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I can…talk and write about my (and my family’s) likes and dislikes. Warm-Up: On a blank piece of paper, copy the conjugations of Être and Avoir.

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Presentation on theme: "I can…talk and write about my (and my family’s) likes and dislikes. Warm-Up: On a blank piece of paper, copy the conjugations of Être and Avoir."— Presentation transcript:

1 I can…talk and write about my (and my family’s) likes and dislikes. Warm-Up: On a blank piece of paper, copy the conjugations of Être and Avoir.

2 Likes/Dislikes

3 Regular Verbs A Regular Verb is a verb that is conjugated by changing the ending of the word. Learn the pattern, and you can apply it to all other verbs in that family.

4 Regular –ER Verbs 80% of all French verbs are Regular –ER verbs, so if you learn the pattern, you can conjugate most verbs.

5 Regular –ER Verbs Regular –ER verbs are verbs that end in the letters –ER. All Regular –ER Verbs are conjugated this way:

6 Regular –ER Verbs FIRST, drop the –er and you are left with the stem.

7 Regular –ER Verbs FIRST, drop the –er and you are left with the stem. AIMER → AIM

8 Regular –ER Verbs Second, add the following endings:

9 Regular –ER Verbs Je -eNous -ons Tu -esVous -ez Il/Elle -eIls/Elles -ent

10 So…

11 Aimer – to like J’aime Tu aimes Il/Elle aime

12 Aimer – to like Nous aimons Vous aimez Ils/Elles aiment

13 Vocabulary C’est qui ? C’est…

14 Vocabulary Ma mère Mon père Ma sœur Mon frère

15 Vocabulary Mon cousin Ma cousine Ma tante Mon oncle

16 Vocabulary Ma grand-mère Mon grand-père Mon ami(e) Mon chien Mon chat

17 Vocabulary la pizza le chocolat les hamburgers les frites

18 Vocabulary le poulet le rock le rap la country

19 Vocabulary les sports les voitures l’école la télévision les jeux vidéo

20 Practice My dad likes cars. My sister likes fries.

21 Practice My dad likes cars. – Mon père aime les voitures. My sister likes fries.

22 Practice My dad likes cars. – Mon père aime les voitures. My sister likes fries. – Ma soeur aime les frites.

23 Practice You(s) like chicken. They(m) like country.

24 Practice You(s) like chicken. – Tu aimes le poulet. They(m) like country.

25 Practice You(s) like chicken. – Tu aimes le poulet. They(m) like country. – Ils aiment la country.

26 Practice I like video games. My cat doesn’t like pizza.

27 Practice I like video games. – J’aime les jeux vidéo My cat doesn’t like pizza.

28 Practice I like video games. – J’aime les jeux vidéo My cat doesn’t like pizza. – Mon chat n’aime pas la pizza.

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