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Let’s Go With The Flow A Review of Osmosis and Diffusion.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Go With The Flow A Review of Osmosis and Diffusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Go With The Flow A Review of Osmosis and Diffusion

2 Last week we discussed the two passive processes known as osmosis and diffusion. Let’s see if you remember the difference between the two!

3 The following picture best describes the process of: 1.Osmosis 2.Diffusion

4 This diagram is an example of what membrane transport? 1.Diffusion 2.Facilitated diffusion 3.Endocytosis 4.Exocytosis

5 The following diagram represents the process of: 1.Osmosis 2.Diffusion Why doesn’t the sucrose move???

6 Both beakers below contain water. Which beaker contains the higher concentration of water? 1.Beaker one 2.Beaker two 3.Both beakers have the same concentration of water Beaker OneBeaker Two

7 Solute of some type was added to beaker A. Now which beaker has the higher concentration of water Beaker A Beaker B 1.Beaker A 2.Beaker B 3.Both contain the same concentration of water.

8 In order to bring the two beakers “closer” in terms of their concentration of water, you could… Beaker A Beaker B 1.Add solute to beaker B 2.Add more water to beaker A 3.Remove some solute from beaker A 4.Add more water to beaker B

9 This Next Question Is Tricky! Put Your Thinking Caps On!!!

10 Let’s assume there are ten solute particles in beaker A. How many solute particles would you add to beaker B in order to create two solutions with equal concentrations? 1.10-12 solute particles 2.1-2 solute particle 3.3-5 solute particles 4.8-10 solute particles Beaker A Beaker B

11 You are observing a beaker that contains a sugar solution and potato core. Based on the drawing and the concentrations, where is there a higher concentration of water? 10% solute 5 % solute 1.Inside the potato 2.In the solution surrounding the potato

12 What is the concentration of water in the potato? 10% solute 5 % solute 1.100% 2.90% 3.95% 4.Not enough information is given

13 What is the concentration of water in the solution surrounding the potato? 10% solute 5 % solute 1.100% 2.90% 3.95% 4.Not enough information is given

14 Since there is a higher concentration of water in the solution surrounding the potato, in which direction will the water flow? 10% solute 5 % solute 1.Into the potato 2.Out of the potato 3.In and out of the potato at the same rate

15 This one is easy. Where is there a higher concentration of water? 95% Water 75% Water 1.In the potato cells 2.In the solution surrounding the cell

16 This is an example of a ____ solution and the cell will ____ in size: 84% Water 60 % Water 1.Hypotonic; swell 2.Hypertonic; shrink 3.Hypertonic; swell 4.Isotonic; remain the same size

17 Which of the following is/are true? 84% Water 1.An equilibrium has been reached 2.Water is entering and exiting the cells at the same rate 3.The potato will remain the same size

18 Based on the graph which solutions are hypotonic 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 Percent Change. 1 Solution Concentration (M) 1..2 2..4 3..8 4.1

19 Based on the graph, an isotonic solution would be ___M 1..25 2..45 3..67 4..75 5..82 Percent Change 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 - 1 Solution Concentration (M)

20 This diagram is an example of what membrane transport? 1.Diffusion 2.Facilitated diffusion 3.Endocytosis 4.Exocytosis


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