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The Indian women A short presentation by Anna & Svenja.

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Presentation on theme: "The Indian women A short presentation by Anna & Svenja."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Indian women A short presentation by Anna & Svenja

2 Content Dress of the Indian womenDress of the Indian women Marriage / HistoryMarriage / History DowryDowry Constitutional RightsConstitutional Rights Women´s contribution to the economyWomen´s contribution to the economy

3 Dress of the Indian women wear sariwear sari Cloth ranging from four to nine metres in length that is draped over the body in various styles.Cloth ranging from four to nine metres in length that is draped over the body in various styles.

4 Marriage / History bevor 19 th century:bevor 19 th century: child marriageschild marriages no inter-caste marriagesno inter-caste marriages the girl became part of the husbands familythe girl became part of the husbands family PolygamyPolygamy 19 th century:19 th century: MonogamyMonogamy sound mindsound mind marriageable age ( bridge 18, bridegroom 21)marriageable age ( bridge 18, bridegroom 21) no close relation between the two partiesno close relation between the two parties

5 Marriage / History abolished Satiabolished Sati voidable if:voidable if: not monogamynot monogamy not sound mindnot sound mind not a marriageable agenot a marriageable age close relationclose relation impotenceimpotence

6 Dowry Beginning: presents for the departing daughterBeginning: presents for the departing daughter usually resources to begin her new married lifeusually resources to begin her new married life slowly developed to extraordinary sizeslowly developed to extraordinary size groom´s family gives a list to bride´s familygroom´s family gives a list to bride´s family bride has to give otherwise no marriagebride has to give otherwise no marriage today it is forbidden  6 month prisontoday it is forbidden  6 month prison reason behind this custom:reason behind this custom: poor economical conditionspoor economical conditions unawareness of legal rights among womenunawareness of legal rights among women general bias against womengeneral bias against women

7 Dowry - some images

8 Constitutional rights guarantees equality of sexesguarantees equality of sexes Article 14: equal protection of the lawsArticle 14: equal protection of the laws Article 15: government shall not discriminate on the ground of sexArticle 15: government shall not discriminate on the ground of sex Article 15a: renounce the practices derogatory to the dignity of womanArticle 15a: renounce the practices derogatory to the dignity of woman Article 42: provision for ensuring just and human working conditions and maternity reliefArticle 42: provision for ensuring just and human working conditions and maternity relief

9 Women´s contribution to the Economy most women work but it is not documented in official statisticsmost women work but it is not documented in official statistics working on farm (plow fields)working on farm (plow fields) household industry (weave)household industry (weave) informal sectorinformal sector about 90% of working womenabout 90% of working women very low paymentvery low payment like small trader or artisanlike small trader or artisan

10 Women´s contribution to the economy recent years:recent years: find more and more themselves in positions of respect and prestigefind more and more themselves in positions of respect and prestige more and more women work on equal terms as menmore and more women work on equal terms as men women also party to governancewomen also party to governance participate more often in politicsparticipate more often in politics relatively many elected womenrelatively many elected women

11 Images of the work of Indian women Images of the work of Indian women

12 Thanks for your attention

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