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IT Infrastructure MGMT 661, Dannelly Night 2, Part 1 Chapters 3 and 5.

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Presentation on theme: "IT Infrastructure MGMT 661, Dannelly Night 2, Part 1 Chapters 3 and 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT Infrastructure MGMT 661, Dannelly Night 2, Part 1 Chapters 3 and 5

2 What is "IT Infrastructure" Computing Platforms Data and Voice Telecom Networks Application Software Physical Facilities IT Management IT Policies IT Education Services

3 IT's Impacts on Productivity Easier for managers to oversee larger numbers of workers IT can substitute for some labor ▫Hardware is getting cheaper, while labor costs are increasing Networks decrease transaction costs ▫easier to outsource ▫improved supply chain management Flatter Organization Laudon section 3.2

4 IT Flattens Organizations Laudon Figure 3-8 Why?

5 IT for Competitive Advantage Product Differentiation Market Niche Customer Intimacy Core Competency Enhancement ▫via Internal information sharing Easier to Create Synergies ▫via External information sharing Laudon Chapter 3

6 IT Ecosystem Figure 5-10

7 Standards Microsoft Windows v. The World

8 Evolution of IT Mainframes Minicomputers PCs (microcomputers) PCs + Networks Enterprise Computing Laudon section 5.1

9 Why the Evolution? 1.Moore's Law 2.Declining Communication Costs 3.Costs of Storage 4.Standards

10 Storage Cost 1 GB in 1995 ($15,000) and 1GB Today

11 Future Infrastructure Trends  Cloud Computing  Software as a Service = subscription to a cloud-based application  Server Virtualization  Autonomic Computing  self repairing computers  more Grid Computing  supercomputers on the cheap Laudon section 5.3

12 Exercise Management Decision Problem #1 on Page 197 Univ of Pitt Med Center ▫Is there a problem with their infrastructure? ▫List factors to consider in deciding if a replacement is needed.

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