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“Let me tell you a story” Using narrative to engage in the classroom Dr Elaine Clark Manchester Business School.

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1 “Let me tell you a story” Using narrative to engage in the classroom Dr Elaine Clark Manchester Business School


3 A story of Ali

4 The next day… “ I just wanted to say that in all my time here, I have never met a lecturer who seemed so interested in us and if this is anything to go by, I am really looking forward to the rest of the course!”

5 Using narrative in teaching Personal story – call to action Metaphor – to enliven, engage, offer another perspective and encourage reflection Turning information into stories – Exemplifies – Relates to real world – Offers alternative perspectives Case histories Mini, midi and maxi

6 Hearing student stories Lifelines Reflective journals Examples from their own lives Pictorially

7 3 minutes There are many different types of story In groups of 3 -4, what would you say are the key features which they all share?


9 Ganz 2009

10 “We are the choices that we make”

11 In 2s… Remember a challenge which you have faced. Remember where you were, what you saw, how you felt. Why was it a ‘challenge’? What choice did you have to make? What was the outcome? Tell the story of that challenge to your partner

12 Listener Thank them for sharing their story How did their story make you feel? Did their story paint a picture? Was the challenge clear? Was it clear what the choice was which was made? What does that choice tell you? Do you feel that you know a little about this person now?

13 Using stories… What stories currently exist within your discipline? Which stories could you use? What would you like to know more about? Be prepared to feedback

14 Elaine’s top ten… 1 You all have unique stories to tell, stories which can engage and inspire our students

15 2. Choose your story well Know your audience Be clear about your objectives

16 3. Resonate

17 4. Plan the journey

18 5. Paint the picture…. Good stories are specific, they paint a picture, they evoke a time, a mood, a colour.

19 6. Use stories to transform ideas/information into meaning Aah…hah!!!

20 7. Collect suitable stories/memories

21 8. Develop your own skills as a storyteller

22 9. Use your student stories They have many!!!!

23 10. When all else fails, just breathe

24 Any questions?

25 Some useful references/reading… Barton, J (1984) Playing Shakespeare, London and New York, Methuen Brook, P (1961) An Empty Space London, Methuen. Clandinin, D.Jean and Connelly, M (1990) Stories of Experience and Narrative Inquiry Educational Researcher. Vol 19, No 5 pp2-14 Denning, S (2004): "Telling Tales," Harvard Business Review, May 2004, Vol. 82, Iss. 5, pp. 12- 129.) Denning, S (2007) The Secret Language of Leadership Wiley; San Francisco Gabriel, Y (2000) Storytelling in Organisations: Facts, Fictions and Fantasies Oxford University Press, Oxford Ganz, M (2005) Why David sometimes wins in Messick, D.M and Kramer, R.M (2005) The Psychology of Leadership: New Perspectives and Research London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates McAdams D.P (1993) The Stories we live by The Guilford Press: New York Moon, J A (2010) Using story in Higher Education and Professional Development Oxford: Routledge Peck, E and Dickinson, H (2009) Performing Leadership Macmillan: Basingstoke Parkin, M (1998) Tales for Trainers London: Kogan Page Polkinghorne, D. E (1988) Narrative Knowing and the Human Sciences State Univ. of New York Press: Albany Seely Brown, J; Denning, S; Groh, K; Prusak, L (2005) Storytelling in organisations Elsevier- Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford Weick, K (1995) Sensemaking in Organizations: Foundations for Organizational Science Sage: California

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