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G. Hobler, G. Otto, D. Kovac L. Palmetshofer1, K. Mayerhofer², K

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Presentation on theme: "G. Hobler, G. Otto, D. Kovac L. Palmetshofer1, K. Mayerhofer², K"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiscale Approach for the Analysis of Channeling Profile Measurements of Ion Implantation Damage
G. Hobler, G. Otto, D. Kovac L. Palmetshofer1, K. Mayerhofer², K. Piplits² 1 Inst. Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Univ. Linz ² Inst. Chem. Technol. and Analytics, TU Vienna Institute of Solid-State Electronics

2 Damage Models in BC Simulations
Traditional model: defect positions: generated statistically atom positions: random interstitial model dynamic annealing: „recombination factor“ Proposed model: defect positions: trace each defect during the whole simulation atom positions: take from ab-initio simulations dynamic annealing: kinetic lattice Monte Carlo simulation (kLMC) after each collision cascade

3 Overview Introduction BC-kLMC approach
Application to channeling profile measurement (CPM) experiments Introduction: implant damage and implant damage modeling

4 Damage Measurements Channeling profile RBS

5 Channeling Implantations
Fit dose dependence of channeling implantation profiles  recombination factor frec=0.125 Nsat=41021cm-2 (G.Hobler et al., J. Vac. Sci. Technol B14 (1) 272, 1996)

6 Channeling Profile Measurements
Measure pre-existing crystal damage with a low-dose channeling implant (M. Giles et al., MRS Symp. Proc. 469, 253, 1997)

7 The Role of Dynamic Annealing in Si
Temperature dependence of implant damage: (J.E. Westmoreland et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 15, 308, 1969)

8 The Role of Dynamic Annealing in Si
Dose-rate dependence of implant damage: 70µA/cm² 0.14µA/cm² T=300K (O.W. Holland et al., Rad. Eff. 90, 127, 1985)

9 Overview Introduction BC-kLMC approach
Application to channeling profile measurement (CPM) experiments Introduction: implant damage and implant damage modeling

10 Coupled BC-kLMC Approach
Traditional approach: BUT: type and amount of defects influence BC trajectories (dechanneling) point defects BC loop over cascades 1 cascade as used for annealing simulations at elevated temperatures kLMC point defects + clusters

11 Coupled BC-kLMC Approach
Proposed new approach: defects atom positions for each defect loop over cascades BC old defects + new point defects kLMC point defects + clusters

12 Details of kLMC Each defect is associated with one or more lattice sites Defects: Vn, In (n=1,2,3,...) Events: Diffusion hops (I, V) Reactions of defects located within capture radius Vn+V  Vn Vn+I  Vn In+I In In+V In-1 Parameters: DV=310-13 cm²/s DI=6.3510-17 cm²/s (Capture radii)

13 Details of kLMC „Old“ defects: restricted to column (periodic boundary conditions) „New“ defects: anywhere Interaction between „new“ and „old“ defects: Using periodicity of „old“ defects (x,y) parallel to the surface

14 Details of BC Read defects from kLMC (columnar domain)
Use periodicity to generate defects around projectile Atom positions from ab-initio calculations (VASP) defect structure strain around defect All defects composed of individual I and V (currently) stain fields of I and V superposed

15 Overview Introduction BC-kLMC approach
Application to channeling profile measurement (CPM) experiments Introduction: implant damage and implant damage modeling

16 CPM Experiments Damage implant: N, 30 keV, 31014 cm-², 10° tilt
CPM implant: B, 30 keV, 1013 cm-2, 0° tilt (110)-Si shield

17 CPM Experiments Results:

18 CPM Simulation Results
Simulation results without strain:

19 CPM Simulation Results
Strain from vacancies:

20 CPM Simulation Results
Strain from interstitials:

21 What is wrong? Lack of amorphous pockets?
Defects: Vn, In (n=1,2,3,...) Events: Diffusion hops (I, V) Reactions of defects located within capture radius Vn+V  Vn Vn+I  Vn In+I In In+V In-1 Parameters: DV=310-13 cm²/s DI=6.3510-17 cm²/s (Capture radii) Lack of amorphous pockets?

22 What is wrong? Lack of amorphous pockets? NO
Defects: Vn, In (n=1,2,3,...) Events: Diffusion hops (I, V) Reactions of defects located within capture radius Vn+V  Vn Vn+I  Vn In+I In In+V In-1 Parameters: DV=310-13 cm²/s DI=6.3510-17 cm²/s (Capture radii) Lack of amorphous pockets? NO Approximate treatment of I-Clusters?

23 What is wrong? I-Clusters:
Similar study on RBS-C: Efficiency of I2, I3, I4 within 40% of split-110 interstitial I I2 I3 I4a I4b 80% of interstitial atoms in clusters with size <= 4 (G. Lulli et al., Phys. Rev. B69, , 2004)

24 What is wrong? Lack of amorphous pockets? NO
Defects: Vn, In (n=1,2,3,...) Events: Diffusion hops (I, V) Reactions of defects located within capture radius Vn+V  Vn Vn+I  Vn In+I In In+V In-1 Parameters: DV=310-13 cm²/s DI=6.3510-17 cm²/s (Capture radii) Lack of amorphous pockets? NO Approximate treatment of I-Clusters? Probably not Attraction of I+Vn, V+In and/or Repulsion of I+In, V+Vn

25 Conclusions New approach for implant damage simulations
coupled BC and kLMC atom positions from ab-initio Consistent simulation of both defect generation and analysis Simulations yield too much damage  need to use interaction radii to favor recombination and/or reaction barriers to impede clustering

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