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-Prošlo svršeno vrijeme-

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1 -Prošlo svršeno vrijeme-
Past simple tense -Prošlo svršeno vrijeme-

2 Tvorba Pravilni glagoli (regular verb)
Na infinitivnu osnovu glagola dodaje se nastavak -ed. open-otvoriti I opened /əupənd/-otvorio sam Want-željeti I wanted /wontid/-želio sam Skip-skakati I skipped-skočio sam

3 Nepravilni glagoli Bring-donijeti I brought /bro:t/-donio sam
Past simple nepravilnih glagola ne tvori se prema stalnim pravilima, već svaki glagol ima svoj oblik i uče se napamet. Bring-donijeti I brought /bro:t/-donio sam Go-ići I went /went/-išao sam Give-dati I gave /geiv/-dao sam Be-biti I /She/He/It was /woz/- bio sam You/We/They were /wєә/ bili smo

4 Odrični oblik I did not open- nisam otvorio.
Glagol do u prošlosti (did)+ not + infinitiv glagola. I did not open- nisam otvorio. He did not bring- nije donio.

5 Upitni oblik Did + subjekat + infinitiv glavnog glagola
Did you open? - Da li si otvorio? Did he bring? - Da li je donio? Did he play? Da li je svirao?

6 Past Simple Tense Quiz 3. Which sentence is correct?
a. Why she went home early?  b. Why did she go home early?  c. Why did she goes home early? 4. Which sentence is correct?  a. Where Julia and Matt ate dinner?  b. Where did Julia and Matt eat dinner?  c.  Where did Julia and Matt was ate dinner? 5.Which sentence is correct? a.  Who did he talk to?   b. Who did he talk?   c. Who he talked to? Which sentence is correct? a. Was Darren bought a car?  b. Did Darren bought a car?  c. Did Darren buy a car? 2. Which sentence is correct?  a. Who did to the store go?   b. Who did went to the store?   c. Who went to the store?

7 Napomene uz tvorbu past simple tensa
Ako se glagol završava na suglasnik ispred kojeg stoji samoglasnik krajnji suglasnik ispred -ed se duplira: plan-planned /plænd/ skip-skipped /skipt/ drag-dragged /drægd/ Krajnje -l se uvijek duplira: level-levelled /levl/ travel-travelled /trævl/

8 Ako se glagol završava na -y ispred kojeg stoji suglasnik -y se mijenja u i ispred -ed: worry-worried cry-cried marry-married Ako ispred -y stoji samoglasnik nema promjena: play-played, stay-stayed

9 Izgovor nastavka -ed * Ako se glagol završava na bezvučni suglasnik (p,k,f,s,š) nastavak -ed se izgovara T: look-looked /lukt/ skip-skipped /skipt/ laugh-laughed /la:ft/ * Ako se glalog završava na zvučan suglasnik ili samoglasnik nastavak -ed se izgovara D: open-opened /oupnd/ close-closed /klouzd/

10 mend-mended /mendid/ Ako se glagol završava na T ili
D nastavak -ed se izgovara ID: mend-mended /mendid/ wait-waited /weitid/ want-wanted /wontid/

11 Upotreba past simple tensa
Koristi se za radnju koja se završila u prošlosti. Upotrebljava se sa priloškim odredbama poput yesterday (juče), two weeks ago (prije dvije sedmice), itd. There was a strong wind yesterday. Two days ago I received a card from John.

12 I thought he was Englishman.-Mislio sam da je Englez.
* Kada se misli na neki prošli događaj iako nije prilogom označeno vrijeme dešavanja They met in Paris.- Sreli su se u Parizu. She left her umbrella in the train.- Ostavila je svoj kišobran u vozu. * U zavisnoj rečenici, ako je u glavnoj rečenici past simple (slaganje vremena) I thought he was Englishman.-Mislio sam da je Englez. The teacher told me I talked too much.- Nastavnik mi je rekao da previše pričam.

13 * Iza izraza kao: I wish (kamo sreće da); If only (kad bi barem); It is high time (krajnje je vrijeme); As if (kao da), koji označavaju nešto što nije ostvareno ili se ne može ostvariti: I wish I had new car.- Volio bih da imam novi auto. If only you were kinder to her.- Kad bih barem bio bolji prema njoj. He behaves as if he were my chief.- On se ponaša kao da je moj šef.

14 Potvrdni oblik Odrični oblik Upitni oblik
I called  I didn't call did I call? you called you didn't call did you call? he, she, it called he, she, it didn't call did he, she, it call? we called we didn't call did we call? you called you didn't call did you call? they called they didn't call did they call

15 Past Simple Tense Quiz 1.  They (pay) peid far too much for the car, in my opinion.   2.  Everything (seem) seemed so romantic in the moonlight. 3.  We (seek) sought some relief from the scorching sun in the shade. 4.  While we were waiting in the queue I (tell) told her all about the accident. 5. He (teach) taught me German. 6. The house had been on fire for half an hour when the firemen (arrive) arrived. 7.  My grandfather (die) died at the age of 77. 8.  The sun (shine) shone into the dusty room through a tiny hole in the wall. 9.  At first I could not put up with him but then I really (grow) grew fond of him.


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