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Testing Updates LEP Coordinators Training October 2, 2014 Presented by: Bill Hatch.

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Presentation on theme: "Testing Updates LEP Coordinators Training October 2, 2014 Presented by: Bill Hatch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing Updates LEP Coordinators Training October 2, 2014 Presented by: Bill Hatch

2 Information from this presentation is located in: Guidelines for Testing Students Identified as Limited English Proficient publication (September 2014) Testing Students Identified as LEP Website: Testing Accommodations Website: accountability/policies/accom/


4 W-APT : initial screener –within 14 calendar days if the student enrolls after the beginning of the school year. ACCESS for ELLs: annual LEP assessment –February 2–March 13, 2015 Alternate ACCESS for ELLs: alternate annual LEP assessment –February 2–March 13, 2015

5 Alternate ACCESS Eligibility Current IEP Instructed on Extended Content Standards Significant cognitive disability Prior year ACCESS score yielded NA across any and/or all domains or yielded a composite score of less than 2.0 If student doesn’t have prior ACCESS testing, W- APT results have proficiency level of 1 in all applicable domains

6 Alternate ACCESS Must be documented in student’s IEP Alternate ACCESS has max composite score of 2.0 – student cannot exit on the alternate, but can show growth


8 R EAD T O A CHIEVE  Purpose: Ensure that every student reads at or above grade level by the end of third grade and continue to progress in reading proficiency so that he or she can read, comprehend, integrate, and apply complex texts needed for secondary education and career success.  Good Cause Exemptions  Exempt from mandatory retention in third grade, but shall continue to receive instructional supports and services and reading interventions appropriate for their age and reading level.  Among other exemptions, LEP students with less than two years of instruction in an ESL program.

9 College and Career Readiness Alternate Assessment Grade 11 CCRAA : Alternate to The ACT® Grade 10 CCRAA : Alternate to the ACT Plan –The decision to assess a student on a CCRAA must be made as part of the IEP process. –Eligibility requirements for the grade 10 and the grade 11 CCRAA may be found at esting/alternateassess/ esting/alternateassess/

10 Online vs. Paper-Pencil Summative Assessments EOG ELA/Reading and Mathematics (3-8) –Paper-and-pencil only (3-6 & 8) –Online, paper-and-pencil option (7) EOG Science (5 & 8) –Online, paper-and-pencil option EOC English II, Math I, Biology –Online, paper-and-pencil option

11 Testing Accommodations LEP students must meet eligibility criteria for accommodations –Score below level 5.0 Bridging on reading subtest of W-APT/ACCESS –Eligible for accommodations on all state- developed tests LEP students have access to 7 testing accommodations

12 What are Modifications? An actual change in tests, grading or curriculum. Using modified blueprint or weighted grading system; Simplifying lesson plans or tests to provide for lower levels of understanding; Reducing the number of questions answered during a test; Reducing reading or math levels; or Simplifying vocabulary

13 What are Accommodations? A change in a procedure that does not change the measurement of work completed. Allowing student to take a test in a separate setting; Allow extra time to complete tests; or, Adjusting homework, such as completing every other problem. The accommodation will not, however, change how the test is graded.

14 Accommodations for LEP Students Word-to-Word Bilingual Dictionary/Electronic Translator (LEP only) Multiple Testing Sessions Scheduled Extended Time Student Reads Test Aloud to Self Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud (In English) Computer Reads Test Aloud – Student Controlled Testing in a Separate Room

15 Word-to-Word Bilingual Dictionary/Electronic Translator Must be….. – word-to-word or word-to-phrase –a published document –approved by designated personnel before testing –checked by designated personnel before testing

16 Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud Invalidates results of tests measuring reading comprehension Separate setting required (one-on-one or small group) Must specify details: –Read Aloud All –Read Aloud by Student Request –Other – words only on math test, etc.

17 Computer Reads Test Aloud – Student Controlled Available for online math and science tests Must be enabled in student interface questions (SIQ) before testing Separate room (one-on-one) required unless headphones are used Student clicks on speaker icon next to text to activate read aloud option Consider bandwidth when scheduling

18 Computer Reads Test Aloud – Student Controlled (cont’d) Limitation: only item stems and answer choices read by computer Human Vocalization Set volume before testing – secure browser For an online assessment, student may have the test read aloud by: –Test administrator reads aloud –Computer reads aloud – student controlled –Combination of the two methods

19 Multiple Testing Sessions Testing over multiple mini-sessions Specifics of multiple testing sessions must be documented in LEP Plan –More frequent breaks (e.g., break every 20 minutes, break every 10 items) –Testing over multiple days (e.g., half test each day over 2 days) Must finish within maximum testing time unless also have Scheduled Extended Time

20 Multiple Testing Sessions (cont’d) First test administration must begin on same day as general testing Multiple day administrations to be completed the next school day or on makeup day – flexibility allowed Testing in a Separate Room required if breaks are not standard Only students with the same break setups may be grouped together

21 Multiple Testing Sessions (cont’d) Test administrators may omit instructions related to time limits 5 minute warning must be given before lunch Books must be paper-clipped during extended breaks, students may not return to paper- clipped section after break Online – must be designated prior to testing, students may not go back to items after extended breaks

22 Scheduled Extended Time For students who need additional time, but can finish test in one day May not begin testing earlier than regularly scheduled time Add’l time on top of maximum testing time –Most tests have max time of 240 minutes!

23 Scheduled Extended Time (cont’d) Amount of estimated extended time must be specified in LEP Plan However, with this accommodation, students provided as much extended time as needed

24 Scheduled Extended Time (cont’d) Test administrator may omit instructions regarding time limits Breaks occur at standard time Student must be allowed to eat lunch Testing must be completed by dismissal Test security/paper-clipping Separate setting not required

25 Testing in a Separate Room Test administrator and proctor required Specifics must be documented in LEP Plan –One-on-one –Small group Define range or maximum # of students Local policy for definition of small group

26 Testing in a Separate Room (cont’d) One-on-One required for: –Computer Reads Test Aloud (without use of headphones) –Student Reads Test Aloud to Self

27 Testing in a Separate Room (cont’d) One-on-one OR small group for: –Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud –Multiple Testing Sessions (when breaks are not provided in alignment with standard administration procedures)

28 Monitoring Accommodations Accommodations in PowerSchool, CECAS, LEA-approved third-party application Accommodations coded on answer sheets or online in NC Education Review of Accommodations Used During Testing forms Onsite Monitoring Visits

29 Accommodations in PowerSchool https://bladencs- Training: October 15, 2014 @ 1:00 pm –Functionality of the Accommodations in PowerSchool. The webinar will be recorded and posted to the website. – 5313496 5313496

30 Review of Accommodations Used During Testing forms Should be reviewed for all students who received testing accommodations and taken into consideration at the students’ next LEP team meetings during which instructional and testing accommodations are determined. Use data and documentation, not speculation to determine.

31 Onsite Monitoring Visits Scheduled Extended Time and Student Reads Aloud to Self accommodations, were not used by any of the students with those specific accommodations during the visits.

32 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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