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The IT Association for Telecommunications. SHARING KNOWLEDGE IS OUR STRENGTH ETIS is a membership based organisation which brings together the major telecommunications.

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Presentation on theme: "The IT Association for Telecommunications. SHARING KNOWLEDGE IS OUR STRENGTH ETIS is a membership based organisation which brings together the major telecommunications."— Presentation transcript:

1 The IT Association for Telecommunications

2 SHARING KNOWLEDGE IS OUR STRENGTH ETIS is a membership based organisation which brings together the major telecommunications providers in Europe to share knowledge on key information and communication technology issues in a trusted environment. This is our Story

3 KEY FACTS Non-profit organisation located in Brussels +- 30 European Telecom operators as Members Working Groups covering main pillars of the IT & Technology in Telcos +20 years of sharing knowledge


5 MISSION & GOALS Our Mission is to enable members to improve business performance through personal exchange of information on using ICT effectively 3. 1. Members engaged in Working Groups & Task Forces 2. Transfer of knowledge & best practices 3. Active online community & networking 4. Benchmarking & surveys

6 Working Groups Billing & Revenue Management Business Intelligence Digital Sales & Service Procurement & Vendor Management Anti-Abuse Telco Network CERT/SOC Telco Network TeBIT Benchmarking Study CIO Executive Forum Enterprise Architecture Information Security

7 COMMON CHALLENGES Working together to overcome our industry's major IT Network/IT cost cutting & simplification pressure IT transformation, portfolio reduction & retiring legacy High costs for infrastructure & investments in new technology Increased competition from OTTs driving broadband appetite, adding pressure on network resources Cyber Security threats on the rise

8 TELCO OPPORTUNITIES New technologies & strategies enabling simplicity, efficiency & agility IT as an enabler for new Telco Business models & services Innovation & Growth opportunities in Cloud, Big Data, M2M & Digital Services Partnership between traditional & non-traditional service providers

9 REASONS to be part of the ETIS Network Trusted platform created by Telcos, for Telcos Share real world IT business practices & get concrete solutions Access to Telco specific best practices, benchmarking & surveys Sharing knowledge on business performance, governance, efficiency & cost reduction 7

10 Networking potential with important players and peers in the industry Join an active, feature-rich ETIS Online Community Drive the strategic direction of ETIS Working Groups, topics & activities

11 ETIS KNOWLEDGE HUB Website ETIS news & tweets Events & registrations Working Group info Membership & reports Members Area Collaboration Personal profile WG activity stream File libraries Networking & contacts Surveys & wikis Forums, blogs & walls Messaging & chat Pics & social media

12 ETIS Central Office Avenue Louise 331 1050 Brussels Tel. +32 2 223 07 71 @etisorg Sharing knowledge is our strength…

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