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Easter Seals Maine’s Military & Veterans Services.

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1 Easter Seals Maine’s Military & Veterans Services

2 Easter Seals Maine’s Mission: Provide exceptional services that enable people with challenges to enjoy equal opportunities to work, live, learn and play in their communities.

3 Service Menu:  Early Intervention Therapies (birth to age 3) - Physical, occupational, speech & developmental therapies  Specially Designed Instruction/ Therapeutic Preschool (ages 3-6)  Case Management Services (birth to age 20)  Vocational Services (teens & adults)

4 Military & Veterans Services:  Based on successful model at Easter Seals New Hampshire since 2007  Launched with support of NH’s TAG and the NH National Guard  Funded by Department of Defense & private donations  Care Coordination / Case Management Services during deployment cycle  Emergency financial assistance

5 Military & Veterans Services (cont’d):  Care Coordination Program: - Clinical supervisor (LCSW) - Case management staff - In-home model Hallmark of program is one-to-one relationships & convenience, confidentiality of in-home service

6 Military & Veterans Services (cont’d):  NH’s Significant Outcomes (N= 2,900 over past 6 years)  63 averted suicides  400 employment placements  200 housing placements  No one in the program has committed suicide since launch  Looking to replicate these results in Maine

7 Military & Veterans Services (cont’d):  Emergency Assistance Fund  Philanthropic arm called “Maine Veterans Count”  $1 million raised annually in NH  800 families helped in total  Covers emergency auto repair, childcare, food, medical, rent, etc  “Hand up” not “handout”  Part of an individualized community re-integration plan

8 Client Testimonial: click here for WCSH6 news story

9 Maine Program Launch:  Hire program director  Build awareness  Raise funds to support the work  Gala on November 15th w/ Col David Sutherland of Easter Seals National  Partner with military & civilian programs to build support network  Advocate for “program of record” status / long-term sustainability

10 Partnership Opportunities:  VA Rural Coordinating Pilot Grant  Invited to participate as a partner with DOL, BVS, MMCN  ESME to supply Care Coordination  Focus on rural counties of Aroostook and Washington  ESME as part of a strategy that considers the whole person

11 Partnership Opportunities:  Portland Veterans Network  Chamber program to be acquired by ESME  Links veterans with mentors in Greater Portland to enhance employment opportunities  Military & Veterans “Summit”  October 2, Portland

12 Other Potential Partnerships:  Habitat for Humanity  SBA

13 How You Can Help:  Spread the word  Support our advocacy for becoming a “program of record”  Link us to providers of services  Attend our October 2 nd “Summit” or November 15 th Kickoff Gala

14 Questions?

15 FMI: Charlie Summers, Military & Veterans Program Director Gail Wilkerson, Executive Director

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