by - Locating different supply and demand pockets I.e Metro cities and rural areas - Worked out logistics and demand-supply system - Proposed networking of blood banks thru ICT - Managing the information handling for the smooth operation - Attended to various operational issues like accounting between banks, quality assurance etc
What is Networking ? Basis: Information exchange thru ICT - Understanding amongst all the blood banks to co-operate with each other through Networking and ICT - Provide all donors the same services and facilities - Regional, National and Global reach, harness amazing reach of Internet and Communication technologies
How it operates ? Stocks of blood are reported everyday to the portal Information collation to be region-wise, country-wise to facilitate logistics Each blood bank maintains an account of blood given to the donors of other blood bank Periodically accounts are settled as per the mutually agreed norms (price / quantity settlement)
Benefits of Networking and ICT It saves lives It ensures optimum utilization of blood It helps to balance demand and supply Can enhance the speed of operation and availability when time is a crucial factor Can reach the remotest area
Why a blood bank should be a member of this networking scheme ? Reduced cost of mobilization and testing Donor motivation through assurance scheme Get help in shortage / excess supply time Support in Quality Certification (HACCP / ISO9000) Improved credibility, increased business
Our Experiment Context 30 private blood banks in State of Gujarat, India Operations A network formed to make the banks cooperate with each other & logistics taken care A blood assurance scheme for the donor (based on a statistical model derived from demand and supply pattern)
Results of Experiment Shortage of blood reduced by about 30% immediately First time in the history of Blood-banking, blood was supplied from one state to another state Expected to reduce further with better availability of Connectivity and Componenting facilities Conclusion: Validation of hypothesis that demand-supply gap could be bridged with the help of networking, ICT and cooperation among blood banks
Blood Assurance Scheme This scheme was devised to promote blood donation by studying the demand-supply gap, donor comfort etc and a statistical model was devised Any donor, who donates blood once (1bag under the scheme ) gets the following benefits: Gets 2 bags in a year FREE, anywhere, anytime Membership renewable every year with min. membership of 3 months to avail the benefit The benefits can be improved substantially after analyzing the trend.
Role of ICT and Networking Here ICT and networking places a major role, as we are linking the donors – blood banks. We are collecting and processing information, of regular demand and supply gap, and accordingly bridging it by use of ICT (like computers – telephone – fax – mobiles) and networking of blood banks. The information regarding the availability of blood stocks or any other blood related issues would be provided absolutely free of cost, to the people. Also, the donors are going to get immediate assistance, about the nearest availability of blood, in case of emergency, by internet or telephone. This will be a big assurance and relief, to the otherwise harassed relatives of the patient. Moreover, this would avoid the likely chaos, and the public appeal for emergency Blood Donations
Role of ICT and Networking We believe that Internet Portal is the right solution for this, since it would provide a platform, for bringing various Stakeholders under one umbrella and additional advantages of providing necessary services to the members, like - e-mail id’s to all members, - creating a data base for blood banks, voluntary organizations, hospitals, blood transfusion and related issues, - easy access to stocks of blood, online requisition forms All these activities will help in creating a Knowledge Bank, and Information warehouse on Blood, Blood Transfusion, and related issues management, so as to address global blood related problems in coming future, in synergy with various world bodies
“Eradication of Corneal Blindness”
Mission Eradication of Corneal Blindness in world and spreading eye-care awareness by the application of Information and Communication Technology(ICT) and networking
Background India has an annual demand of approximately 4,00,000 corneas. Whereas the fact remains, that as against this requirement, only 14,000, corneas are collected in a year This situation prevails, in spite of the known fact, that a corneal blind person, can get a normal eye sight, if the defective cornea is replaced, by a healthy human cornea So, eradication of corneal blindness is possible, provided corrective measures are taken, in the right direction
Observations & Obstacles We observed that there are many obstacles in the whole process. They are - lack of awareness and importance of eye donations - religious superstitions - family emotions prevailing, at the time of death. Their consent is required even though the eye is pledged - critical time factor, related to this activity. Have to be done within 3 to 4 hours of death the donor by a medical practitioner only - retrieved corneas have to be preserved properly, to reach the Eye Bank, within the stipulated time frame of 6 hours, after the death of the donor
Our Role All these obstacles poses a great challenge and we are committed to help eradication of corneal blindness, with the effective use of ICT and Networking We offer ICT services, to bring about - increased awareness in eye donation - quality corneal transplants and - a better eye care facility - managing demand – supply gap and logistics through a very wide network of multi stake holders like - eye banks, eye hospitals, donors, volunteers, beneficiaries, doctors, non government organizations (NGO), and private agencies
Our Experiment We started our activity working with one of the leading charitable institute - Rotary Eye Institute (REI), who carries out, on an average 1,700 corneal transplantation surgeries, during the year We are offering our services, in the areas of ICT and Networking, for increased eye donations, and better management of corneas demand and supply The awareness for eye donations, is done by organizing regular eye donation camps and by spreading the message across in schools, colleges and institutions. Also by conducting free eye check-up camps, at the various industrial establishments. This activity has resulted in increased number of eye donations
Our Experiment The knowledge management and bank for eyes, has helped in creating an information warehouse, for various issues related to eye care, like eradication of corneal blindness, corneal removal, storage and transplantation of corneas, regulations and standards, transplantation related problems, donor awareness, and cooperation amongst eye banks, demand and supply gap etc Another important role is to share knowledge, experience and problems with various world bodies working on the same subject This is all possible due to the reach and power of ICT technologies
Methodology Each eye bank maintains a list of needy recipients and donors, as well as an account of corneas received and given, which in turn is reported to the co-ordination center which is run by us. This activity helps us in balancing the right formula, between demand and supply and their logistics. It also ensures the optimum supply of cornea so that it doesn’t get spoiled, and in the process, it helps in creating the much needed awareness, for eye donations Advantages for the eye banks are - they can motivate the donors through awareness campaigns - can seek help in case of shortage / excess of supply - improve their services and credibility, in terms of enhanced services - better information and knowledge for running their banks are available all thru ICT and networking
Other problems and solutions While going through the entire process, it was felt necessary, that in order to establish a greater awareness and keenness to pledge for eye donation from the prospective eye donors, there is a need to involve a religious sect or organization working at grass root level who can influence peoples’ thinking and mindset There are many religions running in India and when an appeal comes from the religious head working with the masses, which has huge number of followers, it has got a positive ripple effect So we approached a religious sect, known as Yogi Divine Society, and requested their Swami (Priest), soliciting their help, to spread the message across in villages of their presence
Religious body influence Accordingly, we created a network of approximately 600 volunteers / motivators within their sect, who covered 600 villages, and started mass contacts and motivation process. They in turn got employment in their area which then reduced the poverty The village community being very sensitive to religion, the appeal from the religious head worked, and it had the desired results. More and more people have come forward to register for eye donations and patients started getting corneas to remove their blindness
Operations Schematic The entire process, of the schematic network operation, can be described as follows:- Village motivator is appointed or created - - - this volunteer motivates the prospective eye donors to pledge for eye donation on their death - - - and collects pledge forms from them - - - informs us, who manage logistics, database and co-ordination between them and eye banks In the event of death, motivator contacts local doctor - - - doctor removes eyes from the dead person and gives it to eye bank - - - eye bank informs patients from our collected database, calls them and performs eye transplantation - - - thus blindness is removed from one blind person
Importance of ICT With the effective use of ICT and Networking, it is possible to manage the above activities, which was impossible to manage earlier, due to restricted time factor There is a great importance of ICT as a great extent of work is needed to be done for co-ordination, managing the smooth flow of activity and creating knowledge database and management is required, so that effective results are generated and work can be replicated in other geographic domains and other countries also, working on the local constraints. ICT has the same application and work as mentioned in blood bank project
“Highway Rescue Project”
Agony of circumstances Last year 1,872 persons died on the National Highway No.8 in the state of Gujarat alone, on account of the road accidents. Out of these, only 207 persons died on the spot. The remaining 1,665 persons died due to the fact, that no medical treatment was made available to them, within the initial first hour, since the time they met with an accident. If only they were treated within that crucial period of one hour immediately after the accident occurred, most of them would have survived, getting a fresh lease of life. But since they did not get the required medical treatment in time, they succumbed to their injuries. This is not only astonishing but also equally agonizing.
Our concern – Our aim And this is where it brings us to the very vital aspect of this highway rescue project. Our aim is to ensure that no human life is lost, due to the delay in getting a medical treatment The various studies that are carried out on this aspect, reveal the fact that in more than 80% of cases, the life of the accident victims could have been saved, if only they had received the medical treatment within one hour from the time of accident It is, therefore, our aim to ensure that no human life is lost, due to the non- availability of medical treatment within the crucial period of one hour from the time the accident takes place
Modus Operandi Keeping this aspect in mind, we have created an exhaustive network of 67+ Ambulance Providers, Hospitals, Government Organizations and NGOs who are actively involved in such kind of rescue operations. We have made this facility available, on the stretch of 715 kms of National Highway, passing through the state of Gujarat The modus operandi of the project is that the entire stretch of 715 kms. of the National Highway has been mapped, taking in to account even the smallest details. A Central Control Room, incorporating the required systems to spot the exact location of the accident and also the necessary communication facility, has been set up. All along the National Highway at a distance of every 5 kms. there are Kiosks on both sides of the roads, there are Posters which are displayed at STD booths, Petrol Pumps, Eating Joints, and also in all the Buses. The Kiosks and Posters provide a very useful information to the Highway Users, regarding the Central Control Room, and also the important telephone numbers
How it Operates ? On having received the distress phone call, the central control room will swing in to action. It will get in touch with the nearest hospital and the ambulance service provider - as far as possible within the radius of 5 kms. from the accident site. Based on the communication with the control room, the nearest available ambulance will be rushed to the location of the accident, and carry the suffering persons to the nearest hospital, where the necessary medical treatment will be made available to them. This project works on ICT principle, using telephones and mobile phones. This project has saved 435 live and 600+ limbs of victims in last 18 months. The project is self-sustaining and the revenue model comes from advertisements, corporate donation and victims’ contribution
Development aspects of the projects We are of the opinion, that every problem is an opportunity in disguise. An out of the box solution including modern day problems, business / economics concepts, knowledge management ideas and concepts, creative thinking, ICT technologies, creating self-sustaining revenue model involving various stakeholders and networking principles, we can address to most of the nagging problems of the world This also alleviates the human sufferings, generates employment, reduces poverty and creates wealth by devising novel developmental services and opportunities, involving multi-stakeholder partnerships This is only due to wide spread reach of the project by ICT and networking and making it available to the poorest or inaccessible people in remotest area
Thank you for your time ! Nahak Overseas Ltd
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