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 MAISA Summer Conference Lansing, MI, June 20-21, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: " MAISA Summer Conference Lansing, MI, June 20-21, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1  MAISA Summer Conference Lansing, MI, June 20-21, 2012

2  Section 22(f) of the State School Aid Act  Local Districts and Public School Academies eligible  $154 million available statewide  $100 per pupil  Districts must meet 4 out of the 5 criteria  Criteria: o 90/10 Cap on employee benefit premiums o District is policyholder o Enter into Service Consolidation Plan o Obtain competitive bids on non-instructional service valued at $50,000 or more o Dashboard on district website

3 Per MDE, 714 districts (LEA’s and PSA’s) received funding under this categorical:  191 Districts met all requirements  366 Districts didn’t choose 90/10 Premium Cap  59 Districts didn’t choose Service Consolidation Plans  51 Districts didn’t choose Competitive Bid  42 Districts didn’t choose Policyholder  5 Districts didn’t choose Dashboard link

4  Section 22(f) of the Comprehensive Education Fund  Local Districts and Public School Academies eligible  $80 million available statewide  $52 per pupil  Districts must meet 7 out of the 8 criteria  Due date: June 1, 2013  Distributes any remaining balance to all qualifying districts with a foundation less than $8,019 on an equal per pupil basis

5 Criteria: o District is policyholder o Obtain competitive bids on 1 or more non-instructional service ($50,000 threshold has been removed) o Dashboard on district website o Participate in Schools of Choice under Section 105 or 105C o Measure student growth in each subject area at least twice during school year using online assessments and report results o Provide dual enrollment and other opportunities for postsecondary coursework o Provide online learning opportunities o Provide physical education OR health classes that meet State Board of Education standards

6  New for 2012-13  Section 81(7) of the Comprehensive Education Fund  $2 million available statewide  3.2% of Section 81 Allocation  Must meet 4 out of the 5 criteria  Due date: June 1, 2013

7 Criteria: o Enter into agreement with MDE to develop a service consolidation plan in 2012-13 to reduce costs and implement plan in 2013-14 and report to MDE by February 1, 2014 on its progress o Obtain competitive bids on 1 or more non-instructional service valued at $50,000 or more for itself or its constituent districts

8 Criteria: o Develop a technology plan on behalf of all of its constituent districts to integrate technology into classrooms and prepare teachers to use digital technology for instruction o Work in a consortium with one or more ISDs to develop information management system requirements and bid specifications that can be used as statewide models including student management systems, learning management tools, and business services

9 Criteria:  Provide parents and community members a Dashboard demonstrating the ISD’s efforts to manage its finances responsibly  Include data for the three most recent school years on the following items: a) A list of services offered by the ISD shared by other locals or ISDs and list of districts and ISDs that participate b) Total cost savings to local or other ISDs that share services with the ISD c) The number and percentage of teachers in the ISD service area that are trained to integrate technology into the classroom d) The total funds received from levying SE and VE millages and the number of pupils served with these dollars e) The number and percentage of IEP’s developed for SE students that contain academic goals

10  Section 22(g): Consolidation Innovation Grants $10 million for competitive assistance grants to districts and ISDs for reimbursement of transition costs associated with consolidation of operations or services between 2 or more districts, ISDs or other local unit of government. Funding for consolidations that occur on or after June 1, 2012  Section 22(i): Technology Infrastructure Grants $50 million for competitive assistance grants (not to exceed $2 million per district) to districts or ISDs on behalf of their constituent districts for access to a computer-adaptive test or for the development or improvement of a district’s technology infrastructure including hardware and software, in preparation for the planned implementation in 2014-15 of online growth assessments

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