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Ruolo delle correlazioni superconduttive in conduttori mesoscopici: utilizzo per l’implementazione di rilevatori quantistici Francesco Giazotto NEST Istituto.

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Presentation on theme: "Ruolo delle correlazioni superconduttive in conduttori mesoscopici: utilizzo per l’implementazione di rilevatori quantistici Francesco Giazotto NEST Istituto."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ruolo delle correlazioni superconduttive in conduttori mesoscopici: utilizzo per l’implementazione di rilevatori quantistici Francesco Giazotto NEST Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR & Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italia Universita’ di Perugia 15 Aprile 2010

2 Collaboration J. T. Peltonen M. Meschke J. P. Pekola
Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology, 02015TKK, Finland

3 Outline Part I: Andreev reflection and proximity effect in superconducting hybrid systems – impact on the density of states Basic concepts of electron transport in hybrid systems: AR and PE Proximity-induced modification of the DOS Probing the proximized DOS: experiments with tunnel junctions and STM spectroscopy Consequences Part II: Superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor (SQUIPT) Theoretical behavior of the SQUIPT Structure fabrication details Experimental results and comparison with theory Advantages Future perspectives

4 Andreev reflection in SN contacts
BdG equations BTK, PRB 25, 4515 (1982)

5 Normal metal (Semiconductor)
Proximity effect and supercurrent S N Metallic contact between a normal metal and a superconductor Reflected hole Incident electron Superconductor Normal metal (Semiconductor) Cooper pair Andreev reflection S N Electron-hole correlations: proximity effect Supercurrent Andreev bound states (ABS)

6 Proximity effect in SNS systems: basic formalism
Diffusive mesoscopic N wire: quasi-1D geometry L >L >> le D = diffusion coefficient  = superconducting order parameter  = macroscopic phase of the order parameter ETh = D/L2 Thouless energy Usadel equations LDOS LDOS properties: N(-E) = N(E) Eg for |E|  Eg Eg( = 0)  3.2ETh for >>ETh Eg( = ) = 0

7 Modification of the LDOS in SNS systems due to proximity effect
J. C. Cuevas et al., PRB 73, (2006) Length and position dependence J. C. Hammer et al., PRB 76, (2007) Phase dependence

8 Spatial spectroscopy of PE probed with tunnel junctions
Al/Cu SN structure with tunnel probes

9 Phase-dependence of PE probed with STM spectroscopy
Al/Ag SNS proximity SQUIDs

10 Phase-dependence of PE probed with STM spectroscopy
Experiment to theory comparison H. le Sueur et al., PRL 100, (2008) Phase-evolution of PE Full phase-control of the minigap amplitude

11 I) -tuning of specific heat: quantum control of a thermodynamic variable
H. Rabani, F. Taddei, F. G. and R. Fazio, JAP 105, (2009); H. Rabani, F. Taddei, R. Fazio, and F. G., PRB 78, (2008) Electron entropy Electron specific heat

12 II) -tuning of e-ph interaction: quantum control of relaxation
T. T. Heikkila and F. G., PRB 79, (2009)

13 Sensitivity through proximity

14 SQUIPT: a novel quantum interferometer
Active manipulation of the DOS of a proximity N metal Phase control (through magnetic flux) Detection (through tunnel junctions) High sensitivity for flux detection

15 SQUIPT: fabrication details and configurations
Shadow-mask evaporation 27 nm 25 Oxidation 4.4 mbar 5’ (tunnel junctions) 27 nm -25 60 nm 60 (clean SN interfaces) Fabrication details Geometry and materials details L  1.5 m Probe width  200 nm N wire width  240 nm SN overlapping  250 nm Rt  k LG  40 pH IJ  3 A  = 200 eV

16 SQUIPT (theo): prediction of its behavior in the current-bias mode
A-type configuration quasiparticle current Usadel equations

17 SQUIPT (theo): current-voltage characteristic vs 
N-region DOS Calculation parameters from the samples: T = 0.1 Tc Tc = 1.3 K ETh = 4 eV D = 110 cm2/s (Cu) = 200 eV Rt = 50 k Low-temperature I-V characteristic modulation amplitude  to V transformer

18 SQUIPT (theo): voltage modulation and transfer function
Voltage modulation V() Features: nonmonotonic behavior in I change of concavity Transfer function V/ Features: nonmonotonic behavior in I change of sign

19 A-type SQUIPT (exp): current-voltage characteristic vs 
Rt = 50 k T = 68 mK Rt = 50 k T = 53 mK Theory Coherent modulation of the N DOS

20 A-type SQUIPT (exp): Josephson coupling in the proximity metal
Rt = 50 k T = 68 mK IJ  17 pA Rt = 50 k T = 53 mK 0  0.17 Oe A  120 m2

21 A-type SQUIPT (exp): voltage modulation vs 
Rt = 50 k T = 54 mK V  1 nA Change of concavity theory exp  50-60% theory device parameters non ideal phase-biasing

22 A-type SQUIPT (exp): transfer function
Rt = 50 k T = 54 mK V/  30 V/0 @ 1 nA theory

23 B-type SQUIPT (exp): voltage modulation vs  and transfer function
Rt = 70 k T = 53 mK V  1 nA V/  60 V/0 @ 0.6 nA Rt = 70 k T = 53 mK doubled response in B-type SQUIPT

24 A-type SQUIPT (exp): temperature dependence
Rt = 50 k I = 1 nA change of concavity between 376 mK and 411 mK Rt = 50 k I = 1 nA

25 SQUIPT: dissipation and flux sensitivity
Power dissipation Pdiss = VI  100 fW increasing the probing junction resistance lowered DC SQUIDS 4-5 orders of magnitude smaller in the SQUIPT Ultralow dissipation cryogenic applications Flux sensitivity NEF = <V2N>1/2/|V/|1/2 NPre  1.2 nV/Hz1/2 NEF  2  10-5 0/Hz1/2 NEF  4  10-7 0/Hz1/2 with Nb (1.5 meV) and L = 150 nm

26 SQUIPT: advantages simple DC readout scheme, similar to DC SQUID
current- or voltage-biased measurements flexibility in farication parameters and materials (semiconductors NWs, carbon nanotubes, graphene) Nb or V to enhance response and operating temperature ultralow dissipation (1-100 fW) implementation in series or parallel array for enhanced output implementation with S coolers to “actively” tune the working temperature

27 SQUIPT: future perspectives
Short junction limit (<<ETh) Al and L = 150 nm (i) (ii) V SNS junction SQUIPT C. Pascual Garcia and F. G., APL 94, (2009) (iii) Noise? Both theory and experiment

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