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French 8 th – Unit 1 - REVIEW Madame Joseph Day 2 – Unit 1 – REVIEW YELLOWQ1 – 2014 Vous avez dix minutes: (You have 10 minutes…) Je peux (I CAN):Les idées.

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Presentation on theme: "French 8 th – Unit 1 - REVIEW Madame Joseph Day 2 – Unit 1 – REVIEW YELLOWQ1 – 2014 Vous avez dix minutes: (You have 10 minutes…) Je peux (I CAN):Les idées."— Presentation transcript:

1 French 8 th – Unit 1 - REVIEW Madame Joseph Day 2 – Unit 1 – REVIEW YELLOWQ1 – 2014 Vous avez dix minutes: (You have 10 minutes…) Je peux (I CAN):Les idées É chauffement Your GOAL for lesson (the topic): (Warm-up): -Understand information and descriptions of others when I READ them. Descriptions may include: -Name -Age -Birthday -Personality -Physical appearance -Likes and dislikes -Family life and domicile -And/or professions -COLLABORATION -I can collaborate with my classmate to achieve both common and personal goals. Ability to understand information and descriptions of others through reading. After completing the first JE PEUX box at the top of the day two, please make sure to complete the TEN questions that follow. Fill in the French words that you see next to the numbers and then fill in the English…DO NOT LOOK BACK…see how many you can do. Merci!

2 French 8 th Madame Joseph Day 1 – Unit 1 - REVIEWQ1 – 2014 Please fill in the French (listed here) and the appropriate English equivalent in the spaces below: 1. En ce moment ______________________ 2. assez______________________ 3. Je suis de taille moyenne______________________ 4. ni______________________ 5. vraiment______________________ 6. tout de même______________________ 7. Sept jours sur sept______________________ 8. mais______________________ 9. avec______________________ 10. une équipe______________________

3 French 8 th Madame Joseph Day 1 – Unit 1 - REVIEWQ1 – 2014 Please write down all of the meanings of the vocabulary in your packet malin/maligne- cleverfroid(e)- cold sportif/sportive - athleticouvert(e) - open amical(e)- friendlytimide- shy travailleur/euse -hardworkingsérieux/euse- serious snob- snobbish patient(e) - - patient gentil/gentille- nice/kindparesseux/euse- lazy impatient(e)- impatientfaible- weak Raffiné(e)- sophisticatedstupide- stupid intéressant(e) -interestingbête- silly/stupid courageux/euse- braveamiable- friendly drôle- funnyenneuyeux/euse- boring/tedious

4 French 8 th Madame Joseph Day 1 – Unit 1 - REVIEWQ1 – 2014 Please write down all of the meanings of the vocabulary in your packet En ce moment - At this time assez- rather (enough) Je suis de taille moyenne- I am medium height ni- nor vraiment- truly/very/really sportive- athletic tout de même- just the same, in any event En fait- in fact Jouer au tennis- to play tennis Sept jours sur sept- every day (of the week) mais- but je préfère- I prefer jouer au foot- to play soccer avec- with une équipe- a team en été- in the summer

5 French 8 th Madame Joseph Day 1 – Unit 1 - REVIEWQ1 – 2014 chaque- each l’année- year aussi- also une nageuse - swimmer fort/forte- strong mi-longs- mid-length de temps en temps- from time to time le saison- season les nattes- braids si - if, so, yes to a negative question ce n’est pas possible- it is not possible l’émission- television program tout à fait - really/very/ truly/completely d’accord- ok clair(e) (s) (es)- light/clear (commonly used with color) mince- thin des autres - others (used to refer to people and things) égoïste- selfish méchant(e)- mean parce que - because

6 French 8 th Madame Joseph Day 1 – Unit 1 – Set A Q1 – 2014 Vous avez cinq minutes: (You have 5 minutes…) Je peux (I CAN):Les idées La fermeture de leçon Your GOAL for lesson (the topic): (CLOSURE): -Understand information and descriptions of others when I HEAR them. Descriptions to include: -Name -Age -Birthday -Personality -Physical appearance -Likes and dislikes -Family life and domicile Describing others and cohesive devices to add richness to language. Please complete the participation rubric regarding your performance today in class. Read through the homework and see Madame Joseph avec les questions. - Merci.

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