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Julius Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Word Practice High Frequency Words Phonics Practice Additional Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Julius Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Word Practice High Frequency Words Phonics Practice Additional Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Julius Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five Word Practice High Frequency Words Phonics Practice Additional Resources

2 How do people and animals work together?

3  In a story, there can be someone or something that the story is about. It can be a person or an animal. character  The person or animal that the story is about is called a character.


5 my mom is a nurse

6 My mom is a nurse.



9 Mm

10 m ap

11 m ix

12 m an

13 m ud

14 m en

15 m op

16 to a

17 littleI theam



20 nouns  I am a teacher. The word teacher is a naming word. Naming words are called nouns.  I work on a farm. I am a ______.  I am an animal doctor. I am a _______.  I take care of you when you are sick. I am a __________.

21 Let's make a list of nouns that name people in our family. I am going to check my work. Did I draw a picture? Did I write a noun to name the picture? Did I use my best handwriting?


23 How do people play with a pet?

24 we can have fun with animals

25 We can have fun with animals.

26  Pages 4–5 Point to granddaddy. Who is this? What is Maya's granddaddy doing?  Pages 6–7 What is Maya's granddaddy bringing in the house? What did granddaddy bring?  Pages 8–9 What was in the crate?

27  Pages 10–11 What did Maya's parents think about the pig?How did Maya's parents feel about the pig?  Pages 12–13 What is Julius doing? What did Julius do?  Pages 14–15 What is Maya's mother doing? What other messes did Julius make?

28  Pages 16–17 What did Julius do when everyone wanted to read? Why did the records bother the family?  Pages 18–19 Why was Julius fun to take on walks? What did Julius do?  Pages 20–21 Where are Julius and Maya? What happened in the store?

29  Pages 22–23 What does Julius protect Maya from?  Pages 24–25 Why is Maya swinging in the air? What else does he teach Maya to do?  Pages 26–27 What is Maya doing?

30  Pages 28–29 Who is Maya playing with? What did Maya share with her friends?  Pages 30–31 What did Julius share? How does Julius feel about all that Maya has taught him?

31 JuliusMaya animalgirl causes troublewell-behaved makes messesneat likes to play likes to have fun

32 Mm

33 Aa

34 Kk

35 to

36 Ll

37 am

38 Oo

39 Ss

40 little

41 Ww

42 the





47  Maya has a pet pig, Julius. She and Julius play together. If Julius were your pet, what would you like to do with him? Let's write a sentence about playing with animals.


49 What manners would you like a pet to have?

50 matt jumps with mary

51 Matt jumps with Mary.

52  How is Maya different from Julius?  How are Maya and Julius the same?  How is Julius different from other pigs that live on farms?

53 m ap

54 m an

55 m at

56 m ix

57 m ud

58 to a the I am little

59 Aa FfIi Ee BbKk Ll DdGg

60 Oo RrXx Nn SsPp Uu TtMm




64 In Julius, Maya and Julius liked to do things together. What are some things Maya and Julius did together?

65 How do farmers and animals work together?

66 i went to A store

67 I went to a store.


69 theamtolittlea




73 Look outside! It's a beautiful day! Friend, won't you come out and play? Yes, friend, I will play with you. This is what we should do. play What are some things we can play with our friends? Let's complete the rhyme by substituting our ideas instead of "play" in line 3.

74 How do people and animals work together?

75 the pigs were safe

76 The pigs were safe.

77 the

78 little

79 to

80 a

81 am

82 I

83 Yy

84 Zz

85 Rr

86 Ss

87 Ww

88 Xx

89 Qq

90 Tt

91 Oo

92 Pp

93 Mm

94 Uu

95 Aa

96 Vv

97 Ee

98 Hh

99 Ee

100 Kk

101 Jj

102 Bb

103 Gg

104 Ii

105 Cc

106 Ll

107 Dd

108 Nn

109  Alpha Pigs Alpha Bricks  Cookie Monster- letter Mm  Starfall- letter Mm  Bee Game- alphabet recognition  Piglet Sweeps the Alphabet  Three Little Pigs story, 2 children give their own endings, sequence game  Story- Three Little Pigs (Click on Full Screen)  Project- apple pig ml

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