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Chapter 12 Pictorial Drawings.

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1 Chapter 12 Pictorial Drawings

2 Objectives Explain the importance of pictorial drawings as an aid in visualization Create an isometric drawing of an object composed of principal, inclined, and oblique surfaces Draw ellipses on the front, top, and right faces of the isometric to represent cylinders and holes

3 Objectives (cont’d.) Explain the difference between a cavalier and cabinet oblique drawing Create an oblique drawing given the orthographic drawing of an object Create a two-point perspective drawing given the orientation of the plan view and the location of the elevation view

4 Introduction Pictorial drawings can help visualize a 3-D object
Also important when assembling parts into mechanisms or purchasing replacement parts Not used as working drawings Many types and variations

5 Axonometric Drawings FIGURE Three visible normal surfaces (frontal, horizontal, and profile) of a prism have equal angles between them (120°) in an isometric drawing. FIGURE In a diametric drawing, two of the three visible normal surfaces (frontal and profile) of a prism have edges presented at equal angles, not equal to 120°.

6 Axonometric Drawings (cont’d.)
FIGURE A trimetric drawing presents the three visible normal surfaces (frontal, horizontal, and profile) of a prism in a position where none of the angles between the surface edges is equal.

7 Isometric Drawing FIGURE 12.07. The isometric axes.
FIGURE Orthographic views of a step block.

8 Isometric Drawing (cont’d.)
FIGURE The steps to draw an isometric pictorial of the step block.

9 Inclined Surfaces FIGURE Orthographic views of a step block with an inclined surface.

10 Inclined Surfaces (cont’d.)
FIGURE The step involved to create an isometric pictorial of a step block with an inclined surface.

11 Oblique Surfaces FIGURE Orthographic views of a step block with an oblique surface.

12 Oblique Surfaces (cont’d.)
FIGURE The steps involved to create an isometric pictorial of a step block with an oblique surface.

13 Cylindrical Surfaces FIGURE An isometric cube showing ellipses on each face. Note the orientation of the long (major) axis for the ellipse on each of the three normal faces.

14 Cylindrical Surfaces (cont’d.)
FIGURE Drawing an ellipse on the top isometric surface using the traditional four-center method.

15 Cylindrical Surfaces (cont’d.)
FIGURE Drawing an ellipse on the left isometric surface using the traditional four-center method.

16 Ellipses on Inclined Surfaces
FIGURE Steps 1 and 2 to create an isometric pictorial showing a vertical circular hole in an inclined surface.

17 Ellipses on Inclined Surfaces (cont’d.)
FIGURE Steps 3 and 4 to create an isometric pictorial showing a vertical circular hole in an inclined surface.

18 Ellipses on Inclined Surfaces (cont’d.)
FIGURE Steps 5 and 6 to create an isometric pictorial showing a vertical circular hole in an inclined surface.

19 Ellipses on Inclined Surfaces (cont’d.)
FIGURE The finished construction of the vertical circular hole in an inclined surface.

20 Oblique Drawings Types of oblique drawings
FIGURE A cabinet oblique pictorial. FIGURE A cavalier oblique pictorial.

21 Construction of Oblique Drawings
FIGURE The steps required to construct an oblique pictorial.

22 Construction of an Object with Circular Features
FIGURE The steps required to construct an oblique pictorial with circular features.

23 Perspective Drawings FIGURE An illustration showing railroad tracks converging to a vanishing point on the horizon.

24 Types of Perspective Drawings
FIGURE An example of a two-point perspective drawing.

25 Types of Perspective Drawings (cont’d.)
FIGURE An example of a three-point perspective drawing.

26 Two-Point Perspective Drawings
FIGURE The relationship between the PP and the object.

27 Construction of a Two-Point Perspective Drawing
FIGURE Establishing and marking the left and right vanishing points.

28 Construction of a Two-Point Perspective Drawing (cont’d.)
FIGURE Establishing the ML.

29 Construction of a Two-Point Perspective Drawing (cont’d.)
FIGURE Drawing the visual rays of the object to the PP through the SP.

30 Construction of a Two-Point Perspective Drawing (cont’d.)
FIGURE Completion of the perspective.

31 Complex Object in Two-Point Perspective
FIGURE A two-point perspective drawing of a complex object.

32 Considerations for 3-D Modeling
Easiest way to create pictorial drawings is to extract from solid models Usually matter of specifying viewing orientation and amount of perspective Very easy to extract

33 Summary Used pictorial drawings for visualization and understanding 3-D relationships of objects Created isometric drawings for simple communication

34 Summary (cont’d.) Introduced oblique drawings, which are very quickly and simply created Used perspective drawings for applications that demand the most realistic appearance

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