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Research on Black Women n LIBRARY INSTRUCTION n Jacqueline A. Gill Associate Professor Reference212-650-6089

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Presentation on theme: "Research on Black Women n LIBRARY INSTRUCTION n Jacqueline A. Gill Associate Professor Reference212-650-6089"— Presentation transcript:

1 Research on Black Women n LIBRARY INSTRUCTION n Jacqueline A. Gill Associate Professor Reference212-650-6089 E-mail Website: Click the down or up arrows on your BROWSER to move forwards backwards OR click the screen

2 Research on Black Women n Contents n Finding books in CUNY+PLUS n Using electronic databases n Listing of internet sites relating to Black Women

3 Research on Black Women n Starting point n City College library homepage. n CCNY and CUNY Resources n Search the CCNY Library website n CUNY+ for books

4 Research on Black Women n CCNY and CUNY Resources n From the City College Library homepage click “Quick links to selected resources”

5 Research on Black Women n CCNY Library: Licensed Resources/Databases CCNY Library: Licensed Resources/Databases CCNY Library: Licensed Resources/Databases n Select the database that covers your subject. n Academic Search Premier n Black Drama n Business Source Premier n Contemporary Women’s Issues n EBSCO Host Premier n Ethnic Newswatch n Gale Literature Resource Center n Lexis-Nexis

6 Research on Black Women n Searching the CCNY Library website you will find a listing of reference resources pertaining to African American women.

7 Research on Black Women n The search retrieved a number of links pointing to further information on black women.

8 Research on Black Women n NYPL Digital Schomburg Images of African Americans from the 19th Century NYPL Digital Schomburg Images of African Americans from the 19th Century NYPL Digital Schomburg Images of African Americans from the 19th Century

9 Research on Black Women n NYPL Digital Schomburg African American Women Writers the 19th Century NYPL Digital Schomburg African American Women Writers the 19th Century NYPL Digital Schomburg African American Women Writers the 19th Century

10 Research on Black Women n WELCOME to the Schomburg Exhibition, Harlem 1900- 1940 WELCOME to the Schomburg Exhibition, Harlem 1900- 1940 WELCOME to the Schomburg Exhibition, Harlem 1900- 1940

11 Research on Black Women n Google Search: "african american women “ Google Search: "african american women “ Google Search: "african american women “

12 Research on Black Women n The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences. The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences. The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences.

13 Research on Black Women n Women of Color Women of Word- -African American -- Female Playwrights Homepage Women of Color Women of Word- -African American -- Female Playwrights Homepage Women of Color Women of Word- -African American -- Female Playwrights Homepage

14 Research on Black Women n Finding books on Black women n From the City College Libraries homepage click the link “CUNY+ catalog

15 Research on Black Women n Choose the library in which you want the database to search by clicking this link.

16 Research on Black Women n Select City College n If you want to search all the CUNY colleges at once select CUNY+PLUS (all CUNY libraries).

17 Research on Black Women n On the Basic search page type the keyword “african american and women” n Click search.

18 Research on Black Women n A number of records are retrieved pertaining to “African American women” n To see the full record click the number next to the title you want to see.

19 Research on Black Women n To see the call number and if the book is on the shelf click the library next to “Holdings.”

20 Research on Black Women n There are two copies of this book on the shelf. n The call number is noted here. n In the “Item status” column it shows that the book can be checked out as a “regular loan” and is on the shelf. n If the book was checked out a due date would be shown here.

21 Research on Black Women n When you begin your research in the City College library stop by the Reference Desk and a librarian will be glad to assist you. PowerPoint Tutorials

22 n ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES n How to write annotated bibliographies How to write annotated bibliographies How to write annotated bibliographies Research on Black Women

23 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES n OWL at Purdue University: Annotated Bibliographies OWL at Purdue University: Annotated Bibliographies OWL at Purdue University: Annotated Bibliographies

24 Research on Black Women n When you begin your research in the City College library stop by the Reference Desk and a librarian will be glad to assist you. n PowerPoint Tutorials PowerPoint Tutorials PowerPoint Tutorials

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