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ZONTA and the United Nations Design: Eva Maria Kodek-Werba.

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2 ZONTA and the United Nations Design: Eva Maria Kodek-Werba


4 To Be A Woman

5 A recognition of women of all ages and nationalities, and especially those who, against all odds, persevere in loving, dreaming, and battling for a better world. The theme music is by Vengelis, a Greek composer, and is entitled “Glorianna – Hymn To Women”
























29 There is no doubt that women have a problem They are not aware of their value

30 There are 1.3 billion paupers in the entire world (of whom 70% are women)

31 1.3 billion paupers in the entire world (of whom 70% are women) Two-thirds of illiterate adults are women

32 1.3 billion paupers in the entire world (of whom 70% are women) Two-thirds of illiterate adults are women Two-thirds of children without a school education are girls

33 1.3 billion paupers in the entire world (of whom 70% are women) Two-thirds of illiterate adults are women Two-thirds of children without a school education are girls 4 million women and girls are sold each year

34 1.3 billion paupers in the entire world (of whom 70% are women) Two-thirds of illiterate adults are women Two-thirds of children without a school education are girls 4 million women and girls are sold each year 60 million women are missing due to violence

35 1.3 billion paupers in the entire world (of whom 70% are women) Two-thirds of illiterate adults are women Two-thirds of children without a school education are girls 4 million women and girls are sold each year 60 million women are missing due to violence 7,000 women and girls infect themselves with HIV each day

36 ZONTA is a worldwide organisation of professional women, who are jointly working on improving the status of women by supporting relevant projects.

37 ... by the way, you are not alone!... there is even a ZONTA Club in the capital city of Mongolia!

38 We have a very special mission with which we distinguish ourselves from other service clubs: We are the platform for improving the status of women and are therefore also active as a charity!

39 What does this mean?

40 What does that mean? The improvement of the legal, political, economic, health, professional and educational status of women

41 What does that mean? The improvement of the legal, political, economic, health, professional and educational status of women As a network, working on mutual understanding and therefore, on peace

42 We intend to have a direct influence on the solution of international issues that are specific to women,

43 We also intend to have a direct influence on the solution of international issues that are specific to women, that is why Zonta International has been accredited since 1985 with the UN organisation ECOSOC with the General Consultative status.

44 The UN organisation ECOSOC (ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL) is responsible, as one of a total of six UN bodies, for two-thirds of all UN aid programmes for industrialisation, development, trade, women's rights, children's rights and social welfare.

45 The UNITED NATIONS are comprised of six bodies: Trusteeship

46 The UNITED NATIONS are comprised of six bodies: Trusteeship Security Council

47 The UNITED NATIONS are comprised of six bodies: Trusteeship Security Council General Assembly

48 The UNITED NATIONS are comprised of six bodies: Trusteeship Security Council General Assembly ECOSOC (Economic & Social Council)

49 The UNITED NATIONS are comprised of six bodies: Trusteeship Security Council General Assembly ECOSOC (Economic & Social Council) International Court of Justice

50 The UNITED NATIONS are comprised of six bodies: Trusteeship Security Council General Assembly ECOSOC (Economic & Social Council) International Court of Justice Secretariat of the Secretary General

51 Out of more than 7,000 NGOs worldwide, only around 150 have Consultative Status with the United Nations.

52 Out of more than 7,000 NGOs worldwide, only around 150 have Consultative Status with the United Nations. Zonta International has this status!

53 Through this, ZONTA International receives information from the UN-Department of Public Information which is provided to all Zontians around the world

54 ZONTA International is also an active member of CoNGO (Conference of NGOs), also in a Consultative Status to the UN

55 Out of a total of nine ECOSOC committees, Zonta International is represented in the following committees: Committee on Narcotic Drugs

56 Out of a total of nine ECOSOC committees, Zonta International is represented in the following committees: Committee on Narcotic Drugs Alliance on Crime Preventions and Criminal Justice

57 Out of a total of nine ECOSOC committees, Zonta International is represented in the following committees: Committee on Narcotic Drugs Alliance on Crime Preventions and Criminal Justice Committee on Aging

58 Out of a total of nine ECOSOC committees, Zonta International is represented in the following committees: Committee on Narcotic Drugs Alliance on Crime Preventions and Criminal Justice Committee on Ageing Committee on the Status of Women

59 Since 1946, annual sessions in New York 54th session 2010: 4,300 participants from 463 NGOs from 180 countries

60 UN World Conferences on Women 1975 Mexico City 1980 Copenhagen 1985 Nairobi 1995 Beijing

61 1995 Beijing World Conference on Women with 30,000 participants and the topics of Women and poverty – Education and training of women – Women and health – Violence against women – Women in armed conflicts – Womien in the economy – Women in management positions and as decision-makers – Institutional mechanisms for promoting women – Human rights of women – Women and media – Women and the environment – Girls

62 New from 1 January 2011 UN-Women a special office of the UN for the structured aggregation of all worldwide programmes for women (Chairperson: Michelle Bachelet, former President of Chile)

63 Representatives of ZONTA International in the ECOSOC committees work in

64 Representatives of ZONTA International in the ECOSOC committees work in New York

65 Representatives of ZONTA International in the ECOSOC committees work in New York Geneva

66 Representatives of ZONTA International in the ECOSOC committees work in New York Geneva Paris

67 Representatives of ZONTA International in the ECOSOC committees work in New York Geneva Paris Vienna

68 ZONTA International also has Consultative Status with the International Labor Organisation (ILO) and with the Council of Europe.

69 How do the committees work?

70 Each committee has an Executive Board.

71 How do the committees work? Each committee has an Executive Board. All members of a commitee jointly determine the annual topic.

72 How do the committees work? Each committee has an Executive Board. All members of a commitee jointly determine the annual topic. A monthly meeting takes place.

73 How do the committees work? Each committee has an Executive Board. All members of a commitee jointly determine the annual topic. A monthly meeting is held. Specialists are invited regarding special topics.

74 How do the committees work? Each committee has an Executive Board. All members of a commitee jointly determine the annual topic. A monthly meeting is held. Specialists are invited regarding special topics. The result goes to New York as a statement.

75 An example from the Status of Women committee: Annual topic: Gender-specific medicine

76 An example from the Aging committee: Annual topic: Age-appropriate and disabled-appropriate design

77 An example from the Narcotic Drugs committee: Annual topic: Youth criminality in relation to drugs

78 On the basis of our message "Advancing the status of women worldwide" more than 31,000 Zontians in 66 countries around the world support women-specific projects, not only regionally, but also internationally.

79 On the basis of our message "Advancing the status of Women worldwide" more than 31,000 Zontians in approx. 1,200 Zonta Clubs in 66 countries support women-specific projects, not only regionally, but also internationally. In order to be internationally efficient, the Zonta International Foundation was founded.

80 The Zonta International Foundation supports women-specific projects of the UN.

81 These projects are selected every two years at the International Zonta Convention by the club delegates from all over the world.

82 2008–2012 the Zonta International Foundation is providing the UN with US$ 3,150,000 for international projects:

83 US$ 3,150.000 from the many donations from all ZONTA Clubs throughout the world for the ZONTA International Foundation

84 Rwanda: Preventative measures for avoiding HIV transfer from mother to child (in cooperation with UNICEF)

85 Guatemala City and San Salvador: Increasing safety for women in cities (in cooperation with UNIFEM)

86 Liberia: Reduction of perinatal mortality (in cooperation with UNFPA)

87 Syria: Set-up of a hotline for victims of violence for a centre that assists women in finding accommodations and support

88 Egypt: Renovation of a facility for supporting victims of violence in a legal, medical and psycho-social regard

89 Cambodia: Project for combatting violence in families

90 Rwanda Guatemala City and San Salvador Liberia Syria Egypt Cambodia

91 For Zonta International alone, the implementation of such worldwide projects would not be possible

92 For ZONTA, its Consultative Status at the United Nations means: Increasing its plausibility (credibility) Improving its profile (visibility) Intensification of communication (public relations)

93 In both global and local terms, ZONTA International stands stands at the top of aid for women: Overcoming barriers with education Health care Attainment and enforcement of legal rights Improvement of creditworthiness

94 As a reminder: 1.3 billion paupers in the entire world (of whom 70% are women) Two-thirds of adult illiterates are women Two-thirds of children without a school education are girls 4 million women and girls are sold each year 60 million women are missing due to violence 7,000 women and girls infect themselves with HIV each day

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