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Mass Rearing of the biological control Agent Zygogramma bicolorata

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Presentation on theme: "Mass Rearing of the biological control Agent Zygogramma bicolorata"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mass Rearing of the biological control Agent Zygogramma bicolorata
Experienceses & Lessons Learnt

2 Mass rearing Cont`d The agent was kept at Ambo quarantine facility after being Introduced from South Africa in October 12, 2007. After conducting host range test, environmental impact assessment document was prepared & sent to MoA Approval from MoA obtained on June, 2012 Visit by representatives from MoA, EPA & IBC took place in October 02, 2013

3 Mass rearing Cont`d Preparation for multiplication
Multiplication site is located within a farmers` association compound in Wollinchitti town, about 125 km east of Addis Ababa It is 46 x 16.5meters Was enough to erect 5 breeding cages & a Nursery and a water tanker After clearing Original Site

4 Mass rearing Cont`d Mesh net and pots arrived at Wollinchitti on December 25, 2012 Purchase of farm tools including two water tankers completed at end of January, 2013 Installation of water pipe in early February, 2013

5 Mass rearing Cont`d Because of shortage of water from the source we were getting very little water Got connected to a reliable water system, that supplies water to the rural community of the Woreda, on February 13, 2014

6 Mass rearing Cont`d Erection of Breeding cages & a Nursery- completed end of January 2013 One breeding cage needs 150m² of mesh while Nursery needs 175m² 3000 lts. Water Tanker Nursery Nursery & Breeding cages

7 Mass rearing Cont`d Gravel on surface inside
& outside cages Whole area fenced with barbed wire with 15 cm spacing Main Entrance Door With lock Second Door

8 Mass rearing Cont`d Water Tanker 3000 and 5000 lts. capacity
Toilet & hand wash store

9 Mass rearing Cont`d Dealing with high temperature Nursery 5 x 10m
Shading of breeding cages

10 Mass rearing Cont`d Multiplication of Zygogramma in 2013
Started with a batch of 60 pairs of Zygo. that was brought from Ambo on June 25, 2013

11 Mass rearing Cont`d Adults started laying eggs and some eggs have started hatching when flooding hit the area on July 02, 2013

12 Mass rearing Cont`d Potted plant approach
Egg laying, Larval Development & Adult Emergence set up Cage 1 Egg laying 12 vigorous parthenium plants in pots 50 pairs of Adults released & kept for 3 days CAGE 1

13 Mass rearing Cont`d CAGE 2 Larval Development
Larva are left to feed by changing plants as needed Remove smaller size larva & place on new plant Place soil/sand mixture at bottom of old pot Leave old pot until most larva enter soil Cut back the plant & place in adult emergence cage

14 Mass rearing Cont`d Cage 3 Adult Emergence Pots are kept wet
Pots checked for adults twice a day a week after being placed in cage Adults are taken back to cage 1 to start the process all over again

15 Mass rearing Cont`d Surface planted approach
Accumulation of fertile soil brought by flood

16 Mass rearing Cont`d In 2014 we used the two approaches side by side
Plan was to produce 4000 adults in one of the cages and distribute these in the four cages to eventually produce adults by mid July But most of the initial Zygogramma culture were destroyed by Lizards Remains of Zygogramma After Lizard attack Lizards` hiding cracks

17 Mass rearing Cont`d Within one cage (Cage 4) on benches
Rearing continued with remaining adults Within one cage (Cage 4) on benches 300 egg laying adults, placed in a small cage containing four plants in pots for one day, produced on the average 425 eggs Adults remain on plants all the time thereby producing more eggs larva are removed and transferred in two other cages and others were left on plants to pupate in pots

18 Mass rearing Cont`d Second Approach releasing adults on plants grown on surface of Breeding cages (cages 1 and 4) 3 plots each about 1m wide, rows 20-25cm spacing Release adults and let nature takes its course. Keep out pests

19 Woreda involvement & awareness creation
Involvement of Woreda Agriculture office Awareness creation

20 Challenges Water problem before February 13, 2014 Pipe installed but
very little water This wa solved when a new system that supplies water to the rural area of Woreda was installed in----- Transport water using Horse cart & pick up vehicle

21 Challenges Weather condition On human beings
On growth & development of parthenium

22 Challenges Aphid infestation Young Shoots Under side Upper side
Mealy bug Infestation

23 Ants Large size Ants Immediately after Planting
Larva being attacked ant

24 Lizards & Rats Remains of adults after Lizard attack

25 Some observations Green looper feeding on Parthenium
Dorsal view of Adult Side view of Adult

26 Some observations Some kind of larval parasite Pupa Parasitized Larva?
Mating Adults Diseased Larva

27 Some observations Aphids and its parasites

28 Some observations Extra seedlings from surface grown
plants can be transplanted And used in pot rearing Make use of parthenium seedlings Around rearing site

29 Some observations Chicken as predators of Mealybugs

30 Mass rearing cont`d…. Comments, suggestions & lessons learnt
Collect enough seeds at the right time Site should be built away from any source of threat Don`t ever start rearing without reliable water source Be present as frequently as possible & make observations all the time Take care of pests particularly Aphids and Mealy bugs

31 Mass rearing cont`d…. Use benches for rearing in pots
Make sure you have enough supply of parthenium seedlings Use combination of the two approaches Use wood Ash against ants Need for some Entomological tools Insect rearing cages, preservatives, pins etc.

32 Mass rearing of Zygogramma

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