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Women’s Rights and Gender Equality UN Reform and Norway’s Development Cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "Women’s Rights and Gender Equality UN Reform and Norway’s Development Cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Women’s Rights and Gender Equality UN Reform and Norway’s Development Cooperation

2 Why should we do it?? Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment = growth and sustainable development. Women’s rights are human rights - the CEDAW Convention

3 UN gender architecture A new and strong gender entity in the UN is vital to achieve women’s rights and gender equality.

4 UN gender architecture A new gender entity needs sufficient, stable and predictable funding. Also, overall allocations for gender equality throughout the UN system must be increased.

5 One UN at country level The UN pilots must deliver for women on the ground. Women need a distinct voice at country level

6 Norway’s new Action Plan for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Gender Equality and Women’s Rights is one of five main priority areas for Norway’s Development Cooperation.

7 Thematic priority areas Women’s political empowerment Women’s economic empowerment Sexual and reproductive health and rights Violence against women

8 Norway follows a two- track strategy - Gender Mainstreaming and – Targeted Interventions

9 Financing for Women and Development Additional new money has been allocated to targeted measures for women and gender equality.

10 Norway is ready to put resources into a new UN gender entity. We increased our contribution to UNIFEM by a 150% in 2007.

11 We expect the UN to deliver for women on the ground. Non-delivery will have consequences for our choice of partners.

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