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The Status of GIS in St.Kitts as it relates to Census Mapping Presented by: Graeme A. Browne.

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Presentation on theme: "The Status of GIS in St.Kitts as it relates to Census Mapping Presented by: Graeme A. Browne."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Status of GIS in St.Kitts as it relates to Census Mapping Presented by: Graeme A. Browne

2 Outline of Presentation History of GIS in St. Kitts Training Constraints Data Constraints Where we are today with GIS

3 History The Department of Physical Planning received the following items in August 1997 from the French Government. 24” Micron Monitor and Computer Hewlett Packard Plotter Calcomp digitizing tablet/board Arc View 3X Arc Info

4 Equipment received Digitizing tablet H. P. Plotter Computer

5 In 1997, three staff members received training in GIS at an introductory level. Mr. Esdel Daniel Mr. Quincy Alexander Mr. Graeme Browne

6 Upon Mr. Daniel’s departure in 1999, we applied to UNDP for training and a consultant was sent to provide training and technical assistance in the person of Mr. C. F. Bari. During his 2 year period he provided training for the physical planning staff and statistical staff. Mr. Quincy Alexander left the staff in 2005, he migrated to America leaving only Mr. G. Browne as the only trained GIS personnel.

7 Training Constraints Apart from Mr. Esdel Daniel who received advanced training in GIS, no other staff member has since then received advanced training in GIS and most were self taught using ESRI tutorials and free online training.

8 Data Constraints Upon receiving the ESRI software, we had no digital data to begin work with. Therefore, over a 2-3 year period we were digitizing our data from 1983 hard copy maps which were not up to date. In late 2001 we received a satellite image from which we started generating more up to date map and data sets.

9 The Statistical Department conducted the 2001 National Census and the maps required had to be hand drawn using a cut and paste method because our digital data base were not yet up to date with recent information which was required to conduct the survey.

10 Sample of 2001 Census Map

11  After the 2001 census the Physical Planning Department along with the statistical department embarked on a project to input the census boundaries into our GIS database with the intention of using the GIS to generate the survey maps for the 2010 National Census.  This was more difficult than envisioned considering that St. Kitts does not have a national postal addressing system and only a few buildings have house numbers. Also, not all the streets have names.

12  Apart from those constraints we encountered, the boundary descriptions weren’t clearly defined (i.e) some boundary descriptions were using imaginary lines which was difficult to interpret.  New housing divisions that were laid out was done using AUTOCAD, therefore we had to make the updates in AUTOCAD then import them into GIS shapefiles, which sometimes accounted for the lost of data. However, notwithstanding all these obstacles, we were able to generate a map to the satisfaction of the Chief Statistician- Ms. Beverly Harris.

13 Sample of 2010 Census Map

14 THE END Thank YOU FOR Listening

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