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Bible Question Box. 2 Two related questions 1)Can a woman say “amen” during a lesson? 2)What are the Scriptural reasons that a woman is not usually allowed.

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1 Bible Question Box

2 2 Two related questions 1)Can a woman say “amen” during a lesson? 2)What are the Scriptural reasons that a woman is not usually allowed to teach the high school class if there are Christian boys in it? (How could it be teaching over a man when they aren’t men?)

3 3 Relevant Bible Patterns Women participate in assembled worship Women participate in assembled worship Sing & teach via singing (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16) Sing & teach via singing (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16) Silently pray during prayers (Ac 2:42; 12:5,12) Silently pray during prayers (Ac 2:42; 12:5,12) Eat the Lord’s Supper (Acts 20:7) Eat the Lord’s Supper (Acts 20:7) Hear & learn God’s word (Acts 20:7) Hear & learn God’s word (Acts 20:7) Confess faith, baptized (Rom. 10:10; Ac 2:38) Confess faith, baptized (Rom. 10:10; Ac 2:38) Repent & ask for prayers of saints (Jas. 5:16) Repent & ask for prayers of saints (Jas. 5:16)

4 4 Relevant Bible Patterns God established an order of headship, 1 Cor. 11:3 God established an order of headship, 1 Cor. 11:3 Women are not the leaders, 1 Tim. 2:8, 11-12 Women are not the leaders, 1 Tim. 2:8, 11-12 Learn in silence (quietness) with all submission, 2:11 (3:4) Learn in silence (quietness) with all submission, 2:11 (3:4) Priscilla didn’t speak publicly, Acts 18:26 Priscilla didn’t speak publicly, Acts 18:26

5 5 Relevant Bible Patterns Women are not the leaders, 1 Tim. 2:8, 11-12 Women are not the leaders, 1 Tim. 2:8, 11-12 Not permitted to teach or have authority (dominion) over a man, 2:12 (Acts 4:18) Not permitted to teach or have authority (dominion) over a man, 2:12 (Acts 4:18) Usurp: Take to oneself; exercise dominion Usurp: Take to oneself; exercise dominion Any arrangement in which a women takes the lead & exercises a position of rule over men is sinful Any arrangement in which a women takes the lead & exercises a position of rule over men is sinful

6 6 Relevant Bible Patterns Men are not authorized to give women positions of leadership over men Men are not authorized to give women positions of leadership over men A God-defined limitation, 1 Tim. 2:13-14 A God-defined limitation, 1 Tim. 2:13-14 She is not to “usurp” authority She is not to “usurp” authority Man cannot give what God has assigned to him Man cannot give what God has assigned to him

7 7 Relevant Bible Patterns Women are to keep silent in assembly, 1 Cor. 14:33-35 Women are to keep silent in assembly, 1 Cor. 14:33-35 To not do so is disorderly, 14:33-34 To not do so is disorderly, 14:33-34 Not permitted to speak (qualified by other passages on worship), 14:34 Not permitted to speak (qualified by other passages on worship), 14:34 Shows submissive attitude toward God, God’s law & man, 14:34 Shows submissive attitude toward God, God’s law & man, 14:34 Shameful to speak, 14:35 Shameful to speak, 14:35

8 8 Relevant Bible Patterns Women participate in assembled worship Women participate in assembled worship God established an order of headship God established an order of headship Women are not the leaders Women are not the leaders Men are not authorized to give women positions of leadership over men Men are not authorized to give women positions of leadership over men Women are to keep silent in the assembly Women are to keep silent in the assembly

9 9 Can a woman say “amen” during a lesson? Amen means “sure” or “truly”; an expression of absolute trust and confidence Amen means “sure” or “truly”; an expression of absolute trust and confidence “Amen” during a sermon is an unsolicited statement of faith, affirmation & agreement “Amen” during a sermon is an unsolicited statement of faith, affirmation & agreement

10 10 Can a woman say “amen” during a lesson? Must meet Scriptural tests: Must meet Scriptural tests: Decently & in order (1 Cor. 14:40) Decently & in order (1 Cor. 14:40) Men are commanded to lead in prayer & teaching (1 Tim. 2:8, 11-12) Men are commanded to lead in prayer & teaching (1 Tim. 2:8, 11-12) Only NT reference to saying “amen” in the assembly is by men (1 Cor. 14:15-16) Only NT reference to saying “amen” in the assembly is by men (1 Cor. 14:15-16)

11 11 Can a woman say “amen” during a lesson? No, s No, since it is not Scriptural for women to speak in the assembly (when “the whole church comes together in one place,” 1 Cor. 14:23, 26, 34 ) In the absence of specific Bible instruction giving permission to do so (i.e., sing), then it is not Scriptural for women to say “amen” during the assembly

12 12 What are the Scriptural reasons that a woman is not usually allowed to teach the high school class if there are Christian boys in it? What are the Scriptural reasons that a woman is not usually allowed to teach the high school class if there are Christian boys in it? How could it be teaching over a man when they aren’t men? How could it be teaching over a man when they aren’t men?

13 13 Bible Reasons Include: Reputation & influence Reputation & influence So there is no mistake & no question that the women here seek to be in submission instead of usurping authority (1 Tim. 2:11-12; 1 Ths. 5:22) So there is no mistake & no question that the women here seek to be in submission instead of usurping authority (1 Tim. 2:11-12; 1 Ths. 5:22)

14 14 Bible Reasons Include: Our children Our children So they learn to respect God’s order of headship & the distinct roles God have given men & women, cf. Isaiah 5:20 (Mal. 2:17) So they learn to respect God’s order of headship & the distinct roles God have given men & women, cf. Isaiah 5:20 (Mal. 2:17)

15 15 Bible Reasons Include: Orderliness & decorum Orderliness & decorum Class arrangement is a tool to teach the gospel & must not become the source of confusion, fussing & fighting, 1 Cor. 14:33, 40; 1 Ths. 5:12-13 (Phil. 2:14; Eph. 5:21) Class arrangement is a tool to teach the gospel & must not become the source of confusion, fussing & fighting, 1 Cor. 14:33, 40; 1 Ths. 5:12-13 (Phil. 2:14; Eph. 5:21)

16 16 Bible Reasons Include: Consciences Consciences To avoid harming consciences of some To avoid harming consciences of some There are different consciences concerning when a woman should no longer teach boys (Rom. 14:13) There are different consciences concerning when a woman should no longer teach boys (Rom. 14:13) When does a boy become a man? When does a boy become a man?

17 17 Principles for Assembly (1 Cor. 14) Speak clearly, to be understood, 14:9 Speak clearly, to be understood, 14:9 Do all things for edification, 14:26 Do all things for edification, 14:26 Peace, not confusion, is to exist (like women speaking in assembly), 14:33-35 Peace, not confusion, is to exist (like women speaking in assembly), 14:33-35 Do all things decently & in order (honorable arrangement), 14:40 Do all things decently & in order (honorable arrangement), 14:40

18 18 A Principle for Men Be the leader (1 Cor. 11:3) Be the leader (1 Cor. 11:3) In worship (1 Tim. 2:8) In worship (1 Tim. 2:8) In the family (Eph. 5:23) In the family (Eph. 5:23)

19 19 A Principle for Women Have a quiet spirit, with all submission (1 Cor. 11:3) 1 Tim. 2:11-12; 1 Pet. 3:4-6 Have a quiet spirit, with all submission (1 Cor. 11:3) 1 Tim. 2:11-12; 1 Pet. 3:4-6

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