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Agenda Purchasing Services Department, Director Christine Gerlach Accounting Department, Director Maria Ontiveros Internal Audit Department, Director Shinping (Champagne) Chyi These are the topics that will be discussed today. Please ask questions at anytime during the presentation.
Definition of Purchasing:
To obtain: equipment, material, supplies and/or services at the right: QUALITY QUANTITY PRICE SOURCE TIME What is purchasing? Purchasing is the act of and the functional responsibility of procuring materials, supplies and services. To ensure maximum value, Purchasing must obtain equipment, material, supplies and services at the RIGHT quality, quantity, price, source and time. Define, quality, quantity, price, source, time
Purchasing Services Process
Solicitation is advertised, Pre-Solicitation meeting (if applicable), and ALL vendor questions with answers are posted on website. Vendor provides a proposal Evaluation committee reviews Administration or Board Approval Business unity is formed All awarded info is posted on website
We begin this morning with the website that should be able to answer 99% of the questions you might have pertaining to partnering with Ysleta ISD. First you will enter into the Division of Finance SCROLL DOWN TO “FOR VENDOR”
Then you can enter into Purchasing Services.
Note the hover for accounting, which will be presented later in this workshop
This page is set-up specifically to help provide Vendors with information to partner with Ysleta ISD
Forms to be completed Commodity List to be Annotated Terms and Conditions that will effect the contract / quote / bid / etc….. District Calendar Vendor Notification Process ========================================================= Ysleta Independent School District values all vendors that are interested in future business opportunities with Ysleta ISD. All vendors are required to complete the three (3) forms above, agree to the Ysleta ISD terms and conditions and comply with the notification process. Ysleta ISD’s responsibility to the vendor: notify all registered and applicable vendors of upcoming business opportunities (quotes, bids, bond projects) via or facsimile post all upcoming solicitations on website Vendor’s responsibility to Ysleta ISD is to check and newspaper advertisements for upcoming business opportunities respond to communication from Ysleta ISD by the required date ensure all communication contact information is updated PROCESS: Ysleta ISD will attempt to notify all active vendors in the following order: or facsimile If Ysleta ISD receives a “return notice” due to invalid contact information, Ysleta ISD will remove the vendor from the active vendor listing and transfer them to the in-active vendor listing. Vendors are required to notify Ysleta ISD of updated contact information to be re-instated on the active vendor listing for future
Note 3 Items Note 3 Items
Terms & Conditions With Request and Award
All YISD purchase orders are governed by the District’s Terms and Conditions. During a request for a solicitation proposal / quote, there are REQUEST Terms and Conditions to adhere, to ensure legality of proposal. During an award of solicitation/quote, there are AWARD Terms and Conditions to adhere, to ensure legality of contract. Refer to Hand-Out for both Request & Award Terms & Conditions If the vendor provides Terms and Conditions, Ysleta ISD T&Cs over rule them. It is important to add one of these sentence on all signed vendor documents: “Ysleta ISD Terms and Conditions, Attachment A, incorporated herein and made a part of this agreement. “Ysleta ISD Terms and Conditions will supersede Terms and Conditions stated herein. See Attachment B incorporated herein and made a part of this agreement. If the vendor does not accept Ysleta ISD T&Cs, negotiations begin. There is a possibility of going to the next “best value” vendor if an agreement cannot be reached.
Terms & Conditions With Request and Award..con’t
Ysleta ISD Terms and Conditions prevail and take precedence over vendors Terms and Conditions. If the vendor does not accept Ysleta ISD Terms & Conditions, negotiations begin. T&Cs are posted on website, attached as part of contract, included in the solicitation, etc… Refer to Hand-Out for both Request & Award Terms & Conditions If the vendor provides Terms and Conditions, Ysleta ISD T&Cs over rule them. It is important to add one of these sentence on all signed vendor documents: “Ysleta ISD Terms and Conditions, Attachment A, incorporated herein and made a part of this agreement. “Ysleta ISD Terms and Conditions will supersede Terms and Conditions stated herein. See Attachment B incorporated herein and made a part of this agreement. If the vendor does not accept Ysleta ISD T&Cs, negotiations begin. There is a possibility of going to the next “best value” vendor if an agreement cannot be reached.
Terms & Conditions With Request and Award..con’t
Sample of YISD purchase order
Mandatory Forms, by law (5)
W9, Request for tax payer identification number and certification. Will be TIN matched with IRS before approved. Conflict of Interest and Felony Conviction Notification Criminal History Record, is required if Vendors that do business with the District: have a possibility of frequent contact with students, and the vendor is unescorted by District employees, while on District property. Located Texas Department of Public Safety webpage Suspension / Debarment Certification
Vendor Self Service (VSS)
New Vendors will register on-line and current vendors can update company information as needed to include remit address(es). Vendors may also view purchase orders and accounting items (payables/receivables)/ Accounting will present in further detail Must have Internet capability or visit Purchasing Department at Sims Dr in El Paso to utilize a computer. If current vendor and you do not have your vendor number, Please contact Purchasing DO NOT RE-ENTER INFORMATION
This page is set-up specifically to help provide Vendors with information to partner with Ysleta ISD
Forms to be completed Commodity List to be Annotated Terms and Conditions that will effect the contract / quote / bid / etc….. District Calendar Vendor Notification Process ========================================================= Ysleta Independent School District values all vendors that are interested in future business opportunities with Ysleta ISD. All vendors are required to complete the three (3) forms above, agree to the Ysleta ISD terms and conditions and comply with the notification process. Ysleta ISD’s responsibility to the vendor: notify all registered and applicable vendors of upcoming business opportunities (quotes, bids, bond projects) via or facsimile post all upcoming solicitations on website Vendor’s responsibility to Ysleta ISD is to check and newspaper advertisements for upcoming business opportunities respond to communication from Ysleta ISD by the required date ensure all communication contact information is updated PROCESS: Ysleta ISD will attempt to notify all active vendors in the following order: or facsimile If Ysleta ISD receives a “return notice” due to invalid contact information, Ysleta ISD will remove the vendor from the active vendor listing and transfer them to the in-active vendor listing. Vendors are required to notify Ysleta ISD of updated contact information to be re-instated on the active vendor listing for future
Vendor Issues Vendor issues occur when Ysleta ISD does not receive the equipment, material, supplies and services ordered at the right: QUALITY QUANTITY PRICE SOURCE TIME To ensure that Ysleta ISD is partnering with the “best value” vendors available, we have initiated a process that will ensure that vendors partnered with Ysleta ISD are meeting purchasing requirements. The right quality, quantity, price, source and time. There is a list posted on the website to provide in-depth details. The first goal is to communicate and/or meet with the vendor to find the root cause and the “cure” for the issue. (i.e. ordered 5 and received 4 and 1 will ship overnight) OR (ordered yellow and received red; yellows are shipped overnight and a call tag to pick-up yellows are issued)
Removal or Suspension from Vendors/Bidders List
The Director of Purchasing Services may recommend removing or suspending any company from bidding, provided evidence is available for such action. If the vendor has a history of consistent issues, cannot make a reasonable cure for the issue, or has committed a crime. Then the vendor will be either removed or suspended from the vendor list and the bidders list. This is done with the recommendation of Director of Purchasing Services and the approval of Associate Superintendent of Finance.
Removal/Suspension Length of Time Guideline
1 to 2 issues – Min.30 to Max.60 days after resolution. 3 to 4 issues – Min. 90 to Max.180 days after resolution 5 plus issues – Min.180 days to Max. 365 days after resolution Violation of the laws of the State of Texas, City of El Paso or Federal Government – 1 year to permanent termination. 1 to 2 issues reported – 1 to 2 mths (min.30 to max.60 days) after the circumstance has been corrected in a reasonable manner. 3 to 4 issues reported – 3 to 6 mths (min. 90 to max.180 days) 5 or more issues reported – 6 to 12 mths (min.180 days to max. 365 days) Violation of the laws of the State of Texas, City of El Paso or Federal Government – 1year to permanent termination (min.365 days to indefinite) at the discretion of the Director of Purchasing Services and Associate Superintendent of Finance.
Reinstatement on Bidders List
Once the vendor receives notice of removal/ suspension: Vendor submits written explanation that shows circumstances have been corrected. Includes: root cause, containment plan, and corrective action to ensure future business does not have this issue. The Director of Purchasing Services may modify or rescind the removal or suspension. All vendor issues kept indefinitely. Vendor issue will be reviewed during evaluations of award. Once the vendor receives notice of removal or suspension. The Vendor must submit written explanation which led to incident and show that such circumstances have been corrected. This should include the root cause, containment plan, and corrective action to ensure future business does not have this issue. The Director of Purchasing Services may modify or rescind the removal or suspension.
Sole Source Process Education Code 44.031
99.9% of awarded vendors are NOT sole source Majority accepted are “captive” Affidavit, located on purchasing webpage, complete, or fax, Purchasing Services will advise if accepted.
This page is set-up specifically to help provide Vendors with information to partner with Ysleta ISD
Forms to be completed Commodity List to be Annotated Terms and Conditions that will effect the contract / quote / bid / etc….. District Calendar Vendor Notification Process ========================================================= Ysleta Independent School District values all vendors that are interested in future business opportunities with Ysleta ISD. All vendors are required to complete the three (3) forms above, agree to the Ysleta ISD terms and conditions and comply with the notification process. Ysleta ISD’s responsibility to the vendor: notify all registered and applicable vendors of upcoming business opportunities (quotes, bids, bond projects) via or facsimile post all upcoming solicitations on website Vendor’s responsibility to Ysleta ISD is to check and newspaper advertisements for upcoming business opportunities respond to communication from Ysleta ISD by the required date ensure all communication contact information is updated PROCESS: Ysleta ISD will attempt to notify all active vendors in the following order: or facsimile If Ysleta ISD receives a “return notice” due to invalid contact information, Ysleta ISD will remove the vendor from the active vendor listing and transfer them to the in-active vendor listing. Vendors are required to notify Ysleta ISD of updated contact information to be re-instated on the active vendor listing for future
Competitive Solicitation Calendar -- Master Commodity Codes
Vendors must choose from the list provided from the bid calendar. A vendor can choose the complete commodity or only the specific calendar bids that they are interested in receiving an invitation for future information. There are 42 different commodities and 146 calendar bids
Vendor Notification of Competitive Solicitation Calendar Business Opportunities
Commodities checked in Vendor Self Service (VSS) will be notified of upcoming open solicitations, one (1) month in advance. Via fax, , or both depending on information in VSS Vendor responsible for contact information accuracy Advertise twice in El Paso Times Bid posted on Purchasing Services website
Vendor Notification of NON - Competitive Solicitation Calendar Business Opportunities
Commodities checked in Vendor Self Service (VSS) will be notified of upcoming open solicitations. Via fax, , or both depending on information in VSS Vendor responsible for contact information accuracy Advertise twice in El Paso Times Bid posted on Purchasing Services website
Under the CSP link (for example) The District Food is available.
Information about who is the champions of this bid, their telephone numbers, the closing date & time, opening date & time, the bid number to download. Included available items are the CSP agreement, the items listing, the questions and addendums (as applicable). The goal is to make sure that everyone has access to “the specification”
Submitting Bids Electronically
****** Coming Soon ****** February, 2015, Purchasing will be launching its new electronic bidding system. Stay tuned for more information.
Here you will find bids which have been awarded by Ysleta ISD
Here you will find bids which have been awarded by Ysleta ISD. If you would like to know what we are currently purchasing, the minimum buy, the cost, etc….. You must know the title, in order to find the bid information. i.e. District Food is under “D” Included also are the links to our inter-local contracts which are listed and are: Region XIX, TCPN, DIR, & TBPC
Awarded Contracts
Bid specifications update
District begins working on its calendar bids up to four months in advance. The District will contact, by , the current awarded vendors on the specific bid for suggestions on specifications. When providing suggestions to the specifications, please do not provide pricing
Providing Quotes for Catalog Bids
Only items from awarded catalogs can be quoted. Purchasing recommends including all catalogs vendors authorized to sell to be included in the proposal packet.
New and Improved Awarded Solicitation information will now be posted on the purchasing webpage. Under “Awarded Contracts” and then by solicitation title. If Board awarded, will be posted seven (7) consecutive days after award. If Administrative awarded, will be posted twenty one (21) days after the “Closing” Goal, to provide information with easier access to the vendor.
Ten (10) YISD working days are allowed for a response
This concludes the purchasing presentation
Accounting Department Contact Information Phone: Fax:
Invoice Requirements Vendors must have an approved Purchase Order before providing any goods or services to the District. The Purchase Order number must be referenced on each invoice. The invoice must include the vendor name and complete physical and/or remit address The invoice must match the Purchase Order.
Invoice Requirements, Cont’d
The invoice must be itemized. We prefer the invoice not be hand written, however if it is, please make sure the invoice is legible and calculated accurately. It is the responsibility of the vendor to make sure all invoices are sent to the Accounts Payable Department. An invoice is required in order for any payment to be processed.
Billing of Goods and Svcs
All invoices need to be mailed to: Ysleta ISD Attn: Accounts Payable Department 9600 Sims Drive El Paso, Texas 79925 OR Faxed to: (915) to: An invoice is required in order for any payment to be processed.
Payment Terms Payment terms are always net 30, unless a discount is offered for early payment. The discount must reflect on the invoice. Vendor checks are processed once a week. Check runs are scheduled on Wednesdays and ALL checks are mailed on Thursdays, with the exception of District closures.
Reasons for Payment Delays
Vendor name on Invoice does not match name on Purchase Order. Campus did NOT obtain a Purchase Order prior to placing order. The invoice exceeds the quantity approved on the PO-must go thru approval process. Incomplete shipments. Accounts Payable did not get an invoice –may have been included with shipment and not sent to A/P.
Sales Tax Exempt Form
Affidavit of Non-Receipt
This concludes the accounting presentation
Internal Auditor Shinping "Champagne" Chyi - (
Tel: ; Fax: We Trust but Verify Fraud, Abuse and Waste (FAW) Hotline: (915) , no caller ID Illegal or fraudulent acts Misuse or theft of district property or funds Waste of funds
Thank you for attending
Questions will now be entertained Discussions? Ysleta ISD would like to thank you for attending today’s workshop
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