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“Keeping the Business Buzzing” School Nutrition on the Cutting Edge – so Brag About It! Maureen Faron Pisanick, RD,LD Dietitian, and Supervisor of Nutrition.

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Presentation on theme: "“Keeping the Business Buzzing” School Nutrition on the Cutting Edge – so Brag About It! Maureen Faron Pisanick, RD,LD Dietitian, and Supervisor of Nutrition."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Keeping the Business Buzzing” School Nutrition on the Cutting Edge – so Brag About It! Maureen Faron Pisanick, RD,LD Dietitian, and Supervisor of Nutrition Hudson City School District

2  How can I promote my menu?  How can I get into the classroom?  How can I improve the brand and image of my cafeteria?  How to gather a team to support our efforts?  Why does this matter?  Can I afford to or better yet, can I afford not to? Things we think about….so should you!

3 It’s a tough job… but someone has to do it

4  What’s on it?  When to share and when to be stealth?  Descriptions say more than words…  What is selling well at other schools?  Trends that stick – not just a Concept Day.  Speed Scratch gaining ground vs. Heat and Serve  The Local “Buzz” – Farm to School  Beating the bad rap….Chef supporting new face to school foods. What’s the buzz word on the menu…

5  How do we communicate to the audience?  Print  Web  Announcements  Menu Boards  Signage  What is available at no or low cost?  Menu Templates  Microsoft “Clip Art”  Promotional Menu Templates  STUDENTS!!! How do I share the menu….

6  Savvy Consumers  Incorporate students into sample days  Surveys may be a great help  Follow the trends – where do kids eat?  Behavioral Economics….not just your average cafeteria talk  Keeping ahead of the curve….new regulations (let’s not go there…)  Classroom Education  Chance to educate and market  Makes lunch a part of the “curriculum”  Menu contests – they eat it if they design it  Education Messages in the Lunch Line  Trivia  Message boards with meaning Bring the Classroom to the Cafeteria!

7 Brown Bag Competition….

8 Free Samples!

9 Get immediate feedback

10  Intern teaches nutrition to 4 th grade students Start in the Classroom…

11  Students wear milk mustaches after a kitchen tour Bring them into the Cafeteria….



14  Professional Appearance  “Restaurant” quality and consistency  Uniforms and Team Spirit!  Clean, neat, and organized  Chef Inspired  “Let’s Move Chef to Schools”  Vendors support – Theme days  Coat your cook’s!  Making the grade…..with Nutrition Awards  State Education Awards (OH – Stellar, Buckeye Best)  Alliance for Healthier Generation Award  HUUSC – Healthier US Schools Challenge  Communicate with Community  Newspaper or Local Cable Access for your commercial message The BRAND



17 Be loud and proud..

18 Recipe Challenge in the Media

19  Chef Sarah visit the White House Garden! Spread the good word…

20 Networking and connections..

21 A game of stakes…or stakeholders

22  Bottom Line  Budgets and balance  Promote our efficiencies  Bench mark with standards – KPI Key Performance Indicators (meals per labor hour)  Cycle Menu Costing/True Value Inventory  Contribute to the health of children  It’s not good nutrition until they eat it!! Why does this matter?

23  Knowing our meal costs  Assess bids, assess plate costs  Knowing our profit margins  A la carte formula important  Know our labor needs – we do run a “business”  Defining an accurate profit and loss  Review often to determine peaks and dips  Communicate with our administration and staff– gain support for your goals and changes  Seek grant funding partnerships  FUTP60  Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools  FTS Dollars Can I afford too….

24  Participation is Key  Study and redefine the menu mix……. Can I afford not too???? High Cost High Sale Low Cost High Sale Low Cost Low Sale High Cost Low Sale



27  Assess where your school is at on the continuum  Provide 1-2 ideas, and help support a gradual sustainable change or program  Remember “creating a buzz” change takes a team effort! Take Aways…

28 Thank you! Life is 10% what happens, and 90% of how you react to it – choose your attitude to be successful! 330.653.1215

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