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Assistive Technology – Computer Software and Apps as Support for Students with Reading and Writing Difficulties/Dyslexia in Higher Education Emma Kjellén.

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Presentation on theme: "Assistive Technology – Computer Software and Apps as Support for Students with Reading and Writing Difficulties/Dyslexia in Higher Education Emma Kjellén."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistive Technology – Computer Software and Apps as Support for Students with Reading and Writing Difficulties/Dyslexia in Higher Education Emma Kjellén Dyslexia Counsellor at University of Borås

2  13 300 students (5900 full-time)  680 employees  Library and Information Studies  Fashion and Textile Studies  Business and Informatics  Behavioural and Education Sciences  Engineering  Health Sciences The University of Borås

3  Special pedagogical support  2013: 194 students (114)  Coordinator for students with functional disabilities, 75 %  Dyslexia counsellor, 100 %  Language and speech support Support for students with functional disabilities

4  Academic writing  Oral presentation  Pedagogical language support for students with Swedish as a second language  Speech anxiety support/Public speaking course  Pedagogical guidance for students with reading and writing disabilities/dyslexia  Information/coordinating special pedagogical support  Dyslexia assessments  Academic writing  Study skills  Software and apps (compensate, improve and facilitate) Language and speech support Lecturer in Swedish and English Dyslexia counsellor (Speech and language therapist)

5 Student needs and comments Are you interested in trying out reading and writing software or apps together with the Dyslexia counsellor? If you’re interested in trying out software or apps – what kind of guidance do you prefer? Try on my own (with tutorial video online)1129 % Individual guidance924 % I’m not interested821 % Drop in (no time booking)411 % Try on my own (with written instruction)38 % Group workshop25 % Other13 % Web or phone meeting00 %

6 Guidance – Assistive technology Computer software Apps  Text-to-speech software  Spelling software  Scanner, translation, screen ruler, colour filter…  One hour  ”Hands-on”  Followed up by tutorial videos  Reading and writing apps  iPhone/iPad (Android, Windows mobile…)  One hour  ”Hands-on”  Handout – list of apps Drop in  Talking books, software, apps (including software and apps for talking books)  Library assistant and Dyslexia counsellor

7 ”The iPad Project”  3 iPads  4 weeks loan  One hour guidance  One hour follow-up/assessment  Reading and writings apps

8 Text-to-speech Glossary & translation Talking books Scanner Reading

9 Mindmaps Speech recognition Note taking (audio notes) Word prediction Writing

10 Student comments  I feel more independent being able to do it myself. (Jenny, 21, iPhone user, second semester)  I didn’t get it, I didn’t understand the apps or the tablet. I wanted more guidance but didn’t have the time. (Susanne, 39, Android user, first semester)  Great! Fantastic [Prizmo]! Really nice to try these apps out, I didn’t know that they existed. (Martin, 24, iPhone and iPad user, fourth semester)  Individual needs and adjustments!

11 Future ambitions…  Tutorial videos?  A ”tutorial website”?  Android tablet?  Other tablets?  Additional ”drop ins”?

12 Contact  E-mail:  Phone: 033 435 4310

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