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For my enterprise I picked fruit that was grown on our school farm and put them into crumbles. I also sold punnetts of black currants and gooseberries.

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2 For my enterprise I picked fruit that was grown on our school farm and put them into crumbles. I also sold punnetts of black currants and gooseberries. The fruit I used were: Gooseberries Raspberries Apples Black currants Strawberries Raspberries grow in the summer month along with strawberries. Gooseberries, Apples and Black currants grow in the autumn.

3 There was already fruit growing on our school farm. I tried to grow some red currants but they didn’t grow properly and the conditions weren’t right for them to grow. This was because the soil was to dry and when I watered them they still didn’t grow. I also think that the red currants didn’t grow because there wasn’t enough nutrients. If I did this again I would put fertiliser around the fruit plants, especially where the soil lacked in nutrients. The fruit I found hardest to pick and check for ripeness were the gooseberries. This was because they are a hard fruit and when picking them you get pricked from the thorns. The thorns were fine and sharp so they got into your skin easily.

4 I packed the fruit and crumbles into punnetts and foil tins. I then took them into the staff-room and put a sign next to them with the price on. This was an easy way to market my produce as there are a lot of staff that go into the staffroom. If I did this again I would put up posters around the school as another way of marketing my produce. In industry, to market produce, different methods are used. They are: Bill boards Adverts Newspaper adverts Radio and other forms of media

5 I didn’t need to pay for the water bills or the fruit I used, but I needed to buy the ingredients to make the crumbles. However the money I made from the crumbles and selling the fruit, was enough to pay for the ingredients and with money left over. Crumbles sold @ £1.50 Fruit punnetts sold @ 75p-£1 Punnetts = 12 @ £1.50 In industry I would have to pay for water/electricity/labour bills. However in my enterprise these costs were exempt.

6 I worked on the school farm and I sold the fruit and crumbles in the staff-room. On the school premises there is a school farm. Here, there were fruit plants and apples trees, which is where I got the fruit. To care for the fruit I broke away the nettles and weeds in the surrounding area to get rid of the competition surrounding the fruit. This benefits the fruit plants by making sure they get the required amount of water, nutrients and light needed to grow healthy fruit. In the staff room I set up a table in order to sell my fruit and crumbles. There is a small kitchen area where I prepared the fruit and set them out into the punnetts.

7 I did most of the work, but I had help from Mr Wedgwood, Ed barker and Mrs North. I didn’t need a lot of help but I needed advice on how much to sell the produce at and whether the fruit was ripe yet. In industry there would be a big workforce: Fruit collectors Marketers Fruit sorters Advertisers Packagers Producers Deliverers Consumers

8 When I was out on the school farm picking the fruit I wore wellies and I had overalls on. When I made the fruit crumbles I made sure that my hair was tied back, so that it didn’t go near the food and I washed my hands when necessary. In industry these precautions are taken: Rubber gloves Blue plasters (when an injury and occurred) Hair nets White coats Steal capped boots/Wellies Washing hands when necessary

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