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Where is IT Asset Management in ITIL? Nicole Conboy, NCA IT Service & Asset Management Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Where is IT Asset Management in ITIL? Nicole Conboy, NCA IT Service & Asset Management Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where is IT Asset Management in ITIL? Nicole Conboy, NCA IT Service & Asset Management Consultant

2 NCA 20062 What is “IT Asset Management”? Inventory Collection “What” Asset Tracking “Where / Who” SW License Management “How Used” IT Asset Management “How Much” Configuration Management “How Related” 1000 122 200 Net Book Value Configuration Items (CI’s) ?

3 NCA 20063 How do you do IT Asset Management? Inventory Collection  Snapshot of IT assets (wall to wall)  Requires an inventory repository  Use of scan tools will increase accuracy and efficiency Asset Tracking  Requires Change Management (or IMAC) to authorize changes and notify asset data base administrator  Requires an asset repository and scan tools/site visit to verify DB  Requires user verification for accuracy (use Incident Management) HW and/or SW IT Asset Management (full lifecycle management)  Uses ITIL Incident, Change, Release, Configuration, Capacity, Financial and Service Level Management processes  Requires interface to Contract Management (Warranty, Maintenance)  Understand TCO of IT Assets  Requires accurate reports

4 NCA 20064 What about Software License and Configuration Management? Software License Management (metering and monitoring)  Requires Asset DB, Metering/Monitoring tools, Discovery tools, DSL  Uses ITIL Change, Financial, Capacity, Configuration and Release Management processes  Requires interface to Contract Management, Procurement  Requires HW Asset tracking Configuration Management  Requires CMDB (with functionality to define relationships)  Discovery tools will increase accuracy  Uses NW diagrams and build information  Includes documentation  Requires Change and Release Management for accuracy  Service Level Management will ensure success through continuous improvement, SLA’s, UC’s and OLAs

5 NCA 20065 ITIL processes assisting with IT Asset Management Configuration Management Plan and Identify CI’s, Control CMDB, Track CI Status through lifecycle Audit/Verify CI Data, Produce reports Change Management Authorizes changes to CI’s/assets Financial Management for IT Assists with determining budgets, depreciation methods Allocates cost types to assets (CIs) Uses HW/SW costs/details for use in cost models, plans, TCO Release Management Orders HW/SW for release – maintains DSL and DHS Maintains Documentation (licenses, contracts, procedures) Capacity Management Determines correct capacity of resources (CI’s) for business (plans) Monitor usage and allocate licenses accordingly Incident Management Service Request = Standard Change, procedures to update CMDB Report CI discrepancies Service Level Management Define requirements, deliverables for IT Asset Services Create SLA, UC, OLA

6 NCA 20066 ITIL’s Software Asset Management book  Assists with business case and benefits  Provides guidance on implementation  Identifies potential CI’s and attributes to track  Describes license types  Discusses tools Not prescriptive!

7 Implementing Asset/Configuration Management

8 NCA 20068 Why invest in IT Asset or Configuration Management? Legal compliance i.e. Sarbanes-Oxley, Privacy Software license compliance Assist high-availability Improve management of IT resources (people, tools) Increase user efficiency Reuse of assets/Recovery of lost assets Timely lease returns Relieve tax burdens Secure, timely product removal Address vendor challenges or invoice errors Improve warranty service

9 NCA 20069 Use a standard improvement method Measurements Implement Plan Assess Vision High level business objectives and requirements Understand where you are - strengths/weaknesses in people, processes, technology, investment Where you want to be and target timeframe Activities to close gap to target KPI’s to determine if the target was met Continuous Improvement

10 NCA 200610 Complexity Payback Mainframe Desktop Software Network PDA Telecom Cable Server Cellular Printer Laptop Select CI’s with the highest ROI Docs Wireless

11 NCA 200611 Use a phased approach Inventory Collection Asset Tracking Configuration Management HW Asset Management SW Asset Management SW License Management by:  Asset type  Configuration Item  Location  Customer Group  Service

12 NCA 200612 Don’t forget the CSF’s! People  Process Manager, Configuration Librarian, SME’s, training, ownership, roles and responsibilities, etc. Processes  Configuration, Change, Financial, Release, Capacity, Incident, Policies, Procedures, Work Instructions, etc. Technology  CMDB, Scan tools, DSL, metering/monitoring tools, order tools, etc. Information  Data, reports, exceptions, audits, recommendations, plans, etc.

13 NCA 200613 Additional tips for success Determine who owns the program (IT, Finance, Procurement?) Create Program Governance Establish a Process Owner/Process Manager Identify SME’s for each asset class and function in the lifecycle Manage the program with Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) Include requirements in SLA’s, OLA’s and UC’s Promote understanding/compliance with policies, process, standards Standardize procedures to improve activities Ensure financial and audit controls are in place Assess, implement and integrate tools to enable the process Provide common and consistent interfaces for asset acquisition, financial management and disposal across the organization Enable information to be easily accessible in a timely manner Reduce the cost of managing assets Establish a continuous improvement program to add value Keep it simple

14 NCA 200614 Thank You! Nicole Conboy Nicole Conboy & Associates (416)203-1840 NCA Partners: Ahead Technology, Burntsand, Micromation Inc., Procept Associates, Tony Grice & Associates

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