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El Enfoque: jueves, el 20 de diciembre Day 3: Write these words on the story vocabulary template. un pinoa pine tree muchos(as)many le pide a…s/he asks.

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Presentation on theme: "El Enfoque: jueves, el 20 de diciembre Day 3: Write these words on the story vocabulary template. un pinoa pine tree muchos(as)many le pide a…s/he asks."— Presentation transcript:

1 El Enfoque: jueves, el 20 de diciembre Day 3: Write these words on the story vocabulary template. un pinoa pine tree muchos(as)many le pide a…s/he asks him/her le da a….s/he gives to him/her está felizs/he is happy

2 La Agenda: Bella la Estrella Escena 3 –Homework Check –The story so far… –Vocabulary for Scene 3 –The story continues…. Escena 3 on Storyboard

3 Homework Check 1.Turn desks to back 2.Bella Scene 2 Quiz 3.Interrogatives 4.Storyboards

4 The story so far…. 1.Retell story with Bella 2.Tell entire story to partner (Use your storyboard) 3.Switch

5 Bella la Estrella

6 Escena 3: Bella va a __________ un pinoa pine tree muchos(as)many le pide a….s/he asks him/her le da a….s/he gives to him/her está felizs/he is happy

7 Do you know the story? ¿Quién?Who? ¿Qué?What? ¿Cuándo?When? ¿Adónde?To where? ¿Por qué?Why?

8 Escena 3 Only…. 1.Act out story w/ Bella & Pedro 2.Tell entire story to partner (Use your storyboard) 3.Switch

9 La Tarea: Finish and color Escena 3. No words. (Pictures only!) Retell all three scenes aloud (Use storyboard)

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