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A Study In Acts 2:1-47.  Holy Spirit Baptism On All The Believers  Acts 1:15 - 120 Believers. Vs.26-2:4, vs.7, vs.14  The Promise of the Kingdom Being.

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Presentation on theme: "A Study In Acts 2:1-47.  Holy Spirit Baptism On All The Believers  Acts 1:15 - 120 Believers. Vs.26-2:4, vs.7, vs.14  The Promise of the Kingdom Being."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Study In Acts 2:1-47

2  Holy Spirit Baptism On All The Believers  Acts 1:15 - 120 Believers. Vs.26-2:4, vs.7, vs.14  The Promise of the Kingdom Being Established Later. “The Church is a Substitute.”  Kingdom Come With Power: Mk.9:1, Lk.24:49, Ac.1:8, Ac.2:1-4. Col.1:13 King Jesus - Ac.2:34, Ps.110:1-4, Zech.6:13  The Holy Spirit Saving People By A Direct Operation.  Vs.4, 11, 22, 37, 40, 41 Jn.16:7-8

3  People Being Saved By Faith Only  “Wherefore, that we are justified by faith only is a most wholesome doctrine and very full of comfort”  Vs.37-42, Jam.2:19-24 Living, Active Faith  The Baptism of Infants  Vs.36 - Believers, Vs.38 - Repent, Vs.41 - Gladly  People Joining the Church of Their Choice  Vs.41, 47 Lord Will Add You To His Church! Mt.16:18

4 1. Hear the Gospel of Christ, Rom.10:17 2. Believe in Jesus Christ – DBR, Jn.20:30-31 3. Repent and Turn to God, Luke 24:47 4. Confess Jesus Before Men, Mt.10:32 5. Be Baptized, Mark 16:16 ------------------------------------------  Be Thou Faithful Unto Death, Rev.2:10  If We Err, 2 nd Law of Pardon: Repent and Pray God, A c.8:22

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