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Governance improvements and reforms Council’s work to enhance effective governance of the Union (2009-2012) Presentation for the Regional Conservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Governance improvements and reforms Council’s work to enhance effective governance of the Union (2009-2012) Presentation for the Regional Conservation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governance improvements and reforms Council’s work to enhance effective governance of the Union (2009-2012) Presentation for the Regional Conservation Forums

2 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Council’s objectives with governance reforms: Enhance the effective and efficient governance of the Union Act upon the governance-related decisions of the Barcelona Congress (2008) Carry forward the governance improvements and reforms initiated by past IUCN Councils

3 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: Outline of the presentation: 1.A Union fit for the future: advancing a Members’ vision for the future governance of IUCN [discussion] 2.Changing IUCN’s statutory regions 3.Including local and regional governmental authorities (LRGA) in the structure of the Union [discussion] 4.Improving and reforming the Congress motions process 5.Other initiatives [discussion]

4 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 1.A Union fit for the future: advancing a Members’ vision for the future governance of IUCN How to ensure that IUCN’s governance structure enables all parts of IUCN - Members, National and Regional Committees, the Commissions and the Secretariat – to optimize their contributions to achieving the mission of IUCN? In preparation for: a Council workshop at the 2012 Congress a possible motion advancing a Members’ vision for the future governance of IUCN, for Council to –implement in 2012-2016, and/or –prepare statutory reforms by 2016

5 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 1.A Union fit for the future: advancing a Members’ vision for the future governance of IUCN (Cont’d) Question 1: IUCN Membership a.What nature, composition and size of IUCN Membership is needed to lead conservation and influence societies to achieve the equitable conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity? b.What role can National and Regional Committees play in IUCN and in their societies to enable conservation and wider economic and social policies to meet biodiversity objectives?

6 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 1.A Union fit for the future: advancing a Members’ vision for the future governance of IUCN (Cont’d) Question 2: IUCN Council a.How can the composition, capacities, calibre and representation of Council be strengthened and continue to evolve to exercise strong, nimble, and effective leadership in decision-making and policy direction? b.What needs to be done to attract future Council members with competencies and profile that can add leverage to IUCN’s efforts and influence political and economic actors and citizens who currently ignore or undermine conservation objectives? c.How can the Bureau of Council be used more effectively?

7 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 1.A Union fit for the future: advancing a Members’ vision for the future governance of IUCN (Cont’d) Question 3: IUCN Commissions a.Are the current Commissions, their mandates and the selection process for Commission leadership sufficient to address the conservation challenges of the future? b.How can network models and thematic bases of the Commissions provide the optimum arrangement through which the IUCN family, the broader conservation community, and society at large can access the voluntary expertise it needs for the future?

8 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 1.A Union fit for the future: advancing a Members’ vision for the future governance of IUCN (Cont’d) Question 4: IUCN Secretariat How can the Secretariat evolve into the right roles, functions, size and skill set to enable, leverage and integrate the capacities of IUCN’s constituents and ensure effective and efficient delivery of the IUCN Programme and optimal conservation results?

9 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 2.Changing IUCN’s statutory regions Council motion for the 2012 Congress implementing Resolution 4.007 (2008 Congress): Council continues with 38 members in total Africa and Meso and South America: each elect 4 North America and the Caribbean, Oceania and West Asia: each elect 3 Councillors South and East Asia: elects 5 Councillors West and East Europe, North and Central Asia combined: elects 6 Councillors Pakistan moves to South and East Asia Only 1 appointed Councillor instead of 5

10 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 3.Including local and regional governmental authorities (LRGA) in the structure of the Union Why is the IUCN Council pursuing this: Council implements resolution 4.008 (Barcelona Congress, 2008) which requested it to find an appropriate way of including LRGA in the structure of the Union LRGA have become increasingly important actors in conservation

11 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 3. Including local and regional governmental authorities (LRGA) in the structure of the Union (Cont’d) Current situation: Only government agencies or departments ‘which form part of the machinery of government in a State, including those agencies of the components of federal States or of States having an analogous structure’ may be admitted to IUCN in Category A

12 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 3.Including local and regional governmental authorities (LRGA) in the structure of the Union (Cont’d) Proposals under examination: 1.include as ‘LRGA members’ of Category A (States and government agencies) in which they collectively exercise one of the three [or four?] State votes in accordance with that State’s constitutional structure and requirements, and with specific admission criteria for Council to review in each case, such as:

13 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 3.Including local and regional governmental authorities (LRGA) in the structure of the Union (Cont’d) A definition as precise as possible of what is meant by LRGA Agreement of the State Member before any LRGA can be admitted LRGA must have comprehensive decision-making authority in the field of conservation

14 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 3.Including local and regional governmental authorities (LRGA) in the structure of the Union (Cont’d) Proposals under examination (continued): 2.create a new affiliate membership Category ‘Local and regional governmental authorities’ with extended affiliate member rights such as: o propose candidates for President, Treasurer, Chairs of the Commissions and Regional Councillors o speak in, and propose motions to, Congress; and/or o State Member consults with LRGA with a view to presenting LRGA views and proposals to Congress

15 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 3.Including local and regional governmental authorities (LRGA) in the structure of the Union (Cont’d) Proposals under examination (continued): 3. an existing international organization with members which are LRGA, serves as the local government interface for IUCN, e.g. the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), or other international organization of LRGA members The LRGA members of this international organization participate in the IUCN through such an international organization. It could further be considered how such an organization could bring its LRGA membership into a formal relationship with IUCN in the form of a local government chamber.

16 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 4.Improving and reforming the Congress motions process Evaluation of the 2008 Congress Council initiatives to improve the motions process for 2012:  More Member briefings on how to exercise their rights  An electronic tool for Member motions  Members contribute to the Draft IUCN Programme 2013-2016 during the Regional Conservation Forums  Promote regional Programmes for Members’ proposals for local/regional actions

17 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 4.Improving and reforming the Congress motions process (Cont’d) Other reforms under examination in Council, possibly for adoption by Members at the 2012 Congress: e.g. o increase the representativeness and legitimacy of Congress resolutions by introducing a (quorum) requirement that a minimum number of Members must be present in order to take valid decisions

18 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 5.Other initiatives 5.1Effectiveness of Council Clarifying Council’s primary functions (proposed amendments to IUCN Statutes, art. 37 and IUCN Regulations, art. 48) 5.2Increase transparency of Council Members’ Portal fully operational all Council and Bureau decisions posted in the three official languages of IUCN Council agendas circulated in advance to Members for comments Council documents available upon request

19 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 5.Other initiatives: (Cont’d) 5.3Improving the criteria for membership admission Redefine the Affiliate Member Category C by reserving it for entities that are not eligible for membership in Cat. A or B but that share and support IUCN’s objectives and have a track record in conservation Proposed amendment to IUCN Statutes, art. 5 (f): Affiliate Members shall be government agencies, national and international non-governmental organizations, which are not in Categories A or B. entities which are not eligible for membership in Categories A or B but comply with the requirements of Article 7 (a), (b) and (c).

20 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 5.Other initiatives: (Cont’d) 5.3Improving the criteria for membership admission (Cont’d) Clarify the conditions for admission to be reviewed in each case by Council Proposed amendment to IUCN Statutes, art. 7 :

21 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: Proposed amendment to IUCN Statutes, art. 7: (a) the applicant shares and supports the objectives of IUCN; (b) the objectives and track record of the applicant reflect at least one of the following: –the conservation of the integrity and diversity of nature; –the aim to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable; – the dedication to influencing, encouraging and assisting societies for the above purposes; (c)the applicant does not pursue objectives or carry out activities that conflict with the objectives or activities of IUCN; (c) the applicant has as one of its central purposes the achievement of IUCN’s mission and a substantial record of activity in the conservation of nature and natural resources; and (d) the applicant meets the other qualifications for membership as prescribed in the Regulations.

22 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 5.Other initiatives: (Cont’d) 5.3Improving the criteria for membership admission (Cont’d) Modifications to the IUCN Regulations 5 and 6 concerning the membership admission criteria: e.g. 5 (a) (i) be an a not-for-profit entity which conforms with the law of the State where the seat is located; [...] 5 (a) (iii) have a board that is autonomous and independent Have an autonomous and independent board, recognizing that government financial support to the organization shall not on its own indicate a lack of independence; and 5 (a) (iv) have a governance structure which is transparent, accountable and representative have a legal structure which requires periodic election or appointment of its officers. 5 (b) Any duly accredited university, similar institution of higher learning, and its specialized centre(s) and or research institute(s), organized within a State, seeking admission to this Category shall [...]

23 International Union for Conservation of Nature World Conservation Congress 2012 Governance improvements & reforms 2009-2012: 5. Other initiatives: (Cont’d) 5.4Oceans in IUCN’s governance Under consideration in Council: proposals to enhance the representation of oceans in IUCN’s governance, e.g. by requiring Council to appoint a IUCN World Oceans Councillor [Regulations, art. 45] 5.5Guidance for election candidates 2012 5.6Proposed amendments to facilitate the organization of the World Conservation Congress Examples: No limitation of the size of delegations Electronic voting and elections

24 Jeju 2012 Council looks forward to receiving your comments and suggestions

25 Jeju 2012 Thank you! Kamsa hamnida! 감사합니다

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